LEO Meaning
The LEO meaning is "Law Enforcement Officers". The LEO abbreviation has 119 different full form.
LEO Full Forms
- Law Enforcement Officers Government, Military, Firearm, Crime, Police
- Law Enforcement Officer Government, Military, Police, Adult, Bag, Bdsm, Medical, Physiology
- Low Earth Orbital Technology, Science, Satellite
- Low Earth Orbits Technology, Military
- Low Earth Orbit Technology, Army, Astronomy, Force, Telecom, Marine
- Law Enforcement Official Military, Crime, Police
- Lifelong Educational Opportunities
- Long-Term Ecological Observatory
- Law Enforcement Office Government, Police, Officer
- Live Electronic Orchestra
- Leading Empowered Organizations
- Limite De Exposi
- Low-Earth Orbits
- Law of Exceptional Outcome Government, Law, Legal, Jurisprudence
- Local Election Official Government, Voting, Ballot
- Laboratory Evaluation Officer
- Learning Education Online
- Life Enrichment Options Business, Washington, Autism
- Long-Term Ecosystem Observatory Technology, Science, Ocean
- Law Enforcement Operations Military, Crime, Police
- Leading Edge Only
- Limites De Exposição Ocupacional
- Low-Earth Urbital
- Law Enforcement Opportunities
- Local Elected Officials Government, City, Workforce
- Laboratoire D'Economie D'Orl
- Learning English Online Education, Teaching, Language
- Leitungsendgeraet, Optisch Technology
- Lomp En Onbehouwen
- Law Enforcement Operation
- Leading Empowered Organisations Business, Management, Administration, Goverance
- Limite De Exposição Ocupacional
- Low-Earth Orbiter
- Law Enforcement Organizations Military, Police, Agent
- Lecal Elected Official Service, Government, Workforce
- Link Everything Online Technology, German, Computing, Internet
- Learn English Online
- Low Earth Ozbiting Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
- Lehigh Earth Observatory
- Logitics and Engineering Operations Military
- Law Enforcement Only Business, Gun, Military, Education, Scientific & Educational
- Light Experimental Ordnance
- Low-Earth Orbit Technology, Science, Computing
- Law Enforcement Organization Military, Police, Agent
- Local Earth Observation
- Law Enforcement Online Security, Organizations, Police
- Lynn Economic Opportunity Community, Massachusetts, Lynn, Plow
- Learn Earn Own Business, Technology, Coin, Bitcoin
- Law Earth Obit
- Legal Entity Object
- Local Enterprise Rffice Business, Technology, Ireland
- Labour Exchange Office
- Light Emitting Organic
- Low-Earth Orbiting Technology, Education, Climate, Ams
- Law Enforcment Officer
- Lobster Eye Optics
- Lateral Epitaxial Overgrowth Science, Substrate, Nitride, Chemistry
- Lunar Explprations Orbiter Technology, Space, Moon
- Learn and Earn Online
- Limited Exclusion Order
- Low Eaxth-Orbit
- Legal Education Opportunity Education, Law, School
- Local Enterprise Organisation
- Labour Enforcement Officer
- Lifelong Education for The Ophthalmologist
- Long-Term Equity Options Business, Technology, Finance, Stock Exchange, Business & Finance, Business Word
- Law Enforcement Officials Military, Law, Police, Officer, Hacker
- Lnvestock Extension Officer Animal, Husbandry, Uttarakhand
- Leander Extended Opportunity
- Limites De Exposi
- Low Earth-Orbiting
- Lzcal End Office Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Laboratory of Experimental Oncology
- Legal Education Opportunities Education, Law, School
- Dreyfus Strategic Municipals, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
- Lower Extremity Oedeha
- Language Education Nptions
- Listen, Enrich, Optimize Business, Book, Quality, Cream
- Low Earth Orbiter Technology, Satellite, Orbit
- Leadership Experience and Opportunity Army, War, Force
- Lasers and Electro-Optics Society Computing, Master IEEE, Chemistry
- Littoral Environment Observation Technology
- Lowes Earth Orbits Technology
- Low Earth Orbiting Federal Aviation Administration, NASA
- The Louisville Eccentric Observer Media, Radio, Television
- Lioré-Et-Olivier Technology, Aircraft, France
- Low Tarth Orbiters Technology, Science, Orbit
- Leadership Experience Opportunities Technology, Club, Opportunity
- Linking Efficiently Online Computing, Internet
- Lithuanian Electricity Organisation Technology, Plant, Lithuania
- Low Equqtorial Orbit Technology
- Loose Electron Oxidation Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Lyonls Electronic Office
- Lingua Et Opinio
- Leadership Experience Opportunity Organizations, Club, Lions
- Low Earth Orbit (satellite communications) Military, Aviation, Army, Space, Astronomy, Computing, Aerospace, Telecom, Aerospace Engineering, Astronautics, Electrical, Spaceflight, Geographic, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, IT Terminology
- Lithuanian Electricity Organization Technology, Energy, Power
- Low Energy Oxfice Technology, Malaysia, Building
- Leading An Empowered Organisation
- Leconi Airport, Leconi, Gabon Gabon
- Lincoln Education Online
- Leadership, Experience, and Opportunity Organizations, Club, Leadership, Lions
- Lisburn Enterprise Organisation Business, Technology, Ireland
- Literary Education Online
- Low Elliptical Orbit
- Leaders of East Orlando
- Low-Earth-Orbit Computing, Telecom
- Leadership, Experience, Opportunity Organizations, Club, Leadership
- Librating Equidistant Observer
- Literacy, Education and Outreach
- Low Sarth Observation
- Leadership In Enabling Occupation
- Lyons Electronic Office Software, Computing
- Lunar Explorhtion Orbiter Technology, Space, Germany
- Leadership, Experience and Opportunity Education, Club, Lions
- Learning Optimizer
- Listen-Enrich-Optimize Business, Management, Power, Quality
- Low-Earth Orbit Satellite System Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
- Leadership Enterprise Opportunity
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does LEO stand for?
LEO stands for Low-Earth Orbiter.
What is the shortened form of Law Enforcement Opportunities?
The short form of "Law Enforcement Opportunities" is LEO.
LEO. Acronym24.com. (2021, December 15). Retrieved February 23, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/leo-meaning/
Last updated