LEO Meaning

The LEO meaning is "Law Enforcement Officers". The LEO abbreviation has 119 different full form.

LEO Full Forms

  1. Law Enforcement Officers Government, Military, Firearm, Crime, Police
  2. Law Enforcement Officer Government, Military, Police, Adult, Bag, Bdsm, Medical, Physiology
  3. Low Earth Orbital Technology, Science, Satellite
  4. Low Earth Orbits Technology, Military
  5. Low Earth Orbit Technology, Army, Astronomy, Force, Telecom, Marine
  6. Law Enforcement Official Military, Crime, Police
  7. Lifelong Educational Opportunities
  8. Long-Term Ecological Observatory
  9. Law Enforcement Office Government, Police, Officer
  10. Live Electronic Orchestra
  11. Leading Empowered Organizations
  12. Limite De Exposi
  13. Low-Earth Orbits
  14. Law of Exceptional Outcome Government, Law, Legal, Jurisprudence
  15. Local Election Official Government, Voting, Ballot
  16. Laboratory Evaluation Officer
  17. Learning Education Online
  18. Life Enrichment Options Business, Washington, Autism
  19. Long-Term Ecosystem Observatory Technology, Science, Ocean
  20. Law Enforcement Operations Military, Crime, Police
  21. Leading Edge Only
  22. Limites De Exposição Ocupacional
  23. Low-Earth Urbital
  24. Law Enforcement Opportunities
  25. Local Elected Officials Government, City, Workforce
  26. Laboratoire D'Economie D'Orl
  27. Learning English Online Education, Teaching, Language
  28. Leitungsendgeraet, Optisch Technology
  29. Lomp En Onbehouwen
  30. Law Enforcement Operation
  31. Leading Empowered Organisations Business, Management, Administration, Goverance
  32. Limite De Exposição Ocupacional
  33. Low-Earth Orbiter
  34. Law Enforcement Organizations Military, Police, Agent
  35. Lecal Elected Official Service, Government, Workforce
  36. Link Everything Online Technology, German, Computing, Internet
  37. Learn English Online
  38. Low Earth Ozbiting Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  39. Lehigh Earth Observatory
  40. Logitics and Engineering Operations Military
  41. Law Enforcement Only Business, Gun, Military, Education, Scientific & Educational
  42. Light Experimental Ordnance
  43. Low-Earth Orbit Technology, Science, Computing
  44. Law Enforcement Organization Military, Police, Agent
  45. Local Earth Observation
  46. Law Enforcement Online Security, Organizations, Police
  47. Lynn Economic Opportunity Community, Massachusetts, Lynn, Plow
  48. Learn Earn Own Business, Technology, Coin, Bitcoin
  49. Law Earth Obit
  50. Legal Entity Object
  51. Local Enterprise Rffice Business, Technology, Ireland
  52. Labour Exchange Office
  53. Light Emitting Organic
  54. Low-Earth Orbiting Technology, Education, Climate, Ams
  55. Law Enforcment Officer
  56. Lobster Eye Optics
  57. Lateral Epitaxial Overgrowth Science, Substrate, Nitride, Chemistry
  58. Lunar Explprations Orbiter Technology, Space, Moon
  59. Learn and Earn Online
  60. Limited Exclusion Order
  61. Low Eaxth-Orbit
  62. Legal Education Opportunity Education, Law, School
  63. Local Enterprise Organisation
  64. Labour Enforcement Officer
  65. Lifelong Education for The Ophthalmologist
  66. Long-Term Equity Options Business, Technology, Finance, Stock Exchange, Business & Finance, Business Word
  67. Law Enforcement Officials Military, Law, Police, Officer, Hacker
  68. Lnvestock Extension Officer Animal, Husbandry, Uttarakhand
  69. Leander Extended Opportunity
  70. Limites De Exposi
  71. Low Earth-Orbiting
  72. Lzcal End Office Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  73. Laboratory of Experimental Oncology
  74. Legal Education Opportunities Education, Law, School
  75. Dreyfus Strategic Municipals, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
  76. Lower Extremity Oedeha
  77. Language Education Nptions
  78. Listen, Enrich, Optimize Business, Book, Quality, Cream
  79. Low Earth Orbiter Technology, Satellite, Orbit
  80. Leadership Experience and Opportunity Army, War, Force
  81. Lasers and Electro-Optics Society Computing, Master IEEE, Chemistry
  82. Littoral Environment Observation Technology
  83. Lowes Earth Orbits Technology
  84. Low Earth Orbiting Federal Aviation Administration, NASA
  85. The Louisville Eccentric Observer Media, Radio, Television
  86. Lioré-Et-Olivier Technology, Aircraft, France
  87. Low Tarth Orbiters Technology, Science, Orbit
  88. Leadership Experience Opportunities Technology, Club, Opportunity
  89. Linking Efficiently Online Computing, Internet
  90. Lithuanian Electricity Organisation Technology, Plant, Lithuania
  91. Low Equqtorial Orbit Technology
  92. Loose Electron Oxidation Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  93. Lyonls Electronic Office
  94. Lingua Et Opinio
  95. Leadership Experience Opportunity Organizations, Club, Lions
  96. Low Earth Orbit (satellite communications) Military, Aviation, Army, Space, Astronomy, Computing, Aerospace, Telecom, Aerospace Engineering, Astronautics, Electrical, Spaceflight, Geographic, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, IT Terminology
  97. Lithuanian Electricity Organization Technology, Energy, Power
  98. Low Energy Oxfice Technology, Malaysia, Building
  99. Leading An Empowered Organisation
  100. Leconi Airport, Leconi, Gabon Gabon
  101. Lincoln Education Online
  102. Leadership, Experience, and Opportunity Organizations, Club, Leadership, Lions
  103. Lisburn Enterprise Organisation Business, Technology, Ireland
  104. Literary Education Online
  105. Low Elliptical Orbit
  106. Leaders of East Orlando
  107. Low-Earth-Orbit Computing, Telecom
  108. Leadership, Experience, Opportunity Organizations, Club, Leadership
  109. Librating Equidistant Observer
  110. Literacy, Education and Outreach
  111. Low Sarth Observation
  112. Leadership In Enabling Occupation
  113. Lyons Electronic Office Software, Computing
  114. Lunar Explorhtion Orbiter Technology, Space, Germany
  115. Leadership, Experience and Opportunity Education, Club, Lions
  116. Learning Optimizer
  117. Listen-Enrich-Optimize Business, Management, Power, Quality
  118. Low-Earth Orbit Satellite System Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
  119. Leadership Enterprise Opportunity

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does LEO stand for?

    LEO stands for Low-Earth Orbiter.

  2. What is the shortened form of Law Enforcement Opportunities?

    The short form of "Law Enforcement Opportunities" is LEO.


LEO. Acronym24.com. (2021, December 15). Retrieved February 23, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/leo-meaning/

Last updated