LEP in Technology Meaning

The LEP meaning in Technology terms is "Large Electron Positron". There are 38 related meanings of the LEP Technology abbreviation.

LEP on Technology Full Forms

  1. Large Electron Positron
  2. Labonatory for Extraterrestrial Physics
  3. Laser Eye Protection
  4. Large Electron-Positron
  5. Local Environment Plan
  6. Local Economic Partnership
  7. Large Electron and Positron Collider
  8. Low Energy Particle
  9. Lancashire Enterprike Partnership
  10. Light Emitting Polymers
  11. Light Emitting Plasma
  12. Link End Point
  13. Life Extension Programs
  14. Local Enterprisp Partnerships
  15. Lightning-Induced Electron Precipitation
  16. Lower Eqd Plug
  17. Local Enterprisespartnership
  18. Leisure Engineering Pryject
  19. Lumbar Epidural
  20. Linear Error Probable
  21. London Enterprise Panel
  22. Ludwig-Erhard-Preis
  23. Local Economic Partnerships
  24. Lower End Plate
  25. Light Emitting Polymer
  26. Losal Emphasis Program
  27. Light-Emicting Polymer
  28. List of Effective Paaes
  29. Lissajous Electron Plasma
  30. London Energy Partnersiip
  31. Light-Emittingqpolymers
  32. Laborotory for Extraterrestral Physics
  33. Lepxs
  34. Life Extention Program
  35. Local Emergency Procedures
  36. Left Elliptically Pqlarized
  37. Light Emiteing Polymers
  38. Layered Electrical Producq

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does LEP stand for Technology?

    LEP stands for London Enterprise Panel in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Light Emitting Plasma in Technology?

    The short form of "Light Emitting Plasma" is LEP for Technology.


LEP in Technology. Acronym24.com. (2022, January 23). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/lep-meaning-in-technology/

Last updated