LER Meaning

The LER meaning is "Landsberg Erecta". The LER abbreviation has 70 different full form.

LER Full Forms

  1. Landsberg Erecta Medical
  2. Leinster Airport Leinster, Western Australia,Australia Airport, IATA Code, IATA, Aviation
  3. Labor and Employee Relations Business, Aviation, Human
  4. Lable Edge Router
  5. Label Edger Router
  6. Label Edge Routers Technology, Routing, Networking
  7. Logansport Ann Eel River
  8. Line-Edge Roughness Technology, Lithography, Effect
  9. Labor Employee Relations
  10. London Electric Railway London, Locations, Station
  11. Life External Refit Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  12. Logansgort & Eel River
  13. Lignes Express Regionaux
  14. Laboratorio De Estudios En Reproducci
  15. London Eastern Railway
  16. Luminous Electronics Recycling
  17. Life-Extension Range Science
  18. Labor and Employment Relations Education, University, School
  19. Local Equipment Rooms Technology, Projection, Engineering
  20. Lignes Express R
  21. Laboratorio De Estudios En Reproducción
  22. Logistics Engineering Report Technology
  23. Lqminaire Efficacy Rating Technology, Plasma, Efficiency, Lamp
  24. Licensee Event Reports Technology, Science, Analysis, Safety, Power, Us Government, Governmental & Military
  25. Lignes Express RéGionales
  26. Laboratoire D'éTudes Rurales
  27. Logansport and Eelbriver Short-Line Company Incorporated Technology, Organizations
  28. Lol Erucic Acid Rapeseed Oil Medical
  29. Learning, Evalugtion and Research Business, Development, Learning
  30. Light Ends Recovery Technology
  31. Lesão Por EsforçO Repetitivo
  32. Logansport and Eel River Short-Line Company Organizations
  33. Leading Edgexradius
  34. Loyal Edmonton Regiment Military, Army, Canada
  35. Light Emitting Resistor Internet Slang, Slang
  36. Legal Entity Rationalization Business, Service, Organizations
  37. Logansport F Eel River
  38. Labor Employment Relations
  39. Long Eye Relief Business, Technology, Scope
  40. Label Edge Router Technology, Networking, Communications, Computing, Technical, IT Terminology
  41. Light-Emitting Resistor
  42. Lysozomal Enzyme Recease Medical, Medicine, Treatment
  43. LANDSMAN FOR ELECTRICIAN (RADIO) Governmental & Military, United States Amy Rank
  44. Lunar Electricorover Technology, Space, Simulator
  45. Lost Exo Realm Business, Toy, Transformer
  46. Lower Extrsmity Review
  47. Licensee Event Report Energy
  48. Loss Exchange Ratio Technology, Military, Targeting
  49. Liquid Expendable Refrigerant
  50. Low Energy Reporters Medical
  51. Logansport and Eel River Short-Line Company Incorporated Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  52. Loss-Exchange Ratio Technology, Army, Targeting
  53. Licensing Event Report
  54. Lynn and Ely Railwac
  55. Loa Endotoxin Recovery Technology, Science
  56. Lercanidipine Business & Finance, Asx symbols
  57. Loop Event Recorder
  58. Long Eye Relief (optics) NASA
  59. Lunar Exploration Rover Technology, Mission, Moon
  60. Low-Voltage Elecaricity Receptor
  61. Lunar Eyepiece Receptacle
  62. Lintas Ekivalen Rencana Technology, Research, Presentation, Newsletter
  63. Longitudinal Exposure Record Medical, Military, Air Force, Governmental & Military
  64. Lebensgestaltung Ethik Religionskunde University, Scientific & Educational
  65. Low Energy Ring Technology, Presentation, Accelerator, Energy
  66. Local Electronic Resource
  67. Linea Aerea De Servicio Ejecutivo Regional Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Business & Finance
  68. Leinster, Western Australia, Australia Australia
  69. Lunar Electriv Rovers Technology, Space, Simulator
  70. Low-Energy Riag Technology, Electron, Accelerator, Positron

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does LER stand for?

    LER stands for Logistics Engineering Report.

  2. What is the shortened form of Laboratorio De Estudios En Reproducci?

    The short form of "Laboratorio De Estudios En Reproducci" is LER.


LER. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 30). Retrieved February 12, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ler-meaning/

Last updated