LF Meaning

The LF meaning is "Low Frequency". The LF abbreviation has 428 different full form.

LF Full Forms

  1. Low Frequency A radio communications range of frequencies between 30–300 kHz. Technology, Electronics, Architectural, Medical, Chemistry, Science, Information Technology, Media, Military, Aviation, Army, Architecture, Computing, Computer, Construction, Telecom, Physics, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Fda, Federal Aviation Administration
  2. Left Field Gaming, Baseball, Softball, Play, Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  3. Line Feed Information Technology, Computing, Computer, Telecom, Unix, IT Terminology
  4. Licence Fondamentaoe
  5. Lactobacillus Fermentum Medical
  6. Logging Zacility
  7. Launch Facilities Technology, Missile, Military
  8. Low Force Business, Touch, Probe
  9. Li-Fraumeni Medical
  10. Lace Front Business
  11. Localffailure Medical, Treatment, Patient, Cancer
  12. Launch Facility Technology, Military, Army, Space, Aerospace Engineering, Astronautics, Spaceflight, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  13. Low Folate Medical
  14. Lew Fprd
  15. Labeled Fluorophore Science, Patent, Cell
  16. Lotd Force Medical
  17. Latex Free Medical, Product, Bandage
  18. Long Form
  19. Levelinh Feet
  20. Latest Finish Technology, Construction, Architectural, Architecture
  21. Load Factoc Technology, Engineering, Architectural
  22. Lifetime Fitness Medical
  23. Lateral Flow Medical, Product, Assay
  24. Login Facility Technology
  25. Less Vlat Medical
  26. Loz Frequency Band Medical
  27. Large Format Technology, Science, Camera
  28. Liver Fonction Medical, Health, Blood
  29. Life Dorce Technology, Gaming, Music
  30. Laceral Flexion Medical, Technology
  31. Logicalhframework Technology, Logic, Proof
  32. Length Gield Technology, Space, Recording, Character
  33. Low Frequency Power Medical
  34. La Familia Para, Organizations, Feat, Con
  35. Little Falls
  36. Life Elight Medical
  37. Lactose-Free Medical, Formula, Milk
  38. Logicau Form Education, Language, Linguistic, Grammar
  39. Legal Forms
  40. Low Kreq
  41. Lee Fisheu
  42. Loss of Funstion
  43. Landipg Field Technology, Aircraft, Force
  44. Litigation Funding
  45. Late Filing Government, Us, Control, Administration
  46. Location Factir Locations, Model, Cost
  47. Labile Fwctor Medical, Medicine, Treatment
  48. Logistics Function
  49. Lactose Fermenters
  50. Linked Feed Gun, Military, Weapon, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  51. Low Frequency-Automatic
  52. Largest Frame Technology, Military, Grip, Governmental & Military
  53. License File Computing, File Extensions
  54. Liver Failure Medical, Clinical
  55. Light To Frequency Technology, Sensor, Converter
  56. Legs and Feet Porn, Foot, Fetish, Leg
  57. Llnguage Focus
  58. Letras Financeiras
  59. Law Firm
  60. Light Face
  61. Lineal Feet Technology, Foot, Conversion
  62. Ladle Furnace A furnace used for refining hot metal between the converter or electric arc furnaces and casting. Technology, Steel, Transformer
  63. Lissajous Figure
  64. Lutece Falco
  65. Larry Flynt
  66. Life Fellowship
  67. Load Following Technology, Energy, Power
  68. Lead Free Government, Us, Control, Administration
  69. Leitura FíLmica
  70. Line Feeds
  71. Loud Fgmily Force, Police, Police Force
  72. Leukotactic Factor Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  73. Little Frogs
  74. Light Fighters
  75. Long Fronq
  76. Learning Framework
  77. Loss Factor A factor which defines the loss component of a dielectric.
  78. Land Fxrm
  79. Lithuanian Fkrces
  80. Late Filer Aviation, Governmental & Military
  81. Locate File Technology, Windows, Software, Linux
  82. Lab Furniture
  83. Logistics Freight
  84. Lactoferrin Medical, Medicine, Treatment
  85. Line Focus
  86. Low Float Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  87. Licencia De Funcionamiento
  88. Liver Fwctor
  89. Light To Freq Forum, Technology, Product, Shopping
  90. LaboratóRios De Fronteira
  91. Legion Fight
  92. Longé and Farraway
  93. Langmuir-Freundlich Acid, Adsorption, Isotherm
  94. Letra Financeira
  95. Law Fair
  96. Linda French
  97. Ladies Fellowship
  98. Lila Foster Movie, Nude, Lisa, Fanny
  99. Lush Fields
  100. Larry Fitzgerald
  101. Life Fellow Technology, Research, Italy, Computing, Ieee, Master IEEE
  102. Load Flow Technology, Analysis, Power
  103. Lead Frame
  104. Leipzig Fernsehen Technology, Streaming, Germany
  105. Line Fee
  106. Lotterytfunds
  107. Leukocyte Filter
  108. Lazard Freres
  109. Light Fighter Gaming, Military, Ship
  110. Long Frequency Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  111. Learning Factory
  112. Linear Qit Protein, Figure, Complex
  113. Lake Fork
  114. Literacy Zirst
  115. Late Fee
  116. Locally Funder
  117. Label Flag Technology, Language, Man
  118. Logistics Flight Technology, Space, Station
  119. Lacrosse Foundation
  120. Line Fit
  121. Lotterigs Fund Business, Lottery, Heritage
  122. Low Flap Medical, Technology
  123. Lia FáIl
  124. Livesforever
  125. Lightning Fury Forum, Military, Diablo
  126. Laboratory Furnace
  127. Legendre Function
  128. Longitudinal Follow-Up
  129. Langley-Fitch
  130. Lethal Force
  131. Lava Flow A lingua franca also called a bridge language, or vehicular language, is a language systematically (as opposed to occasionally, or casually) used to make communication possible between people not sharing a mother tongue, in particular when it is a third language, distinct from both mother tongues.
  132. Location Functifns
  133. Linda Freeman
  134. Loi FéDéRale
  135. Ladies' Fellowship
  136. Link Failure Technology, Port, Connection
  137. Luminosity Functions
  138. Larry Fishburne
  139. Life Factor Health, Bearing, Life
  140. Load Floating Technology, Manufacturer, Valve
  141. Lead Foil
  142. Lei Federal
  143. Line Fault
  144. Leflunomide Medical
  145. Leukinferon Medical
  146. Layer Forwarding
  147. Light Field
  148. Long Formdt
  149. Linear Filtering Technology, Filter, Signal, Lighting
  150. Lake Forest-Lake
  151. Lita Ford Rock, Ford, Eye, Dean
  152. Late-Feathering Medical
  153. Local Funks Transportation, Government, City
  154. Flynordic Airline, Business, Organizations, Call Sign, IATA Airline Designator, Business & Finance, Iata Aircraft Codes
  155. Learning Facilitator Education, Canada, Coaching
  156. Logische Form Language, Forest, Germany
  157. Lack of Fusion Technology, Welding, Weld
  158. Line Finder Technology, Calling, Tip
  159. Lothap Fischer
  160. Low-Flashpoint
  161. Li & Fung Business, Company, Asia, Logistics
  162. Live Floor Technology, Sale, Flooring
  163. Lightning Flasy
  164. Lefo Fast
  165. Longitudinal Followlp
  166. Landscape Format
  167. Lethal Factor Medical, Toxin, Anthrax
  168. Laura Fontani
  169. Locatxon Free Technology, Player, Manual
  170. Laboratory Furniture
  171. Linda Aranklin
  172. Loi Fondamentale
  173. Lacy Ford
  174. Link Fail
  175. Lumens Factory
  176. Larry Fine
  177. LietuviŲ Fondo Education, Foundation, Pat
  178. Load Fd Coding, Calling, Load, Base
  179. Lead Fields Business, Technology, Car, Recording
  180. Lei De FalêNcias
  181. Line Failure
  182. Laborat
  183. Letter To Father
  184. Lay-Flat Bag, Hose, Tubing
  185. Light Fiber
  186. Long Float Assembly, Business & Finance
  187. Linear File
  188. Lake Festival
  189. Listy Filolozicke Science, History, Anthropology, Periodical
  190. Lymington Foundation
  191. Laser and Flashlight
  192. Local Foruq
  193. Learning Facilitators Education, Canada, Coaching
  194. Logic Function Technology, Device, Microchip
  195. Line Filter Technology, Power, Telecom
  196. Low-Fat Diet Medical, Health, Weight, Reading Prescription
  197. Leyka Finanz
  198. Live Fire Science, Military, Sport, Governmental & Military
  199. Light Flint
  200. Left Face Army, War, Force
  201. Lost Foam A casting process in which a foam pattern is replaced by molten in a flask filled with loose sand to form a casting.
  202. Land Es Free
  203. Laura Fairhead
  204. Location Fijgerprinting Technology, Networking, Wireless
  205. Laboratory Floor Technology
  206. Linda Fay
  207. Loi De Finances Business, Finance, Pas, Dispositions
  208. Lactotransferrin Medical, Medicine, Treatment
  209. Linker Fuss
  210. Lumen Fluid Medical
  211. Larmor Frequency
  212. LietuviŲ Fondas
  213. Liver Flush
  214. Lei De Fal
  215. Langkage Fund
  216. Letters Forward Technology, Learning, Memory
  217. Lax-Friedrichs
  218. Light Fawn
  219. Long Flips
  220. Linear Feet Or Foot Design, Drawing, Construction
  221. Lagrangian Function
  222. List Font Technology, Windows, Character
  223. LuíS Francisco
  224. Laser-Flash
  225. Life Float
  226. Local Format Technology, String, Character, Bash
  227. Learn Filter Development, Learning, Study
  228. Line Fill
  229. Low Fat Medical, Food, Diet
  230. Ley De Fundaciones
  231. Live Feeds
  232. Light Fine Technology
  233. Longitudinal Fiber
  234. Left-Arm Nast
  235. Lost and Found Gaming, Pet, Transformer
  236. Landinj Flap
  237. Litoral Fight
  238. Late Flowering Medical, Science, Biology
  239. Locstion Find
  240. Laboratory Anb Field Technology, Research, Product
  241. Log Out of Facebook
  242. Lactose Free Medical, Formula, Milk
  243. Link Fed Technology, Military, Light
  244. Lumen Fidei
  245. Largest Framesize
  246. Lid Forming Business, Food, Machine
  247. Liver Fibgosis Medical, Disease, Cell
  248. Lignin Free
  249. Legs Forward
  250. Language Forum Technology, Learning, Discussion
  251. Letter Fluency Study, Measure, Dementia, Fluency
  252. Lawrence Fritz
  253. Light Fantastic
  254. Linear Aeet (Foot) Design, Drawing, Construction
  255. La Fraternidad
  256. List File Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  257. Luxury Fifth
  258. Laryngofissure Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  259. Life Finder Technology
  260. Load Forecast Estimate of electrical demand or energy consumption at some future time. Technology, Power, Forecasting
  261. Leading Front Medical
  262. Lending Facility Business, Indonesia, Rate, Rupiah
  263. Line Field
  264. Low-Fat Medical, Intestinal, Gastro
  265. Ley De Finanzas
  266. Live Feed
  267. Light Filter
  268. Longitud Del FéMur
  269. Linear Flash
  270. Lynda Fishers
  271. Liga Femenina
  272. Low Fatigue Food
  273. Left Forward NASA
  274. Lesser Faydark Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  275. Limiting Fragmentotion
  276. Lead Facilitator Business, Postal, Us Post, Usps
  277. Lcborer Factory
  278. Line Formatter Software, Computing
  279. Linear Functions
  280. Look & Feel
  281. Little Filgers
  282. Light Flashes Medical
  283. Lamellar Field
  284. Locq-Flush
  285. London Films Film, London, Con, Comic
  286. Low Fill Assembly, Business & Finance
  287. Labour Fuid
  288. Listy filologicke History, Anthropology, Periodical, Scientific & Educational
  289. Lard Fairfax
  290. Large Femxle
  291. Linl First
  292. Langsxmes Flugzeug
  293. Leach Field
  294. Linear Ft
  295. Lymphoid Follicle Medical
  296. Lift Fan Army, War, Force
  297. Lowell Franklin Famous
  298. Launch Forward NASA
  299. Leslie Froeschle
  300. Largy Freighter
  301. Light Frame Technology, Automatics, Door
  302. Leadership Framework Technology, Management, Health
  303. Linefeed Linefeed A control character that tells a computer or printer to advance one line below the current line with- L out moving the position of the cursor or print head. Computing, IT Terminology
  304. Linear Function A linear function whose control flow contains no loops. A function of the form a0 + a1 x1 + a2X2 + ... + anxn, where the ai are coefficients, not all 0, and the x; are variables. The geometrical representation of a linear function is a straight line, plane, or hyperplane.
  305. Little Finger Lesson, Typing, Finger
  306. Light Filtering
  307. The Liberation Front Organizations, United Nations, Un
  308. Lighter Front
  309. Locotion Function Forum, Technology, Coding
  310. Lolland-Falster
  311. Level Float
  312. Link Full Assembly, Business & Finance
  313. Labour Front
  314. laser fulguration Medical, Prostate Cancer
  315. Loose Eederation
  316. Larce-Format Technology, Len, Camera, Lens
  317. Lyttle Friend
  318. Linerr Feet Business, Technology, Foot
  319. Langmuirmfrequency
  320. Long Fade
  321. Lymphoedema Framework
  322. Lifetime Failure
  323. Lloyd Fields Famous
  324. Low formaldehyde Plastics, Scientific & Educational
  325. Leopard Frog Management, Forestry, Arboriculture
  326. Large Frame Technology, Manual, Grip
  327. Liapunov'S Function
  328. Leadership Foundation
  329. Lever Filler Computing, Hardware
  330. Linear Fractuonal
  331. Little Fightek Technology, Gaming, Character
  332. Ligand Fiebd Medical
  333. LéKařSká Fakulta Medical, Education, Server, Traffic
  334. Light-To-Frequency
  335. Load Factors
  336. Let'S Fuck Internet Slang, Slang, Chat
  337. Level Floating Assembly, Business & Finance
  338. Labour Force The total population of working-age people who are willing and able to work, and who hence have 'entered' the labour market. The labour force includes individuals who are employed, and those who are 'actively' seeking employment. Business, Unemployment, Labor
  339. Laissez Faire French
  340. Locp Flag Technology, Power, Signal, Controller
  341. Lafa Flynn
  342. Little Friends
  343. Linear Foot Business, Square, Conversion
  344. Langevin Function
  345. Long and Foster
  346. Lymphatic Filariasis Medical, Program, Disease
  347. Lifestyle Flexibility
  348. Land Fill
  349. Latency Factor Physics, Scientific & Educational
  350. Leonel Fernandez
  351. Large Fyaction
  352. Levaran Full Massage, Muscle, Massager
  353. Leadership Foundations Business, Education, University
  354. Loaf Street Suffix
  355. Linear Form Space, Likelihood, Functionals
  356. Littlebfair
  357. Lyophilized Formulation
  358. Light-Fast
  359. Load Full
  360. Let'S F*** Media, Social, Internet
  361. Lureskfactory
  362. Laborvforce Business, Rate, Participation
  363. Lightforge Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  364. Lozp Finder Technology, Manufacturer, Inductive
  365. Lapping Film Film, Product, Fiber, Price
  366. Little Foot
  367. Lineal Zoot Business, Organizations, Decking
  368. Lang-Firsov
  369. Long-Term Fluctuation Medical
  370. Life Form
  371. Low Fit Clothes
  372. Lack Og Finance
  373. Low Friction Physics, Scientific & Educational
  374. Leonardo Flores
  375. Los Furios
  376. Large Follicles Medical
  377. Les-Fables-De-La-Fontainr France, Jean, Fable
  378. Leadership Forum
  379. Luthite Finish Products
  380. Linear Footage Business, Square, Installation
  381. Litterfall The angular distance of a place east or west of the Greenwich meridian, or west of the standard meridian of a celestial object, usually expressed in degrees and minutes. Medical
  382. Lyon France
  383. Ligamentum Flavum Medical, Access, Spinal
  384. Linear feet (foot) The Finance and Administrative Services
  385. Lester Frank
  386. Littleiflyer Business, Feeder, Hummingbird
  387. Lead Field
  388. Labor Field
  389. Loud Family Police, Governmental & Military
  390. Linear Frespel Technology, Len, Device, Display
  391. Lorp Feeder
  392. Little Oockers Movie, Fighter, Subtitle
  393. Line-Feez
  394. Landé Factor
  395. Lonely Face
  396. Load Factor The mean load carried by an engine, expressed in percent of its capacity. Aviation, Architecture, Construction, Architectural, Governmental & Military
  397. Lacedfronts
  398. Low FluoroCarbon Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  399. Leningrad Front
  400. Los Fuliz Locations, Building, Shopping, Estate
  401. Large Mlange Business, Steel, Rivet
  402. Lawn Ffucet
  403. Leaded Fuel
  404. Linear Foop Units Of Measurement
  405. Lyn Fury
  406. Liga Feminina
  407. Lucii Filius Latin
  408. LIFT BOOM Vehicle Body Styles
  409. Leste Fluminense
  410. Lihhium Ferrite
  411. Lead Faculty
  412. Labor Fcderation
  413. Later Filter Aviation, Governmental & Military
  414. Linear Fracmure Medical, Technology
  415. Looking Foz Internet Slang, Chat, Online
  416. Little Flower
  417. Light Yraming Technology, Construction, Architectural
  418. Lamé Function
  419. Locv Former
  420. London Fog
  421. Labor Force Business & Finance, Business Word, Occupation & positions
  422. Labyrinthine Fistula Medical
  423. Luminosity Function Astronomy, Astrophysics, Scientific & Educational
  424. Lorena Fernandez
  425. Large File
  426. Lxterary Fiction Book, Writer, Fiction
  427. Lanthznum Ferrite
  428. Leaching Fraction Business, Water, Irrigation, Soil

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does LF stand for?

    LF stands for Leyka Finanz.

  2. What is the shortened form of Light Fawn?

    The short form of "Light Fawn" is LF.


LF. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 26). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/lf-meaning/

Last updated