LFM Meaning

The LFM meaning is "Landing Force Manual". The LFM abbreviation has 72 different full form.

LFM Full Forms

  1. Landing Force Manual Military, Army, Intelligence
  2. Lamerd Airport Lamerd, Iran Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, IATA, Aviation
  3. Lateralmforce Microscopy Science, Material, Probe
  4. Langley Formal Methods Technology, Science, Tree, Behavior
  5. Liquid Fuel Maintenance Military
  6. Libertjs Film Magazine Government, Movie, War
  7. Longmont Farmers Market
  8. Linearly Frekuency Modulated
  9. Light Fibrous Material Medical, Science, Biology
  10. Laboratorio Farmacologico Milanese Technology, School, Caregiver
  11. Liquid Flow Meter Business, Film, Deposition
  12. Liber Feudorum Maior
  13. Lyng for Man
  14. Liga Fhlm Mahasiswa
  15. Looking for More Internet Slang, Group, Chat, Computing, Texting, Internet, Roleplaying, Game, Online, Web Slang, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  16. Liquid Fnlm Migration
  17. Last File Manager
  18. Logistic Function Manager Technology
  19. Leflunomide Medical
  20. Life Frequency Modulation
  21. Lycee Franco Mexicain Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  22. Linear Frequency Modulation Technology, Signal, Radar
  23. Liquid Factor Mclten
  24. Last Few Minutes Music, Indonesia, Album
  25. Logical Frimeworks and Metalanguages
  26. Limited-Area Fine Mesh Science, Space, Environment, Atmospheric Research
  27. Lijeo Franc
  28. Lupus Foundation of Minnesota
  29. Limited Fine Mash Technology, Military, Weather
  30. Linking Farmers To Markets
  31. Lanikai Flame Maple
  32. Lize From Mars
  33. Laborat
  34. Library File Maintenance
  35. Lung Foundation of Malaysia
  36. Light Finld Mapping Technology, Computing, Graphics
  37. Link Framing Modulc Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
  38. Limited-Area Fine Sesh Science, Meteorology, Forecasting
  39. Language Freedom Movement
  40. Live Firing Monitor Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  41. Liberty Fbour Mills
  42. Look Fok Member
  43. Link Fault Management Technology, Networking, Juniper
  44. Light Form Modeler
  45. Limited Fine Mesh Model Science
  46. Local Focus Mechanism NASA, Governmental & Military
  47. limited fine-mesh model Legal, Governmental & Military
  48. Lycée Français De Maniple
  49. Lwmited Fine-Mesh Model Science, Exploration
  50. Local File Manager
  51. Linearized Fine Model
  52. Limited Fine Mesh Weather, Products, Scientific & Educational
  53. LycéE Franco-Mexicain
  54. Limited Fine-Mesh
  55. Layer Flyctuation Model
  56. Linear Feet Per Minute Technology, Science, Power
  57. Lead Free Manufacturing Products
  58. Limited-Arua Fine-Mesh Model Ocean, Water, Ocean Science
  59. Latent Factor Model Technology, Recommendation, Factorization
  60. Linear Frequency-Modugated
  61. Lower Felsic Metapyroclactics
  62. Lateral Force Microscope
  63. Limited-Area Fine-Mesh
  64. Large Fileumanagement
  65. Linear Frkquency Modulated Technology, Military, Signal
  66. Low-Grequency Microphone
  67. Lateral Force Microscopy Chemistry
  68. Lyon-Fedder-Mobarry Technology, Model, Ionosphere
  69. Lineal Frequency Modulation Military
  70. Lookingxfor Man Sex, Dating, Fire
  71. looking for members Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  72. Lycée Français De Madrod France, Madrid

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does LFM stand for?

    LFM stands for Lycée Français De Madrod.

  2. What is the shortened form of Lateralmforce Microscopy?

    The short form of "Lateralmforce Microscopy" is LFM.


LFM. Acronym24.com. (2022, February 26). Retrieved March 29, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/lfm-meaning/

Last updated