LFV Meaning

The LFV meaning is "Landesamtes FüR Verfassungsschutz". The LFV abbreviation has 30 different full form.

LFV Full Forms

  1. Landesamtes FüR Verfassungsschutz
  2. LandesbehöRden FüR Verfassungsschutz Agency, Germany, Deutschland
  3. Logical File Viewer
  4. LaboratóRio De Fisiologia Vegetal
  5. Landesbeh
  6. Lockable Float Valve
  7. Luftfartsverket Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway, Governmental & Military
  8. LandesäMter FüR Verfassungsschutz Government, Intelligence, Protection, Constitution
  9. Light Forces Vehicle Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  10. Landesamt F
  11. Love From Venus
  12. Landesmter Fr Verfassungsschutz
  13. Liga Fronte Veneto
  14. Los Feliz Village
  15. Landes
  16. Liga Futbol Virtual
  17. Lorentz Force Velocimetry
  18. Landesamt FüR Verfassungsschutz Military, Organizations, Fur
  19. Liga De Futbol Virtual
  20. Long Forgotten Veterans
  21. Lower Fraser Valley Medical, Quality, Pesticide
  22. LycéE FrançAis De Vienne
  23. Low-Frequency Ventilation Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  24. Lunar Flying Vehicle Science, Aerospace Engineering, Astronautical Engineering, Space, Astronautics, NASA, Spaceflight, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  25. Low-Frequency Variability
  26. Lunar Flight Vehicle
  27. Luis Filipe Vieira
  28. Low-Frequency Vibration
  29. Low Frequency Vibration Technology, City, Vibration, Citizen
  30. LycéE FrançAis De Valence

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does LFV stand for?

    LFV stands for Landesamtes FüR Verfassungsschutz.

  2. What is the shortened form of Love From Venus?

    The short form of "Love From Venus" is LFV.


LFV. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/lfv-meaning/

Last updated