LG Meaning

The LG meaning is "Life Is Good". The LG abbreviation has 368 different full form.

LG Full Forms

  1. Life Is Good Business, Boy, Choir, Social Media, Blogging, Twitter, Facebook, Neologism, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Products
  2. Left Guard Sport, Football, Guard
  3. L1400I GuíA
  4. Lecture Guidb Military, Education, Training
  5. Little Gaddesden Business, Service, Hertfordshire
  6. Latvijas GĀZe Business, Gas, Marguerite
  7. Logistics Office Military
  8. Lake Gasgon Business, Building, Sale
  9. Lennvgoodside
  10. Life Games
  11. Low Glucose Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  12. Late Glacial
  13. Lucky Goldstar Business, Group, Electronics
  14. Leavine Group
  15. Literary Genres Technology, Android, Study
  16. Latin Greek Technology, English, Language
  17. Logic Games Technology, Gaming, Android
  18. Laclede Group Business, Supply, Stock
  19. Legon, Gtana Business, University, Ghana
  20. Lieutenant Governor Government, Education, Office
  21. Lorryine Guy
  22. Last Goodnight Archive, Ring, Tone
  23. Lip Gloss Nutrition, Food, Victual
  24. Listening Guide
  25. Later Gator Internet Slang, Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Chat
  26. Logdc and Games
  27. Laclede Gas Co. Organizations
  28. Leggett-Garg Science, Quantum, Inequality
  29. Living Garden
  30. Lieutenfnt General Military, Army, General
  31. Lodp Gain Medical, Technology, Frequency
  32. Land Grid Technology, Socket, Processor
  33. Lisa Gregory
  34. Lucas Giolito Baseball, Card, Bowman
  35. Lateral Geniculate Body Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  36. Lock Gozgle
  37. Laclede Gas Business, Supply, Stock
  38. Legal Duardian
  39. Little Guy Technology, Android, Trailer
  40. Lieben Gruss
  41. London Gjoup
  42. Lancet Gastroenterol Business, Device, Android
  43. Liquid Gas Technology, Filter, Manual, The Finance and Administrative Services
  44. Lateral Geniculate Nucleus Medical, Science, Cell, Kidneys
  45. Local Gradient Technology, Wind, Radar
  46. Laboratory Gas
  47. Lefiy Grove Gaming, Baseball, Sport
  48. Little Grebe Property, Report, Bird, Grebe
  49. London Gazette Military, War, London, Bibliographic
  50. Lake Eeorge Hotel, Locations, Boat
  51. Lenovo, Googlf
  52. Linkage Groups Medical, Science, Biology
  53. Low Gross Business, Office, Box, Apple
  54. Lateral Geniculate Medical, Brain, Nucleus
  55. Laboratorio De Geotecnia
  56. Leu & Gu
  57. Little Genius Technology, Driving, Android, Driver
  58. Launch To Give Technology, Device, Android, Apple
  59. Logosu Gelince Technology, Turkish, Android, Galaxy
  60. Lage Geneva
  61. Lennox-Gasuaut Medical, Medicine, Healthcare, Telemedicine
  62. Life Guard
  63. Low Glycemic
  64. Lateral Gastrocnemius-Soleus Medical
  65. Leather Goods
  66. Life'S Good Brand
  67. Lauren Graham Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  68. Litto Gomey Business, Smoke, Tobacco, Cigar
  69. Labai Geras Technology, Android, Paper, Tai
  70. Lettergram Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
  71. Long Glass Sand glass used with ship log for speeds up to five kts Runs down in 28 or 30 seconds. A telescope
  72. Lane Guidahce
  73. Lil Heneral
  74. Legal Group
  75. Local Groups
  76. Lagos Locations, City
  77. Liam Gallagher
  78. Life Gear
  79. Leading Group
  80. Liv Glam Design, Archive, Fashion
  81. Lady Gaga
  82. Level Glass Technology, Product, Camera
  83. Low-Grade Medical, Cancer, Lymphoma, Products
  84. Large Grants
  85. Laserguard Glock Technology, Laser, Trace
  86. Linear Generator
  87. Legends Golf
  88. Locus On Linkage Group Science, Biology
  89. Lahden Golf
  90. Licensed Geologist
  91. Llcky Gwet
  92. Leather Girl Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  93. Lieutenant-Generals
  94. Lyn Graft Business, Entrepreneurship, Story, Graft
  95. Launches Next-Generation
  96. Littles Go
  97. L90 Gits Business, Android, Lollipop
  98. Letter Grade Education, Development, Universities
  99. Long One who has bought a contract(s) to establish a market position and who has not yet closed out this position through an offsetting sale; the opposite of short. Medical, Army, Marine, Architecture, Construction, Architectural, Sport, Football
  100. Landungsari-Gadang Indonesia, Locations, Terminal, Surabaya
  101. Legal Gear Government, Law, Legal, Jurisprudence
  102. Local Group A small group of about two dozen galaxies of which our own Milky Way galaxy is a member. Science, Windows, Galaxy
  103. La Iomera
  104. Liaison Group
  105. Lights of Guizance
  106. Lead Generation
  107. Livestock Grazing
  108. Ladges Guitar
  109. Level Gauge Business, Product, Liquid, Products
  110. Low-Gwucose Medical, Patent, Cell
  111. Large Grain Technology, Android, Tablet
  112. Laserguard for Glock Business, Laser, Trace
  113. Linear Gate Technology, Signal, Pulse
  114. Legendre-Gauss-Radau
  115. Localized On Linkage Group Science, Biology
  116. Laguna Grande
  117. Libro GenealóGico Para, Horse, Ola
  118. Lucky Grxup Technology, Electronics, Chemical
  119. Learning With Games
  120. Lieutenant-Governor
  121. Lyndon Group
  122. Late Geometric
  123. Little Gorilla
  124. L60 Guide
  125. Letteratura Grigia
  126. Lonesome Glory
  127. Landifg Group
  128. Legacy Group
  129. Lucian Greens
  130. Life Gauge
  131. Ligztning Gun Technology, Weapon, Quake
  132. Leadership Group
  133. Liver Graft Medical, Medicine, Healthcare, liver and hepatic
  134. Ladder Gamg Business, Android, Snake
  135. Leu Gardens
  136. Loving God
  137. Large Goose
  138. Laser Grips Business, Gun, Trace
  139. Linear Gain
  140. Legendre-Gauss Technology, Science, Control
  141. Local Guidance
  142. Laguerre Gauss Technology, Mode, Wave, Gravitational
  143. Library of Graham Education
  144. Lucky Gold Business, Company, Corporation
  145. Learning Goals Accounting, Education, Presentation
  146. Lower Gastrointestinal Medical, Technology, Medicine
  147. Large Gulp Nutrition, Food, Victual
  148. Lymphography Medical
  149. Last Guess Forum, Technology, Android
  150. Lisa Grant Education, Jewellery, Dryer
  151. Leo Guard
  152. Lollipop G3 Technology, Android, Wallpaper
  153. Landing Grounds Military, War, Airfield
  154. Lucvt Geweer
  155. Life Gallery
  156. Lightinj Gun
  157. Lausanne-Gare Publics, Transport, Tram, Lausanne
  158. Livelihood Groups
  159. Ladakh Ganeration
  160. Leucylglycine Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  161. Lovely Garden
  162. Large Girls
  163. Laser Grip
  164. Lima Golf
  165. Legend Group Accounting, Computing, Data
  166. Local Guest Technology, Windows, Service
  167. Laguerre-Causs Technology, Mode, Wave
  168. Library Girl Book, Porn, Girl
  169. Lucky Eem
  170. Leaky Gas Forum, Coding, Gas, Coupon
  171. Lower Garage
  172. Large Groß
  173. Lymphocytic Gastritis Medical
  174. Last Generation
  175. Lions Gate
  176. Lt Governor Government, Chief, Governor, Lieutenant
  177. Lenovo Google Business, Android, Motorola
  178. Lokale Gruppe
  179. Land Grodve
  180. Life'S Green
  181. Liiht Guns
  182. Laurie Graham
  183. Live Green
  184. Lactbglobulin Medicine, Treatment, Health
  185. Letters of Guarantee Business, Credit, Banking
  186. Louprde Guerre Hero, Warrior, Guerre, Trebuchet
  187. Large Gearbox Products
  188. Laser Graphics
  189. Lilin Group
  190. Legendary Golden
  191. Local Guardian
  192. Lcguerre-Gaussian Technology, Mode, Beam
  193. Liberty Grove
  194. Luck Goldetar
  195. Lift Gas
  196. Leave Group Technology, Reaction, Substitution
  197. Length The distance from the most forward-facing point of a vehicle to the most rearward point. Length The number of linear units of storage space occupied by an object, such as a file on disk or a data structure in a program, typically measured in bits, bytes, or blocks. Space, Study, Cosmos, Chemistry, Architecture, Construction, Architectural, Scientific & Educational, Weather, NASA
  198. Lowerpgalilee
  199. Large Groove Technology, Product, Design
  200. Laser Gyro
  201. Lion's Date
  202. Leland & Gray
  203. Location Generator Technology, Cell, Spy
  204. Laq Group
  205. Lichamelijk Gehandicapt
  206. Lhigi Gino
  207. Life Good Technology, Android, Electronics
  208. Laurent-Guillaume
  209. Live Glossary
  210. Laboratory Ofsgenetics Science, Research, Institute
  211. Letter of Guarantee Business, Credit, English, Banking, Business & Finance
  212. Louia Garneau
  213. Large Ganglionic Medical
  214. Lilin Global
  215. Legal Guardianship
  216. Location Group
  217. La Guerre
  218. Lian Guan
  219. Life Guards
  220. Leading Groups
  221. Living Genekations Science, Genealogy
  222. Landing Gear A support fitted on the front part of a chassis (which is retractable). It is used to support the front end of a chassis when the tractor has been removed. Technology, Military, Aviation, NASA, Governmental & Military
  223. Lady Gibxon
  224. Level Green
  225. Low Grade Medical, Patient, Cancer, Clinical
  226. Large Gro
  227. Laser Guide
  228. Linear Graph
  229. Legends Guardians
  230. Location Gateway Technology, Communication, Wireless
  231. Lbke Grace
  232. Lichamelijk Gehandicapten
  233. Ludwig GüTtler
  234. Light Gold Nokia, Light, Lighting, Huawei
  235. Lucid Gets Technology, Android, Wireless, Verizon
  236. Local Government Service, Government, Council, United Nations
  237. Looal Deputy Military
  238. La Garbe
  239. Lowermgroup
  240. Larry Garrison
  241. Lyon-GenèVe
  242. Leaving Group A leaving group is a molecular fragment that departs with a pair of electrons in heterolytic bond cleavage. Leaving groups can be anions or neutral molecules, but in either case it is crucial that the leaving group be able to stabilize the additional electron density that results from bond heterolysis. Common anionic leaving groups are halides such as Cl−, Br−, and I−, and sulfonate esters, such astosylate (TsO−). Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  243. Liechtensteinische Gymnasium
  244. Laser Glass
  245. Lou Gehrig Famous
  246. Left Gate
  247. Low Grooming Medical
  248. Lesbian Girl Porn, Sex, Lesbian
  249. Liz Gateley
  250. Large Said of a vessel sailing with wind abaft the beam but not right aft Medicine, Health, Therapy, Property, Real Estate, Business & Finance, Medical, Weather, Scientific & Educational, NAACCR, Food, Clothes, Common Medical, The Finance and Administrative Services, Cooking
  251. Amount of lignin infused NANP Modeling Commitee
  252. Lawful Good Gaming, Internet Slang, Alignment
  253. Little Guitar Music
  254. Light Guide Computing, Hardware
  255. Lightening Gun
  256. Lousy Garbage
  257. Local Governance Education, Law, Iraq
  258. Loading Gundes Technology, Product, Guide
  259. La Gard Business, Safety, Lock
  260. Lower Grades Medical, Book, Grade
  261. Larry Gagner
  262. Lovely Greetings Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  263. Liebe GrüßE
  264. Laser Gauge
  265. Light Group
  266. Liouville Green Colors
  267. Lee Grimes
  268. Low Kravity Technology, Gaming, Server
  269. Leevi Graham Technology, Development, Engine, Expression
  270. Living God
  271. Ruminal digesta lignin NANP Modeling Commitee
  272. Law and Grace
  273. Lady Gibson Music
  274. Lucky Goldstar Corporation Computing, Hardware
  275. Light'S Grace
  276. Logosu Geldikten Android, Galaxy, Root
  277. Loan Guarantee Business, Government, Energy
  278. Loading Gauge Technology, Tool, Railway, Ordnance Survey
  279. Lafayerte Glass
  280. Lower Gorge
  281. Leaves of Grass Android, Rip, Poem, Grass
  282. Larry Gadea
  283. Leon Garcia Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  284. Liebe Gru
  285. Laser-Technologies Gmbh
  286. Light Green Business, Technology, Product, Color, Colour, Auto, Colors
  287. List Grids Assembly, Business & Finance
  288. Lee Giles
  289. Lago Grande Locations, Virtual, Hialeah
  290. Low Generation
  291. Minor League Level Baseball, Sports
  292. Length Long Business & Finance, Power Plant
  293. Lauren Gilbert Film, Technology, Movie
  294. Life's Gold
  295. LG Electronics Computing, Computer
  296. Ligand-Gated Medical, Channel, Ion
  297. Lithium Gallate
  298. Load Group Technology, Software, Power
  299. Lila Goddard
  300. Lafayette Gardel
  301. Lev Grossman
  302. Le and Gascuel
  303. Little George Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  304. Liebe Gr Forum, Gaming, Community
  305. Laser-Grip Gun, Military, Trace
  306. Light Grease
  307. Luxair Airline, Business & Finance, Iata Aircraft Codes
  308. Lebowa Government
  309. Legacy Gaming
  310. Lhggy Game Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  311. Low Gates Business, Device, Gate, Fujitsu
  312. LËTzebuerger Gemengen
  313. Lecture Guide Special Education, Scientific & Educational
  314. Lauren Gavin Porn, Boston, Wedding
  315. Local Grammar
  316. linkage group Genes that occur together on the same chromosome. Products
  317. Lift Gate
  318. Linearized Gradient
  319. Load Generators Technology, University, Runner
  320. Living Gkeyhawk Gaming, Locations, Campaign
  321. Lady of The Garter
  322. Level Guage
  323. Leaf Green
  324. Leader Goldstar Products
  325. Lower Guk Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  326. Licking/Grooming Medical
  327. Light Grazing
  328. Latvia Locations, Countries, Country, Sport, Olympic, Latvia, IOC Country Codes, Computing, Internet, European Union, Usps, Country domain names, 2-letter Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes
  329. Lebor GabáLa
  330. Left Gluteus
  331. Local Goverment
  332. La Gazeto
  333. Low Gain Technology, Electronics, Barber
  334. Laryngectomy Laryngectomy is the removal of the larynx and separation of the airway from the mouth, nose and esophagus. In a total laryngectomy the entire larynx is removed and in a partial laryngectomy only a portion is taken out. The laryngectomee breathes through an opening in the neck known as a stoma. This procedure is usually performed by ENT surgeon in cases of laryngeal cancer. Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  335. LäUfer Mit Guten
  336. Binary Logarithm Mathematical, Scientific & Educational
  337. Laura Geller
  338. Living Generations Genealogy
  339. Lindemer-Guy
  340. Load Generator Technology
  341. Lieing Goods Business, Health, Android
  342. Lady Gregory
  343. Level Ground
  344. Lead Global Technology, Market, Smartphone
  345. Lazy Guy A light rope or trackle by which a boom is prevented from swinging around. Occupation & positions
  346. Line Good Computing, Telecom
  347. Light Gray Business, Product, Color, Shopping, Paint, Colors
  348. LøNmodtagernes Garantifond Business, Som, Til, Har
  349. Local Governments Business, Service, Government, Council, Nigeria, Election
  350. Lebor Gab
  351. Left Gluteal Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  352. Lotal General
  353. Lc Gauche Technology, Windows, Manual, Pas
  354. Lower Quk
  355. Larry Greene
  356. Lyre Vibrola Chrome Technology, Finishing, Material Finishing
  357. Lower Ground Geology, Scientific & Educational
  358. Lietuvos Gele
  359. Laser Glow Technology, Gaming, Android
  360. Larry Giles Famous
  361. Left General Forum, Technology, Gaming, Play
  362. Lubricating Grease
  363. Light Generation Technology, Light, Lighting
  364. Load and Generation
  365. Line ground The Finance and Administrative Services
  366. Leadership and Governance Business, Education, University
  367. Ladies Guitar Music
  368. LaClede Gas Company Computing, Nyse symbols

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does LG stand for?

    LG stands for Line ground.

  2. What is the shortened form of Local Group?

    The short form of "Local Group" is LG.


LG. Acronym24.com. (2021, September 22). Retrieved February 10, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/lg-meaning/

Last updated