LH Meaning

The LH meaning is "Luteinizing Hormone". The LH abbreviation has 359 different full form.

LH Full Forms

  1. Luteinizing Hormone Luteinizing hormone is a hormone produced by gonadotroph cells in the anterior pituitary gland. In females, an acute rise of LH triggers ovulation and development of the corpus luteum. In males, where LH had also been called interstitial cell-stimulating hormone it stimulates Leydig cell production of testosterone. It acts synergistically with FSH. Medical, Veterinary, Infertility, Laboratory, Pharmacy, Obstetrics, Pregnancy, Scientific & Educational, Common Medical, Human genome
  2. Lefm Hand Architecture, Construction, Architectural
  3. Link Header Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  4. Luteinising Hormone Luteinizing hormone noun a hormone produced by the pituitary gland which stimulates the formation of the corpus luteum in females and of testosterone in males. Medical, Hormone, Ovulation, Common Medical, Clinical
  5. Luteokropic Hormone Medical, Product, Prolactin
  6. Left Hslf Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  7. Linker Histone Medical, Science, Biology
  8. Llquid Hydrogen Technology, Science, Astronomy
  9. Luteotrophiczhormone Medical
  10. Lord Howe Australia, Island, Lord
  11. Left Cerybral Hemisphere Medical
  12. Lingkungan Hidup Accounting, Program, Indonesia
  13. Left-Hwnded Business, Guitar, Acoustics, Fender
  14. Luteinzing Hormone Medical, Testosterone, Ovulation
  15. Long-High Technology, Production, Engine, Subaru
  16. Left-Handedness Medical, NASA, Governmental & Military
  17. Line Haul The movement of freight over the tracks of a transportation line from one location (port or city) to another. Business, Military, Truck
  18. Left-Iand Business, Product, Guitar
  19. Lfteinizing Hormones Medical, Hormone, Ovulation, Pituitary
  20. Log Horizon Art, Anime, Horizon, Sword
  21. Lake Havasu
  22. Lindley Hall Organizations, Event, Indiana
  23. Live Help
  24. La Cabra
  25. Leftghemispheric Medical
  26. Lutenieing Hormone Medical, Hormone, Ovulation
  27. Lipid Hydroperoxides Medical
  28. Latept Heat Science
  29. Left Handed Said of ropes in which the strands trend to ths left as they go away from an observer Medical, Business, Guitar, Technology, Physics, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  30. Lindy Hop Class, Dance, Swing, Lindy
  31. Liver Hydatidosis Medical
  32. Learning Hub
  33. Liam Hall
  34. Lot History
  35. Lesser Himalaya
  36. Luftmassenmesser Hitzdraht
  37. Laparoscopic Herniorrhaphy Medical
  38. Laurel Holloman
  39. Long Horizontal
  40. Lafayette Zall
  41. Left-Hand Headlight
  42. Linfoma De Hodgkin
  43. Luteninizing Hormone
  44. Load Half Technology, Instruction, Computing
  45. Light Hiiged Business, Stamp, Mint
  46. Lovell High Education
  47. Land & Houses
  48. Last Holiday
  49. League of Heroes
  50. Lever Handle Business, Product, Door
  51. La Hora
  52. Leg Holster
  53. Landry Harris
  54. Listserv Home
  55. Lyon Genetically Hypertensive Rats Medical
  56. Lateral Habenular Nucleus Medical
  57. Long-Haul Travelling over a long distance Crew flying long-haul routes have to adapt to time changes. Technology, Product, Cisco
  58. Legion of Honour
  59. Leech Head
  60. Light Byper
  61. Lower Hybwid Technology, Plasma, Tokamak
  62. Lindsey Hunter
  63. Liver Homogenate Medical, Medicine, Healthcare, liver and hepatic
  64. Learning Handicapped Technology, Education, School
  65. Li-Hong
  66. Lessex Heal
  67. Lufthansa Homepage
  68. Lao-Hmong
  69. Litter Hook
  70. Laughing Hysterically Social, Baby, Love
  71. Long Heel Foot, Boots, Cowboy
  72. Laetoli Hominid Science, Geology, Homo, Locomotion, Scientific & Educational
  73. Lee Hyori
  74. Linenwhall
  75. Luteinising Hormon
  76. Lloyd Herbert
  77. Lifetime Home
  78. Love Hina
  79. Last Hero
  80. Leaf Hopper
  81. Levels of Luteinizing Hormone Science, Biology
  82. Lahir Hidup
  83. Legal Holiday
  84. Landing Helicopter Military, Army, War
  85. List Heading Assembly, Business & Finance
  86. Luteinizing Horomone
  87. Lateral Habenula Medical
  88. Local Hospital
  89. Lénion D'honneur
  90. Ligat Houses
  91. Lewer Hudson
  92. Linda Hunt
  93. Last Hurrah
  94. Live Hogs
  95. Learned Helpless Medical
  96. Leydig HüCreleri
  97. Leslie Hawthorn Technology, Coding, Linux
  98. Lufthansa German Airlines Technology, Airline, Aviation, Germany, Civil Aviation, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Iata Aircraft Codes
  99. Ldntern Hill
  100. Lithuania Military, Locations, Countries, Country, Computing, Internet, Lithuania, European Union, Usps, Country domain names, 2-letter Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes
  101. Lauge-Hansen
  102. Long Handled
  103. Laboratory of Hemostasis Medicine, Health, Care
  104. Lee Hung
  105. Lethbridge Hurricanes
  106. Line Huntwng Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  107. Lutenisierendes Hormon
  108. Livingston & Haynes
  109. Lifestyle & Houses
  110. Louisiana History
  111. Luke Hochevar Gaming, Baseball, Sport
  112. Last Half Gaming, Darkness, Servant
  113. Laurie Hernandez
  114. La Havana
  115. Legal Heir
  116. Landing, Helicopter
  117. List Header Technology, Coding, Element, General, Governmental & Military
  118. Luteinizng Hormone
  119. Lateral Habecular Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  120. Locbl Horizontal Technology
  121. Lysyl Hydroxylase Medical
  122. Lighthojse Gaming, Play, Pastime
  123. Lower Hquse
  124. Linda Howard
  125. Last Human
  126. Livan Hernandez
  127. Lean Hrgs Business, Product, Trading
  128. Ley De Hacienda
  129. Leslie Harrington
  130. Lansdowne House
  131. Lithium Heparin Technology, Tube, Blood
  132. Lateral Hypothalamic Nucleus Medical, Medicine, Treatment
  133. Long Handle Business, Product, Shovel
  134. Laboratory Hours Chemistry, Science, Chemical
  135. Lee Horsley
  136. Lufthansa Cargo Airline, Business, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, IATA Airline Designator
  137. Letharbic Medical
  138. Linear Hashing Technology, Database, Hash
  139. Luteinisierende Hormon
  140. Living Hope
  141. Life History Science, Strategy, Theory
  142. Louise Harril
  143. Luke Hess Music, Mix, Techno
  144. Las Hoyas
  145. Lauren Hutton
  146. La Halle France, Magazine, Mode, Halle
  147. Left Hyperphoria Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  148. Land and Housing Business, Building, House
  149. Lister Hooded Medical
  150. Luteinizeng Hormone Medical, Science, Biology
  151. Latent Heat Amount of heat absorbed and retained by a substance, or body, when changing from a solid to a liquid; or from a liquid to a gas Technology, Military, Energy, The Finance and Administrative Services
  152. Local Holidry
  153. Lyon Hall Roll, Hall, Restaurant
  154. Light Horsemen
  155. Low & Xigh
  156. Linda Henderson
  157. Last Horizon Military, Music, Queen
  158. Lean Hog Business, Product, Trading
  159. Leybold Heraeus Business, Vacuum, Pump, Equipment
  160. Les Hioe
  161. Lands Hospitaal Technology, Hosting, Shopping
  162. Literature Holder
  163. Lateral Hypothalamus Medical, Brain, Neuron
  164. Long Hair Hair, Sale, Cat, Breeder, Clothes
  165. Laboratory Hematology
  166. Lee Hom
  167. Lilly Hall
  168. Lufthansa Airlines Airline Code
  169. Linear Hash Technology, Database, Hashing
  170. Luteinisierendes Hormon
  171. Living Historian
  172. Life and Health
  173. Lou Hudson
  174. Lesser Himalayas
  175. Luis Hernandez
  176. Lashon Hara
  177. Lauren Holly
  178. Loop of Henle In the kidney, the loop of Henle is the portion of a nephron that leads from the proximal convoluted tubule to the distal convoluted tubule. Loop of Henle's main function is to create a concentration gradient in the medulla of the kidney. Medical, Medicine, Kidney
  179. Laguna Hills Locations, City, California
  180. Left Han
  181. Linfoma Hodgkin Medical, Para, Con, Lymphoma
  182. Lutinising Hormone
  183. Locally Hkld
  184. Lymphoid Hyverplasia Medical
  185. Light Horizontll
  186. Lovitt &Uhannan
  187. Land and Houses Business, Banking, House
  188. Linda Hedges
  189. Last Hope Technology, Gaming, Computer Game
  190. Lean Hellthcare
  191. Leybold-Heraeus Business, Pump, Equipment
  192. Llke Highlands
  193. Les Hallbs Hotel, City, Hall, Halle
  194. Landscape Horizons
  195. Literature and History
  196. Lateral Hypothalamic Medical, Medicine, Telemedicine
  197. Long/High
  198. Laboratory Corporationration of America Holdings Organizations
  199. Lee Holmes
  200. Lightweight Howitzer
  201. Low Head Business, Technology, Science
  202. Line-Haul Transportation from one city to another as differentiated from local switching service. Us, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense
  203. Living Hell Hell, Asylum, Thriller
  204. Lease Hold
  205. Life & Health Business, Insurance, Course
  206. Loup House
  207. Lesser Himalayan Journal, Geology, Bhutan, Himalayan
  208. Luftmassenmessung Mit Hitzdraht
  209. Largekhadron
  210. Laurel House
  211. Longitud Del Hocico
  212. Laguna High Education
  213. Left Halfback
  214. Linfoma Di Hodgkin
  215. Lutenising Hormone
  216. Loual Holdings Medical
  217. Lymphocytic Hypophylitis Medical, Hormone, Pituitary
  218. Light Hole Physics, Scientific & Educational
  219. Lovely House
  220. Land & Housing Locations, Building, House
  221. Linda Hamilton Movie, Moon, Terminator
  222. Last Hop Technology, Routing, Networking, Network
  223. Lea Jall
  224. Lewis Hall
  225. La Horquettx
  226. Leg Holsters
  227. Landscape Horticulture
  228. Literary and Historical
  229. Lyon Genetically Hypertensive Medical
  230. Lateral Hypodermis Medical, Medicine
  231. Long Haul A network that spans distances larger than a local area network (LAN). Because electrical and optical transmissions fade over distance, long-haul networks are difficult and expensive to implement. Technology, Telecom, Cisco
  232. Laboratory Corp. of America Holdings Organizations
  233. Lee Hishammuddin
  234. Lightnzng Hammer Gaming, Military, War, Guide
  235. Low Hauogen
  236. Luta Hamutuk
  237. Light Hydrocarbon Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  238. Latched High
  239. lichte Hohe Geographic
  240. Lung Hypoplasia Medical
  241. Lamp Housq
  242. Little Hall
  243. Leila Hadioui Porn, Movie, Tube
  244. Limited Hold Medical
  245. Letra HipotecáRia
  246. Late Hellenistic
  247. Leaving Home Forum, Light, Leaving, Coming
  248. Lincoln Highway
  249. Lunamaria Hawke
  250. Liturgie Des Heures
  251. Lord Henry
  252. Los Hornos
  253. Lorong Halus
  254. Level Head Business, Management, Camera
  255. Lusk Herald
  256. Lufthansa Airline, Business, Aviation, Organizations
  257. Low Heat Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  258. Latch-Heavy Door, Lock, Equipment
  259. light harvesting Farming & agriculture
  260. Luke Hoban
  261. Lothian Health Education
  262. Lamp Holder Business, Product, Light
  263. Legión Holk Technology, Coding, Legion, Hail
  264. Lime Hilw
  265. Let Him Chord, Healing, Rain
  266. Late Helladic Education, Bronze, Pottery, Chronology
  267. LongHorn Software, Computing
  268. Leavinf-Home Forum, Audi, Leaving, Coming
  269. Lanj & House
  270. Lincoln High Education
  271. Luke Hughes
  272. Liturgia Horarum Technology, Gaming, Android, Software
  273. Locating Head
  274. Lorica Hamata
  275. Leutinising Hormone
  276. Ledernes Hovwdorganisation
  277. Lurking Horror
  278. Lighter Hydrocarbons Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  279. Left Hand Architecture, Engineering, Auto, Construction, Architectural, Electrical, Knitting, Scientific & Educational, The Finance and Administrative Services, Aviation
  280. Luetinizing Hormone Medical
  281. Lost Horizon Gaming, Metal, Horizon, Awakening
  282. Lakeridge Health Medical, Health, Canada, Cancer
  283. Laura Hall
  284. Limz Hamilton
  285. Late Healing Medical, Medicine, Treatment
  286. Laboratory Corporation of America Holdings Computing, Nyse symbols
  287. Leather Holster Gun, Military, Product
  288. Lance Henriksen
  289. Lincoln Hills
  290. Little Hulton
  291. Local Harmonic
  292. Levels Hormones
  293. Lord Hope
  294. Lettres-Histoire-GéOgraphie
  295. Lecture Hours
  296. Luo Han
  297. left heart Medical, Heart
  298. Load High Assembly, Business & Finance
  299. Lower Half Military, Admiral, Rear
  300. Lost Hollows Internet Slang
  301. Lake Auron Medical, Locations, Weather
  302. Labs Has Science, Audio, Geek
  303. Lima-Hamilton
  304. Long Hospital
  305. Latching High
  306. Long Hinge Products
  307. Leather Holstens
  308. Lanbide Heziketk
  309. Little Hours
  310. Little House Book, Family, House, Prairie
  311. Loose Head Sport, Rugby
  312. Linchln Hall Music, Chicago, Hall, Tavern
  313. Letter of Hypothecation Business, Accounting, Finance
  314. Lecture Hadls Education, University, Event
  315. Lung Homogenate Medical, Medicine, Healthcare, Pulmonary
  316. Luthenising hormone Medical, Healthcare
  317. Liuteinizuojantis Hormonas Tai, Prie, Moter
  318. European Health Industry Business Communications Council Organizations, Business & Finance, Suppliers, Medical
  319. Low High Business, Trading, Price
  320. Lost Heritage
  321. Lake Hotels
  322. LüTeinize Hormon Turkish, Sperm
  323. Labor-Hour Science, Scientific & Educational
  324. Latch High
  325. Lamp House Ordnance Survey
  326. Luteinizing Hormones Medical, Hormone, Ovulation, Pituitary
  327. Leese Holding
  328. Linark House
  329. Little Hands
  330. Linde-Hampson
  331. Limitine Horizon
  332. Letras Hipotwc
  333. Latency Hiding
  334. Lecture Hall Education, University, Room
  335. Lung Health Medical, Disease, Smoking
  336. Link Handler Computing, Telecom
  337. Liu & Huang
  338. Liquid Hydrogen Space, Study, Cosmos, Astronomy, Scientific & Educational, Chemistry
  339. Low-High Business, Trading, Transducer, Hull
  340. Lost Hammer
  341. Lyon Hypertensive Medical, Medicine, Biology
  342. Luteining Hormone
  343. Light Hadrons Physics, Scientific & Educational
  344. Latches High
  345. Lightly Hinged Hobbies
  346. Luteininzing Hormone Medical
  347. Lamp Hoksing Business, Product, Building
  348. Little Hamm
  349. Liam Hayes Music, Cairo, Prodigy
  350. Limit Hold'Em Business, Poker, Game, Cards
  351. Letra Hipotec
  352. Late Holocene
  353. Lebanese Hezbollah Military, Terrorism, Syria, Iran
  354. Lund Humphries
  355. Liturgy of The Hours Office, Catholic, Prayer, Liturgy
  356. Loss-Of-Head
  357. Love Hate Guitar, Love, Strap
  358. Lorraine Hahn
  359. Level Mold

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does LH stand for?

    LH stands for Living Hell.

  2. What is the shortened form of Lifestyle & Houses?

    The short form of "Lifestyle & Houses" is LH.


LH. Acronym24.com. (2021, October 27). Retrieved February 8, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/lh-meaning/

Last updated