LH in Scientific & Educational Meaning

The LH meaning in Scientific & Educational terms is "Luteinizing Hormone". There are 11 related meanings of the LH Scientific & Educational abbreviation.

LH on Scientific & Educational Full Forms

  1. Luteinizing Hormone Luteinizing hormone is a hormone produced by gonadotroph cells in the anterior pituitary gland. In females, an acute rise of LH triggers ovulation and development of the corpus luteum. In males, where LH had also been called interstitial cell-stimulating hormone it stimulates Leydig cell production of testosterone. It acts synergistically with FSH.
  2. Left Handed Said of ropes in which the strands trend to ths left as they go away from an observer
  3. Light Hole
  4. Laetoli Hominid
  5. Left Hand
  6. Liquid Hydrogen
  7. Labor-Hour
  8. Light Hadrons
  9. Light Hydrocarbon
  10. Low Heat
  11. Lighter Hydrocarbons

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does LH stand for Scientific & Educational?

    LH stands for Luteinizing Hormone in Scientific & Educational terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Liquid Hydrogen in Scientific & Educational?

    The short form of "Liquid Hydrogen" is LH for Scientific & Educational.


LH in Scientific & Educational. Acronym24.com. (2021, October 27). Retrieved March 22, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/lh-meaning-in-scientific-educational/

Last updated