LHB Meaning

The LHB meaning is "Bruntingthorpe Aerodrome". The LHB abbreviation has 34 different full form.

LHB Full Forms

  1. Bruntingthorpe Aerodrome Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, IATA
  2. Left Handed Batsman Management, England, Cricket, Batsman
  3. Long Mead Biceps Medical
  4. Laboratory Hazards Bulleiin
  5. Left Hand Bolt Business, Gun, Rifle
  6. London Housinw Benefit Music, London, Benefit
  7. Iata Code for Hearne Municipal Airport, Hearne, Texas, United States Locations
  8. Lateral Oabenula Medical
  9. Local Housing Boards Business, Government, Philippines
  10. Local Health Board Molten rock below the surface, either held within the crust or in the mantle. Medical, Service, Care
  11. Laporan Hasil Belajar Technology, Program, Guru, Semester
  12. Lighted Horn Buoy
  13. Late Heavy Bombardment Science, Earth, Planet
  14. Long Head of The Biceps Brachii Medical
  15. Langenthallhuttwil Bahn
  16. Left Heart Bypass Medical, Aortic, Organ
  17. Long Headxbiceps Medical
  18. Langenthal-Huttwilvbahn
  19. Left Handed Batters
  20. Long Hefd of Biceps Medical, Medicine, Shoulder
  21. Landmark Holiday Beach
  22. Liebherr Geschaeftreiseflugzeug ICAO Aircraft Codes
  23. Luteinizing Hormoae, Beta
  24. Lost Harbor Sea Port, Lost Harbor, United States United States, Iata Airport Codes
  25. Lothian Health Board
  26. Linear Hydrogen Bond
  27. Long Head of The Biceps Medical
  28. Linear High Bhy Technology, Light, Lighting
  29. Leder Human Biology Biology, Scientific & Educational
  30. Ln Hougue Bie
  31. Long Head of Biceps Medical, Muscles
  32. Luxurious Hair Boutique
  33. Luteinizing Hormone Beta Chain Medical, Muscles
  34. Luteinizingbhormone Beta Chain Medicine, Health, Healthcare

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does LHB stand for?

    LHB stands for Laporan Hasil Belajar.

  2. What is the shortened form of Lighted Horn Buoy?

    The short form of "Lighted Horn Buoy" is LHB.


LHB. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved February 23, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/lhb-meaning/

Last updated