LHG Meaning

The LHG meaning is "Lightning Ridge Airport". The LHG abbreviation has 27 different full form.

LHG Full Forms

  1. Lightning Ridge Airport Lightning Ridge, New South Wales,Australia Airport, IATA Code, IATA, Aviation
  2. Laughlin Healthcare Group
  3. Local History & Genealcgy
  4. Latent Heat Gain The Finance and Administrative Services
  5. Local Health Group Magnetic declination or magnetic variation is the angle between magnetic north (the direction in which the north end of a compass needle points) and true north (the direction along the earth's surface towards the geographic North Pole). Medical, Service, Publics
  6. Lansing Home & Garden
  7. Local Health Groups
  8. Localized Hemolysis In Gel Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  9. La Hora Gay
  10. Lwving History Group
  11. Local History and Genealogy
  12. Labour Housing Group
  13. Left Hand Grip Medical, Technology, Medicine, Physiology
  14. Local History Group
  15. Liquefied Hazardous Gas Transportation, Shipping
  16. Left-Hand Grip
  17. Local History Genealogy
  18. Louisb& Henry Group
  19. Library History Grouf
  20. Lou Hammond Group
  21. Lübeqker Hafen-Gesellschaft Business, Company, Port
  22. Loch Haraour Group
  23. Lübecker Wafen Gesellschaft
  24. Luo Han Gub
  25. Lowe Hospitality Group
  26. Louvbe Hotels Group Hotel, Jin, Tulip
  27. Lightning Ridge, New South Wales, Australia Australia

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does LHG stand for?

    LHG stands for Local Health Groups.

  2. What is the shortened form of Local History and Genealogy?

    The short form of "Local History and Genealogy" is LHG.


LHG. Acronym24.com. (2020, September 1). Retrieved February 23, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/lhg-meaning/

Last updated