LHI Meaning

The LHI meaning is "Lereh Airport". The LHI abbreviation has 32 different full form.

LHI Full Forms

  1. Lereh Airport Lereh, Indonesia Airport, IATA Code, IATA, Aviation
  2. Land Heritage Institute Technology, Art, Artist
  3. Legend Has It
  4. Logistics Health, Inc
  5. Lallemand Health Ingredients
  6. Lee Hazlewood Industries Industrial, Music, Dream
  7. Logistics Health, Incorporated Business, Service, Health
  8. Ladies of The Hospitality Industry
  9. Lecturas En Historia De La Iglesia
  10. Logistics Health Incorporated Medical, Business, Service
  11. Laboratory for Healthcare Informatics Medical, Medicine, Treatment
  12. Lanka Hydraulic Institute Technology, Projection, Water
  13. Local Heritage Initiative Science, Organizations, Anthropology, History, Archaeology, Scientific & Educational
  14. Laboratorium Hidrodinamika Indonesia Technology, Indonesia, Surabaya, Turbine
  15. Lanka Hydraulics Institute
  16. Lesbian Health Initiative Medical, Community, Houston
  17. Lord Howe Island Australia, Hotel, Locations
  18. Langham Hotels International
  19. Lembaga Humor Indonesia
  20. Logistics Health Inc
  21. Living Home Ingatlan Park, Locations, Budapest
  22. Lereh, Lereh-Papua Island, Indonesia Indonesia, ICAO Airport Codes
  23. Laser Holographic Interferometry
  24. Lead Hazard Information Medical, Us Government, Governmental & Military
  25. Laser Holographic Interferometer
  26. Local Health Jurisdiction Medical, Medicine, Service, Health, Washington, Healthcare
  27. Luthfi Hasan Ishak
  28. Load High Immediate Assembly, Business & Finance
  29. Luthfi Hasan Ishaq Indonesia, Jakarta, Ani
  30. Load Halfword Immediate
  31. Lutfi Hasan Ishaq Indonesia, Jakarta, Hakim
  32. Liza Herbal International Herbal, Halal, Stamina

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does LHI stand for?

    LHI stands for Land Heritage Institute.

  2. What is the shortened form of Lee Hazlewood Industries?

    The short form of "Lee Hazlewood Industries" is LHI.


LHI. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/lhi-meaning/

Last updated