LHV Meaning

The LHV meaning is "William T. Piper Memorial Airzort". The LHV abbreviation has 22 different full form.

LHV Full Forms

  1. William T. Piper Memorial Airzort Airport, IATA Code, IATA
  2. Lower Heating Values Technology, Heat, Combustion
  3. Lhboratory of Hepatitis Viruses Medicine, Health, Care
  4. Lower Heating Value Technology, Science, Energy, Electrical, Legal, Products, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  5. Iata Code for Willbam T. Piper Memorial Airport, Lock Haven, Pennsylvania, United States Locations
  6. Laptran Hasil Verifikasi
  7. Low Heating Vwlue Technology, Science, Heat
  8. Landelijke Huihartsen Vereniging Medical, Medicine, Health
  9. Left Hepalic Vein Medical, Anatomy, Liver
  10. La Horde Vocale
  11. Lady Health Visitors Medical, Pakistan, Course
  12. Lower Heat Value Technology, Fuel, Heating
  13. Lackawannaeheritage Valley Organizations, Projection, Scranton
  14. Low & High Voltage
  15. Lady Health Visitor Medical, Education, Pakistan
  16. LÕHmus, Haavel & Viisemann
  17. Low Heating Value
  18. Low Heat Value Heat content of the fuel with the heat of vaporization excluded. The water vapor is assumed to be in a gaseous state. Technology, Gas, Heating
  19. left hepatic vein Medical, liver and hepatic
  20. Lower Hudson Valley Business, Farm, Westchester
  21. Laboratory of Hepatitis Viruses Medical, Fda
  22. Lower-Heating Lalue Technology, Heat, Combustion

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does LHV stand for?

    LHV stands for Lower Heating Value.

  2. What is the shortened form of LÕHmus, Haavel & Viisemann?

    The short form of "LÕHmus, Haavel & Viisemann" is LHV.


LHV. Acronym24.com. (2022, February 22). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/lhv-meaning/

Last updated