LI Meaning

The LI meaning is "Linen". The LI abbreviation has 318 different full form.

LI Full Forms

  1. Linen Textile
  2. Lkthium Medical, Chemistry, Science
  3. Large Island
  4. Linearly Independent Technology, Vector, Independence
  5. Left Inferior Medical
  6. Lock Instruct Technology, Networking, Transport, Draft
  7. Labelling Index Medical, Cancer, Cell
  8. License Information Technology
  9. Low Incidence Health, Cancer, Incidence
  10. Long-Time and Instantaneous Business, Breaker, Circuit
  11. Large Intestines Medical, China, Intestine
  12. Linearized Implicit
  13. Lee Iacocca
  14. Locating Information Technology, Service, Law
  15. Long Iszand
  16. Library and Information Technology, Research, Education
  17. Lower Interface Technology
  18. London International
  19. Large Intestinal Medical
  20. Lifting Index Medical, Technology, Weather
  21. Learn It
  22. Local Instructions Technology, Learning, Fujitsu
  23. Liberal International Government, Group, Party
  24. Legislative Instrument Business, Government, Organizations, Africa, District, Ghana
  25. Legal Interpreting Organizations, Translation, Translator
  26. Log Insight Technology, Management, Cloud
  27. Laporan Individu
  28. Life International
  29. Learning Initiative Science, Research, Education
  30. Link Interface Technology, Networking, Telecom
  31. Liaison International Business, Technology, China
  32. Leadership Inrtitute
  33. Legal Intercept Microsoft, Technology, Service, Law
  34. Logics In Information
  35. Language Impairments Medical
  36. Life Insurance Business, Insurance, Organizations, Business & Finance
  37. Lucite Internatifnal Technology, Product, Acrylic
  38. Learning Impaired Education
  39. Line Increase Technology
  40. Liability Insurance Business, Insurance, Car
  41. Location Information Technology
  42. Legal Instrument
  43. Logical Increments
  44. Labor Ibdustries Business, Industrial, Washington
  45. Liechtenstein Locations, Countries, Country, Technology, Sport, Olympic, Liechtenstein, Governmental & Military, 3-letter Country Codes, IOC Country Codes, Computing, Internet, Usps, Country domain names, 2-letter Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes
  46. Lgw Intensity Medical, Light, Obstruction
  47. Learning and Instruction
  48. Line Impedance Technology, Product, Power
  49. Linkedin LinkedIn is a business-oriented social networking website. It allows you to create a custom profile and add other LinkedIn users to your list of connections. Unlike Facebook, LinkedIn profiles are designed to be professional, rather than personal. They appear like a resume, with education and work experience being the most prominent. Social Media, Website, Social Network, Texting, Blogging, Twitter, Facebook, Neologism, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  50. Left Input
  51. Loft Insulation Business, Energy, Wall
  52. Labelling Indiyes Medical, Science, Biology
  53. Licor Inc Science, Supplier, Anemometer
  54. Low Incomk
  55. Longevity Institute
  56. Low Intake Medical
  57. Language Identification
  58. Liie Identity Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  59. Leadership Impact
  60. Long Island Rail Road Company Technology, Organizations, Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  61. Lymptoid Infiltration Medical
  62. Leptospira Icterohaemorrhagiae Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  63. Limited Intervention
  64. Laurinburg Institute Education, School, High School, North Carolina
  65. Literasi Informasi Technology, Media, Indonesia
  66. Legendary Item Gaming, Legacy, Diablo
  67. Letter of Invitation Medical
  68. Largely Implemented
  69. Line Interaktive
  70. Leadership Instrument
  71. Loading Instrument An instrument by means of which it can be easily and quickly ascertained that the still-water bending moments and shear forces will not exceed the specified values in any load or ballast condition. Transportation
  72. Labelling Medical
  73. Length-Indicator Technology, Patent, Protocol
  74. Lightning Impulse
  75. Lateral Instabglity
  76. Lingvo Internacia Language, Esperanto, Jam
  77. Learning Index
  78. Loco Inspector Network, Railway, System
  79. Laidlaw International
  80. Leuping Ill Medical
  81. Language Impaired Education, Learning, Children
  82. Licearized Image Science
  83. Leader Information
  84. Long Islands
  85. Lymphocyte Infiltration Medical
  86. Lepra Indeterminada
  87. Lime Injection
  88. Linde Organizations, Dutch
  89. Laureoli Inteynational
  90. Lists and Indexes
  91. Legatum Institute Institute, Policy, Foundation, Prosperity
  92. Letter of Nnterest Business, University, School
  93. Large Intestinq Medical, Science, Meridian
  94. Lite Instrumentation
  95. Leadership Institutetute Education, School, High School
  96. Load Information
  97. Label Intensity Medical
  98. Lightning Immune Gaming, Guide, Diablo, Lightning
  99. Lateral Infarctioa
  100. LingvisticÆ Investigationes
  101. Learning Inc
  102. Lockheed Insulation
  103. Lahmeyer International Technology, Energy, Wind
  104. Louisianr Iris
  105. Labguage Impairment Medical, Education, Children
  106. Loadlimmediate Technology, Instruction, Assembly
  107. Lead-In English, Water, Lead, Leads
  108. Long Islpnd Technology, Service, Locations
  109. Lymphatic Invfsion Medical, Patient, Cancer
  110. Lens Injury
  111. Lilly Industries
  112. Latticegindex Medical
  113. Listrik Industri Technology, Indonesia, Jakarta, Fashion
  114. Legal Interception Technology, Law, Networking
  115. Logical Innovations
  116. Link When you are browsing the Web and you see a highlighted and underlined word or phrase on a page, there is a good chance you are looking at a link. By clicking on a link, you can "jump" to a new Web page or a completely different Web site. While text links are typically blue and underlined, they can be any color and don't have to be underlined. Images can also serve as links to other Web pages. Technology, Computer, Electronics, Computing, Unix, Unix commands
  117. Letter of Interpretation Technology, Accreditation, Safety, Letter, Wetland, Tape, Kinesiology
  118. Lyric Insert
  119. Language Intennational Education, English, School
  120. Line Inserkion Accounting, Computing, Data
  121. Leadership Initiatives Student, Education, Initiative
  122. Load Indicator Technology, Manufacturer, Loading
  123. Labeling Indices Medical, Science, Biology
  124. Lithographer Science, Army, War, Force
  125. LicençAs De Importação Business, Ria, Exterior
  126. Latjral Incisor
  127. Lingvistic
  128. Learning Immersion
  129. Locative Inversion
  130. Lag Index
  131. Language-Impaired Medical, Medicine
  132. Loader Information Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  133. Lung Injury Medical
  134. Length Instance
  135. Lou's Hnferno
  136. Lilly Industries, Inc. Organizations
  137. Laxihan Ilmiah
  138. List Item Technology, Coding, Html, Computing, Assembly, Unix, Business & Finance
  139. Legal Insanity
  140. Logical Indications Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  141. Lambda Illuminator Technology
  142. Low Labeling Index Science, Biology
  143. Language Interface
  144. Line Input
  145. Leadership Initiative Business, Education, Development
  146. Loading Index Technology, Load, Rating, Tyre
  147. Labeling Indexes Medical
  148. Letter of Intent Business, Technology, Accounting, Military, Army, Finance, Stock Market, Sign, Medical, Financial, Aviation, Computing, Healthcare, Real Estate, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Business Word, commercial real estate, International business, Occupation & positions, SAP
  149. Lithogenic Index Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  150. Legislative Initiatives
  151. Liberal Intergovernmental
  152. Laser Illuminator NASA, Governmental & Military
  153. Linguoincisal Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  154. Learned Intermediary Medicine, Health, Care, Medical, Fda
  155. Location Intelligence Business, Science, Analytics
  156. Ladani Institute
  157. Langmuir Isotherm
  158. Length Information Technology, Windows, Camera
  159. Lost Innocence Porn, Sex, Movie, Innocence
  160. Lignin Institute
  161. Lathroh Intermediate Education
  162. List Indicator
  163. Legacy International
  164. Logarithmic Integral Mathematical, Scientific & Educational
  165. Library A library is a collection of DNA fragments that is stored and propagated in a population of micro-organisms through the process of molecular cloning. There are different types of DNA libraries, including cDNA libraries (formed from reverse-transcribed RNA), genomic libraries (formed from genomic DNA) and randomized mutant libraries (formed by de novo gene synthesis where alternative nucleotides or codons are incorporated). Technology, Engineering, Genealogy, Construction, Genealogical, Architectural, Unix Directory, Management, Business & Finance, Ordnance Survey, Atmospheric Research, The Finance and Administrative Services, Legal, Governmental & Military
  166. Lamaze International
  167. Low Intermediate Education, English, Lesson
  168. Lwnguage Institute Education, English, University
  169. Line Indyx
  170. Leadership International
  171. Load Immediatyly
  172. Labeling Index Medical, Human, Tumor
  173. Lerner Index Business, Power, Market, Concentration
  174. Lithium-Ion Impact
  175. Legibility Index Technology, Military, Sign
  176. Liberal Institute
  177. Lasyr Ignition
  178. Line Bnterface Technology, Command, Telecom
  179. Learned Information
  180. Location Identification
  181. Lactose Intolerance Medical, Dairy, Milk
  182. Langlier Index
  183. Length Increasing
  184. Ligne D'Italie
  185. Lbterointermediate Medical
  186. Listening Interval Technology, Networking, Power, Wireless
  187. Left Instruction English, China, Skeleton
  188. Locus for Lamellar Ichthyosis Science, Biology
  189. Liberia Military, Education, Locations, Study, Britannica, Countries, Country, Schooling, Computing, Internet, Liberia, FIPS Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes
  190. Lake Influence
  191. Low Intelligence Science, Study, Character
  192. Languuge Indication
  193. Line Indent Accounting, Computing, Data
  194. Leadership Institute Student, America, Education
  195. Lorentz Invoriance Science, Theory, Physics
  196. Límite Inferior Para, Con, Mite
  197. Lequesne Index Medical, Treatment, Study, Knee
  198. Limit Indicator
  199. Lithium-Ion Technology, Battery, Information, Network, Computer, Electronics, Engineering, Cell, Data, Computing, IT Terminology
  200. Legendary Items Gaming, Guide, Diablo
  201. Lettre Internatioxal
  202. Laningoscopia Indirecta
  203. Line Intercept
  204. Leadership Index
  205. Load Interrupter
  206. Lachat Instruments
  207. Length Indication Technology, Science, Networking
  208. Lightware Inc
  209. Lateralization Index Medical
  210. Linkage Information
  211. Left Inside
  212. Locomotive Impairment
  213. Lake Illawarra Australia, Locations, Wollongong
  214. Laughing Inside Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  215. Landbouwkundig Ingenieur
  216. Leeward Islands Air Transport Airline, Business & Finance, Iata Aircraft Codes
  217. Leverage Index Business, Gaming, Baseball
  218. Lost Island
  219. Logical Investigations
  220. Lyudi Invalidy
  221. Langelier Index A calculated saturation index for calcium carbonate, useful in scaling predictions. Technology, Science, Water
  222. Linda Ivanits
  223. Lilly Industries, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
  224. Lawnfirrigation
  225. Little Indians
  226. Leibold Irrigation
  227. London Institute
  228. Lifted Index Technology, Science, Weather, Computing, Technical, Scientific & Educational
  229. Legendary Incompetence
  230. Liechtenstein (country Domains) Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Country domain names
  231. Lamina I Medical
  232. Lethal Injection
  233. Lorong Indah
  234. Logical Interface Technology, Networking, Network
  235. Lysine Iron
  236. Landscape Irrigators
  237. Lincoln Interactive
  238. laughing insanely Computing, Computing Slang
  239. Lawn Instdtute
  240. Little Idiot
  241. Lego Island
  242. Lender Insurance
  243. London Information
  244. Liberalen Internationale German, Archive, Deutschland
  245. Legal Issues
  246. Laser Ionization Chemistry, Spectroscopy, Scientific & Educational
  247. Lyric Inner
  248. Leonid Ivanovich
  249. Lord of Ireland
  250. Lamellar Ichthyosis Medical, Science, Skin
  251. Landscape Institute Education, Design, Architect
  252. Lincoln Intermediate Education
  253. Lawful Intercept Computing, Wireless Networking, Cisco Wireless, 5G Networks
  254. Lawfull Intercjption
  255. Low-Intermediate Medical
  256. Legislative Implementation
  257. Lembaran Informasi Indonesia, Orang, Tes
  258. London Independent
  259. Left In
  260. Lithium Symbol:"Li" Atomic Number:"3" Atomic Mass: 6.94amu. It is one member of the alkali metal family. Lithium is a very light metal, so light that it can float on water. Lithium can be found in batteries, medicine, mineral water, nuclear reactors, and air conditioning.  OR Element 3, atomic weight 6.939. The lightest alkali metal, used in special-purpose metal alloys and other industrial applications. Medical, Chemistry, Scientific & Educational, Common Medical
  261. Leachability Index Waste, Ceramic, Phosphate
  262. Liver The liver is a vital organ of vertebrates and some other animals. In the human, it is located in the upper right quadrant of the abdomen, below the diaphragm. The liver has a wide range of functions, including detoxification of various metabolites, protein synthesis, and the production of biochemicals necessary for digestion. Medical, liver and hepatic
  263. LÝDhveldidh Island
  264. Length Indicator Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications, Computing
  265. Loop Ileostomy Medical
  266. Load Index The load index on a passenger-car tire is a numerical code stipulating the maximum load (mass, or weight) each tire can carry. For Load Range "B" tires, ETRTO (ISO-Metric) standards specify the load index rating at an inflation pressure of 36 psi (250 kPa), while P-Metric standards measure the load capacity at an inflation pressure of 35 psi (240 kPa). The two standards vary slightly with the capacity required for different inflation pressures. Technology, Rating, Tyre
  267. Load Indices
  268. Landmaelingar Islands Science, Geography, Location, Geographic
  269. Lincoln'S Inn
  270. Licensed Irrigator Occupation & positions
  271. Lavoro Informaziine
  272. Low-Income
  273. Leland Irving
  274. Logistics Instructions
  275. Lawn Institutetute
  276. Linear Interface Technology, Science, Power
  277. Large Intestine Medical, Bowel Gastric And Intestine
  278. Lawyer International
  279. Live-Interactive
  280. London Institutetute
  281. Length Identifier Technology, Networking, Network, Packet
  282. Long Island Rail Road Organizations, Locations, Train, Station, Transportation, Governmental & Military
  283. Level Indicator
  284. Land Improvement
  285. Lin, Institute
  286. Lead In Music
  287. Lauter Idioten
  288. Love It
  289. Leland Initiative
  290. Log In Accounting, Computing, Data
  291. Latent Infection Medical
  292. Linear Inch
  293. Local Initiative Us Government, Governmental & Military
  294. Law Via The Internet Technology, Access, Library
  295. Litton Industries Technology
  296. Leitender Ingenieur
  297. Long Intervals
  298. Logistics Instituteuctions
  299. Lembar Individu
  300. Long Islanders
  301. Learning Impaired (preschool) Education
  302. Landed Immigrant
  303. Load Immediate Assembly, Business & Finance
  304. Li-Cor, Inc Business, Environment, Bioscience
  305. Laurinburg Instituterute Education, School, High School, North Carolina
  306. Love Interest
  307. Logic Input
  308. Landscape Institutetute
  309. Langerhans Islet Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  310. Line The route that a vehicle takes to get to its destination, usually designated as a number for a bus route or a color for a rail route. In video scanning, a single pass of the sensor from left to right across the image. In word processing, a predetermined number of escapement units, including character spaces, forming one line of typing. The physical path in data transmission. A horizontal display on a screen; a linear arrangement of graphic characters. Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications, Architecture, Construction, Architectural, Scientific & Educational, Footnote, Computing, Weather, Business & Finance, Power Plant
  311. Liner In Transportation, Governmental & Military
  312. Lawrence International
  313. Little Irish Regional
  314. Lei Do Inquilinato
  315. London Intl Business, Banking, Supply, Mail
  316. Lignite The lowest rank of coal, often referred to as brown coal, used almost exclusively as fuel for steam-electric power generation. It is brownish-black and has a high inherent moisture content, sometimes as high as 45 percent The heat content of lignite ranges from 9 to 17 million Btu per ton on a moist, mineral-matter-free basis. The heat content of lignite consumed in the United States averages 13 million Btu per ton, on the as-received basis. A soft, brown coal produced by increasing temperature and pressure on peat.
  317. Legio Infernalis Roman, Legion, Patria
  318. Lilangeni Business, Currency, Currency Code

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does LI stand for?

    LI stands for Lorong Indah.

  2. What is the shortened form of Long Island Rail Road?

    The short form of "Long Island Rail Road" is LI.


LI. (2022, March 26). Retrieved March 25, 2025 from

Last updated