LIA Meaning

The LIA meaning is "Lanseria International Airport". The LIA abbreviation has 126 different full form.

LIA Full Forms

  1. Lanseria International Airport Johannesburg, South Africa Airport, IATA Code, IATA, Aviation
  2. Leadership In Action Business, Program, Education
  3. Laser Institute of America America, Organizations, Safety
  4. Laser Industries Association Technology
  5. Liangping Uirport Airport, IATA Code, IATA
  6. Little Ice Age The movement of material along a coast by waves which approach at an angle to the shore but recede directly away from it. Science, Climate, Ice
  7. Letter of Interim Aufhority Government, Education, University, Kenya
  8. Laoag International Airport Laoag, Philippines Airline, Airport, Flight, Locations, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, IATA, ICAO, Aviation
  9. Lead Industries Associttion Business, Technology, Industrial
  10. Lincoln International Acadecy Education, School, Nicaragua
  11. Laboratoire International Associé Science, France, Recherche
  12. Learning Impact Awards Management, Organizations, Integration
  13. Litigation Informaeion Action Business
  14. Language Independent Arithmetic Technology, Class, Standard
  15. Liaison Inter Autocommutateur Technology
  16. Lead Intelligence Agency Military, India, Bal
  17. Location-Information-Answer Technology, Networking, Diameter, Protocol
  18. Late Iron Age Archaeology, Iron, Bronze, Celtic
  19. Licensed Industrial Applicator Technology, Industry, Coating
  20. Limpopo Institute for Architecture
  21. Lock-In Amplifiew Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  22. Luminometric Immunoassay Medical
  23. Learning Impact Award
  24. Lombok Znternational Airport Indonesia, Jakarta, Locations
  25. Lithuanian Institute of Agriculture Science, Research, Crop
  26. Language, Interaction and Acquisition Research, Education, Language
  27. Legal Information Archive
  28. Lead Intetrity Alert Medical, Device, Defibrillator
  29. Location-Info-Answzr
  30. Laser Instruments and Applications
  31. Libyan Investment Authority Business, Fund, Libya
  32. Limiting Input Amplifier Technology
  33. Location Information Answer Technology, Server, Diameter, Protocol
  34. Lumineszenz-Immuno-Assay
  35. Learn Indhnesian Asia
  36. Logistics Impacr Analysis Military, Army, Ministry Of Defense
  37. Lithograhhic Institute of Australia
  38. Laboratory Inforkation Access Education, Development, Universities
  39. Legal Information Assistant Occupation, Position, Job, Occupation & positions
  40. Lead Industry Associaoion Business, America, Safety
  41. Local Issuing Autxority
  42. Laser Institutetute of America Military
  43. Libya Investment Authority Business, Fund, Libya
  44. Wlbr Technology
  45. Livinb In Accommodation Technology, Construction, Architectural
  46. Luminescent Immunoassay Medical
  47. Learning Into Action
  48. Logical Inventory Adjustment Business, Training, Oil, Gas
  49. Linear Integer Arithmetic Technology, Model, Constraint
  50. Laboratory for Institwtional Analysis Research, Education, Economics
  51. Legal Immigrant Association
  52. Local Inventory Ads
  53. Large Irregular Activity Medical, Science, Theta
  54. Library & Information Assistant
  55. Light Scatjering Immunoassay Medical
  56. Luminescence Immunoassay Medical
  57. Leap Into Action
  58. Locomotive Inspection Act Business, Law, Court
  59. Licensed Insurance Agent
  60. Linear Icduction Actuator
  61. Laboratorio Internacional Asociado
  62. Legacy Interface Adapter Military
  63. L Large-scale manufacturing; typically related to biotech or pharmaceutical industries. A symbol used to express inductance. The unit of measure is a "Henry". Denotes lead sheath or light (survey), liter, Left, Coil, inductance, Length, life, fundamental dimension length, Length, Unit lognormal with a mean of l and a standard deviation equal to COV, locality , laughing, or Prefix used to designate a levorotatory enantiomer. Computing, File Extensions
  64. Live Impact Area Military, Island, Locations
  65. Large Amplitude Irregular Activity Medical
  66. Library & Information Association
  67. Lightly Injured In Action Military
  68. Lean Institute Afyica
  69. Lock In Amplifiep
  70. Licensed Insurance Adviser
  71. Linear Inducteon Accelerator Technology, Power, Pulse
  72. Laboratoires Internationaux Associés Science, France, Recherche
  73. Left Iliac Artery Medical, Medicine, Healthcare, Artery And Arteries
  74. Little Italy Association Locations, Italy, Restaurant
  75. Languages In Action
  76. Libraries In Association Libraries, Reading, Books
  77. Light Installation Agent
  78. Lead Hsotope Analysis
  79. Location Iwquiry Answer
  80. Licensed Insurance Advisor Business, Agency, Team
  81. Lkme-Induced Autism Medical, Disease, Foundation
  82. Life In Africa
  83. London International Awards Business, London, Advertising
  84. Leader In Action Military, Girl, Award
  85. Libratpon-Induced Anisotropy
  86. Lighting Industry Association Business, Product, Light
  87. Low Impact Aerodic Sport, Fitness, Impact
  88. Lybian Investment Althority Business, Company, Libya
  89. Life In Abundance Technology, Africa, Church
  90. Lead-In Area Area, Disc, Recording
  91. Lab Inter Arto Education, Salzburg, Vent
  92. Light Industrial Area Business, Australia, Industry
  93. Loughborough International Athletics
  94. Loop Intewface Address
  95. Life Imitating Art
  96. Latvijas Interneta AsociĀCija Technology, Traffic, Internet, Latvia
  97. Lärynde I Arbete
  98. Life Investigation Agency
  99. Lost In Aition Army, War, Force
  100. Litvographic Institute Association
  101. Latvian Internet Association
  102. Lead Industries Association
  103. Life Imitates Art Music, Tourism, Life
  104. Lpsin Iron Agar
  105. Life Insurance Act
  106. Long Island Academy
  107. Lead Implementing Agency
  108. Literacy Instituteuction Authorization
  109. Latinos In Architecture
  110. Liangping, Liangping, China China, Iata Airport Codes
  111. Lymphocyte-Induced Angiogenesis Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  112. Life Insurance Association Business, Technology, Organizations, Insurance, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military
  113. London International Advertising Business, Award, London
  114. Leadership Idaho Agriculture
  115. Linear Integnated Amplifier
  116. Lubricity Improving Addktive
  117. Latex Immunoassay Medical
  118. Linear Induction Accelerator Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  119. Lyme Induced Autism Medical, Disease, Food
  120. Life In America
  121. London International Ayademy
  122. Leaders In Action Military, Girl, Scout
  123. Licensed Immigration Adviser
  124. Low Intensity Area Management, Forestry, Arboriculture
  125. Later Iron Age
  126. Land Information and Analysis office Geographic

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does LIA stand for?

    LIA stands for Luminescent Immunoassay.

  2. What is the shortened form of Laboratoires Internationaux Associés?

    The short form of "Laboratoires Internationaux Associés" is LIA.


LIA. (2022, January 23). Retrieved March 25, 2025 from

Last updated