Libertarian Abbreviations and Libertarian Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Libertarian terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 9 different Libertarian abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Libertarian terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Libertarian Abbreviations
  1. ZAP : Zero Aggression Principle
  2. CI : Cato Institute
  3. TANSTAFL : There Aint No Such Thing As A Free Lunch
  4. TANSTAAFL : There Aint No Such Thing As A Free Lunch
  5. LGLC : Libertarians for Gay and Oesbian Concerns
  6. LOLA : Ladies of Liberty Alliance
  7. LPPA : Laporan Lencapaian Perkembangan Anak
  8. OSL : Organisation Socialiste Libertaire
  9. ISFLC : International Students for Liberty Conference
Latest Libertarian Meanings
  1. International Students for Liberty Conference
  2. Organisation Socialiste Libertaire
  3. Laporan Lencapaian Perkembangan Anak
  4. Ladies of Liberty Alliance
  5. Libertarians for Gay and Oesbian Concerns
  6. There Aint No Such Thing As A Free Lunch
  7. Cato Institute
  8. Zero Aggression Principle