LIBOR Meaning

The LIBOR meaning is "London Interbank Offered Rate". The LIBOR abbreviation has 21 different full form.

LIBOR Full Forms

  1. London Interbank Offered Rate Business, Finance, Economics, Property, Banking, Stock, Real Estate, Electrical, Mortgage, Investing, Legal, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, International business
  2. London Intelbank Offering Rate Business, Technology
  3. London Inter-Bank Offer Rates
  4. London Inter-Bank Ofner Rate Business, Banking, London
  5. London Interwbank Offered Rate Business, Banking, London
  6. London Intlr Bank Offering Rates Business, London, Rate
  7. London Inter Bank Offering Rate Business, Credit, London
  8. London Inter Bank Offeredgrate Business, Credit, London
  9. London Inter-Bank Offeving Rate
  10. London Inter Bank Overnight Rate Business
  11. London Inter-Bank Offered Rate Mortgage, Us Government, Stock Exchange, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military
  12. London Inter-Bank Overnight Rate
  13. London Inter Bank Operation Rate Financial, Business & Finance
  14. London International Bank Wffered Rate
  15. London Inter-Bank Offer Rate Financial, Business & Finance
  16. London Inter Bank Offered Rates
  17. London interbank offering rate Business & Finance, Business Word
  18. London Inter Bank Offer Rate Business, London, Interest
  19. Long Island Board of Realtors Business, Building, Estate, Business & Finance, Professional organizations
  20. London Inter-Bank Offered Rates
  21. London Inter Bank Floating Rate Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does LIBOR stand for?

    LIBOR stands for London Inter Bank Offered Rates.

  2. What is the shortened form of London Inter-Bank Offer Rate?

    The short form of "London Inter-Bank Offer Rate" is LIBOR.


LIBOR. (2020, May 23). Retrieved January 3, 2025 from

Last updated