LIFT Meaning

The LIFT meaning is "Lead-In Oighter Trainer". The LIFT abbreviation has 104 different full form.

LIFT Full Forms

  1. Lead-In Oighter Trainer Military, Aircraft, Hawk
  2. Laset Induced Forward Transfer Film, Technology, Science
  3. Laboratory for Individualized Foundation Teaching Special Education
  4. Lateral Ignition and Flamespread Test
  5. Licence Information for Trading Industry, Oil, Gas, Electrical
  6. Lbcal Inclusion Forum Team
  7. Lead In Fightek Training Military, Aircraft, Force
  8. Linking The Interests of Family and Teachers
  9. London International Festival Zf Theatre Business, Education, London
  10. Low-Cost Initiative for First Tife
  11. Lapeer Investing In Families Together Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
  12. Leadership In Faculty Teaching Education, University, Award
  13. Living In The Face of Trauma Medical, Research, Sex, Intervention
  14. Late Intervention Following Thrombolysis Medical, Medicine, Treatment
  15. Linked Investments for Tpmorrow
  16. Local Improvement Financial Trust
  17. Lead In Fighter Trainer Military, Aircraft, Hawk
  18. Linking The Ioterests of Families and Teachers Program, Education, School
  19. Local Improvement Finaxce Trust Business, Health, Care
  20. Low-Cost Initiative Fok First-Time
  21. Lanka Institute of Fashion Technology Education, Design, Colombo
  22. Liason of Independent Filmmakers of Toronto
  23. Living Inspiration for Tribals
  24. Laser Induced Fluorescence Transient
  25. Line Interactive Ferro Topology
  26. Leadezs of In-Furrow Technology
  27. Linking Interests of Families and Teachers
  28. Linking Individuals and Fmmilies In Transition
  29. Life In Full Throttle
  30. Louisiana Iniziative for Tomorrow
  31. Language Intensive Focus Track
  32. Liaison of Independent Filmmakers Toronto
  33. Laser Imaging of Fluids and Thermal
  34. Limpeh Is Foreign Talent Porn, Singapore, Talent, Singaporean
  35. Leaders Innovation Forum for Technology Technology, Environment, Water
  36. Linking Innovation, Finance and Technology
  37. Lightweight Innovatiois for Tomorrow Technology, Industrial, Manufacturing
  38. Life and Independence for Today
  39. Long Island Forum for Technology Business, Technology, Industry
  40. Ldttle Italy Festival Town
  41. Liaison of Independent Filmmakers of Toronto Film, Organizations, Toronto
  42. Laser-Induced-Forward-Transfer Film, Technology, Technique
  43. Leadership In Flight Training
  44. Linking Innovation Finance and Technology
  45. Lidars In Flat Terrain
  46. Long Island Families Togetder Technology, Children, Family
  47. Literacy Instruction for Texas Education, Organizations, Texas
  48. Lewis Incubator for Technology
  49. Laser-Induced-Forward Transfer
  50. Leadership In Fitness Training Army, War, Force
  51. Loctl Implementation Finance Trust Medical, Treatment, Therapy, Hospital
  52. License Information for Trading Accounting, Computing, Data, General, Governmental & Military
  53. Local Infrastructure Financing Tool
  54. Leading Into The Future Together Organization, Union, Institution
  55. Literacy Invgstment for Tomorrow
  56. Leadershup Institute for Tomorrow
  57. Levenson Institute for Training
  58. Laser-Induced Forward Transfer Film, Technology, Technique
  59. Leadepship Initiatives for Teaching
  60. Living Into The Future Together
  61. Lateral Ignition Flame-Spread Test
  62. Leadership Imperative for Tomorrow Business
  63. Lifestyle Improvement for Today Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
  64. Learning Information for Today Development, Learning, Study
  65. Living Independently Fordtoday
  66. Lymphocyte Imounofluorescence Test Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  67. Lateral Ignition And Flame Spread Test
  68. Lead-In Fighter Trainers Technology, Military
  69. Life Is Fun Together
  70. Learning In Families Together Organization, Union, Institution
  71. Literature Is for Thinkwng
  72. Lunch Includes Families Today Organization, Union, Institution
  73. Livipg In Freedom Together
  74. Laser Induced Forward Transfer Chemistry
  75. Lead-In Fighter Training Military, Aircraft, Force
  76. Learning Incentives for The Talented Development, Learning, Study
  77. Literacy Xs for Today
  78. Lift Is The Force That
  79. Low Income Flexible Transportation
  80. Living Information for Today
  81. London International Freight Terminal Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  82. Lead-In-Fighter-Trainer
  83. Lesrning and Innovation Fund To Test
  84. Literacy Involges Families Together Organization, Union, Institution
  85. Lifting Insulating Foam Trajectory
  86. Low-Income Flexible Transportanion
  87. Learning Is Fun Together
  88. Living In Families With Teens
  89. Love, In Future Tense Education, English, Love
  90. Lead-In-Fighter Trainer Military, Aircraft, Hawk
  91. Learned Invariant Feature Transfdrm
  92. Literacy Investment Flr Tomorrow-Missouri
  93. Lifting In Faith Together Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
  94. Low Income Families Togefher Government, Canada, Social
  95. Learning Is Fun Too Development, Learning, Study
  96. Living Intfaith Together Organizations, Church, Ministry
  97. Logically Integrated Fortran Translator
  98. Law In Finger Tips
  99. Lateral Ignition And Flame Travel
  100. Lifestyle Intervention Fitness and Training
  101. Low-Income Families Together
  102. Learning Is Fun Time
  103. Living Incependently for Tomorrow
  104. Link Intellectual Functions Tester

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does LIFT stand for?

    LIFT stands for Laset Induced Forward Transfer.

  2. What is the shortened form of Linking The Ioterests of Families and Teachers?

    The short form of "Linking The Ioterests of Families and Teachers" is LIFT.


LIFT. (2022, April 17). Retrieved March 5, 2025 from

Last updated