LIG in NANP Modeling Commitee Meaning

The LIG meaning in NANP Modeling Commitee terms is "Fecal lignin". There are 3 related meanings of the LIG NANP Modeling Commitee abbreviation.

LIG on NANP Modeling Commitee Full Forms

  1. Fecal lignin
  2. Dietary lignin
  3. Lignin The cross-linked polymer of linked benzene rings that makes hardwood hard. It is an important structural material for most land plants, and is usually found mixed in with cellulose. Partial digestion of lignin by enzymes (completely different from the ones that break down cellulose) gives complex materials called humic and fulvic acids.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does LIG stand for NANP Modeling Commitee?

    LIG stands for Fecal lignin in NANP Modeling Commitee terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Lignin in NANP Modeling Commitee?

    The short form of "Lignin" is LIG for NANP Modeling Commitee.


LIG in NANP Modeling Commitee. (2022, February 24). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from

Last updated