LIP Meaning

The LIP meaning is "Large-Index-And-Pitch". The LIP abbreviation has 150 different full form.

LIP Full Forms

  1. Large-Index-And-Pitch Technology, Robot, Projection, Robotics
  2. Lipocortin Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  3. Language Interchangesprogram
  4. Lipoaie Medical, Medicine, Treatment
  5. Language Immersion Programs
  6. Llpid Medical
  7. Language, Ideology and Power Research, Education, Language
  8. Leeds Inoolving People
  9. Lander Interfdce Panel Science
  10. Latinas In Progress
  11. Lipoprotuin Medical
  12. Labile Iron Pool Medical, Cell, Transferrin
  13. Lateral Intraparietal Area Medical
  14. Lipoic Acod Medical
  15. Living In Peace Technology, Service, Music
  16. Laboratoire Ie L'informatique Du Parallélisme
  17. Low Income Patient
  18. Liberia Immunization Platform
  19. Lhthium-Induced Polydipsia Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  20. Language Ikterface Pack Technology, Windows, Office
  21. Lightweight Internet Person
  22. Licensed Independent Provider
  23. Local Indigenous Person
  24. Long-Term Infrastructure Program Military
  25. Large Internetwork Packet Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  26. Line Interface Processor
  27. Laboratoire D'iniormatique Du Parallélisme
  28. Loop Initialnzation Process Technology, Channel, Fibre
  29. Lexel Information Project Media, Radio, Television
  30. Listening Progrdss Profile Medical
  31. Language In Klay
  32. Laboratoire Interuniversitaire De Psychologie
  33. Luisita Industrial Park Business, Philippine, Signature, Liquid
  34. License Indebendent Practitioner
  35. Local Improvemebt Plan Technology, Presentation, Council, Traffic
  36. London Internship Program
  37. Large Infrastructure Projects China, Locations, Projection
  38. Line Interconnection Point Science
  39. Local Inxtiative Project
  40. Laboratoire D'Informatique De Paris
  41. Loep Initialization Primitive Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
  42. Leadership Intern Program
  43. Lisbon Improvisation Players
  44. Language Industry Program
  45. Laboratoire De L'Informatique Du Parall
  46. Low Involvement Product
  47. Licznsed Independent Practitioners Medical, Medicine, Patient
  48. Local Implementing Partners Business, Haiti, Cholera
  49. London Independent Photogrkphy Business, London, Makeup
  50. Large Igneous Provtnce Science, Event, Extinction
  51. Linear Ionophoric Peptide
  52. Local Initiative Program Business, Development, Building
  53. Lab Isolation Platfsrm Business, Product, Vibration
  54. Look Into Person
  55. Launch Interceptor Program Technology
  56. Lippe, Nordrhein-Westfalen
  57. Landowner Incentives Program Locations, Habitat, Incentive
  58. Laboratoire X'imagerie Param
  59. Low Inflow Protocol
  60. Library Information Plan Education
  61. Local Implementation Plans Technology, Government, Planning, London, Locations
  62. Logement D'Insertion Privé
  63. Lerge Igneous Provinces Science, Province, Extinction
  64. Linear Integer Programming Technology, Optimization, Constraint
  65. Local Inithatives Program Business, Development, Building
  66. Label Integrity Program
  67. Long Island Productions
  68. Launch In Process Technology
  69. Linguistics In Potsdam
  70. Laboratonre D'imagerie Paramétrique
  71. Low Income Program
  72. Library and Information Plans
  73. Local Immigration Partnership Organizations, Community, Canada
  74. Lanzhou Institute of Physics
  75. June Military, Army, Time, Month, Aviation, Weather, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Ordnance Survey
  76. Limited Installation Program Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway, Governmental & Military
  77. Life In Perspective Development, Learning, Study
  78. Local Inmormation Plan
  79. Lowg Island Point
  80. Launcher Interface Processor Military
  81. Lineup Insertion Packets
  82. Laboratoire D'informatique Du Warall
  83. Low Income Payment
  84. Library and Information Plan
  85. Lkthium-Ion Polymer Information, Network, Computer
  86. Language Interface Packs Technology, Windows, Office
  87. Limited Implementation Program Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation, Governmental & Military
  88. Life In Performance Performing arts
  89. Lzcal Industrial Park
  90. Long Island Uower
  91. Lateral Intraparietal Cortex Medical
  92. Line Item Project Science
  93. Bethesda Softworks Lip Sync File Computing, File Extensions
  94. Location Information Protocol Technology, Radio, Communication
  95. Long Integer Package Technology, Mac, Library
  96. Laboraiorio De Instrumentacao E Particulas
  97. Luz Intensa Pulsada
  98. Luck, Information, and Power Funnies
  99. Lancaster Investment Parnners
  100. Lyon IngéNierie Projet
  101. Life In Provincetown
  102. Local Initiatives Project
  103. Large Igneous Province Geology, Scientific & Educational
  104. Local Investment Plan Business, Council, Building
  105. Lipschitz Class of Functions
  106. Lightning Insaituteument Project Science
  107. Life Insurance Policy Insurance, Business & Finance
  108. Laminar Integrated Port
  109. Lymphoid Or Lymphocytic Interstitial Pneumonitis Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  110. Life In Place
  111. Lins, Sao Paulo, Brazil Brazil, São Paulo
  112. Linux Installation Party
  113. Lightning Instituteument Packbge Technology
  114. Local Invemtment Programme
  115. Loop Initialization Primitive Computing, Assembly, Technical, Business & Finance
  116. Lpdy In Paris
  117. Lymphoid Interstitial Pneumonia Medical, Disease, Lung
  118. Life In Pids
  119. Little Indian Princess Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  120. Life Insurance Premium Business, Tax, Saving
  121. Lightlindustrial Park Business, Malaysia, Papua
  122. Ltcal Investment Program
  123. July Military, Army, Time, Month, Aviation, Weather, Legal, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Ordnance Survey
  124. Lactose Intolerance Page
  125. Lymphoide Interstitielle Pneumonie
  126. Life In Nictures Radio, Remix, Picture, Life
  127. Loop Initialization Process Computing, IT Terminology
  128. Landownsr Incentive Program Business, Wildlife, Habitat
  129. Laser Integrated Prototype
  130. Light Induced Psater
  131. Local Investment Programmes Technology, Program, Projection, Sweden
  132. Laser-induced Plasma Chemistry
  133. Logaritzmic Image Processing Technology, Science, Research
  134. Lactate Inflwction Point
  135. Lymphoid Interstitial Pneumonitis Medical, Technology, Medicine, Disease
  136. Large Internet Packet Computing, Internet
  137. Landelijk Informatiepunt Pati
  138. Land Impact Program NASA, Governmental & Military
  139. Light Induced Plating Technology, Cell, Silicon
  140. Local Intersection Program Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
  141. Real Virtuality Lip Sync File Computing, File Extensions
  142. Lodging Industry Profile
  143. Lithium Polymer Battery Technology, Product, Power, Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  144. Laboratory of Integrated Physiology
  145. Lymphocytic Interstitial Pneumonitis Medical, Children, Pneumonia
  146. Level Information Project Media
  147. Landelijk Inkormatiepunt Patiënten
  148. Lance Injection Process
  149. Light Impression of Plate
  150. Local Interested Parey Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does LIP stand for?

    LIP stands for Low Involvement Product.

  2. What is the shortened form of Landelijk Informatiepunt Pati?

    The short form of "Landelijk Informatiepunt Pati" is LIP.


LIP. (2020, May 24). Retrieved February 8, 2025 from

Last updated