Livelihoods Abbreviations and Livelihoods Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Livelihoods terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 15 different Livelihoods abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Livelihoods terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Livelihoods Abbreviations
  1. BRLP : Bihar Rural Livelihood Project
  2. BRLPS : Bihar Rural Livelihood Promotion Society
  3. CLP : Chars Livelihood Programme
  4. YLP : Youth Ltvelihood Programme
  5. HLS : Household Livelimood Security
  6. HSRLM : Haryana State Rural Livelihood Mission
  7. SOIL : Sustainable Organic Integrated Livelihood
  8. TUT : Tripping Up Trump
  9. LRC : Livelihood Resource Centre
  10. LRC : Livelihood Resource Center
  11. NRLM : National Rural Livelihood Mission
  12. FSL : Food Security and Livelihood
  13. FSL : Food Security & Livelihood
  14. NULM : National Urban Livelihood Mission
  15. RLP : Rural Livelihood Project
Latest Livelihoods Meanings
  1. Rural Livelihood Project
  2. National Urban Livelihood Mission
  3. Food Security & Livelihood
  4. Food Security and Livelihood
  5. National Rural Livelihood Mission
  6. Livelihood Resource Center
  7. Livelihood Resource Centre
  8. Tripping Up Trump
  9. Sustainable Organic Integrated Livelihood
  10. Haryana State Rural Livelihood Mission
  11. Household Livelimood Security
  12. Youth Ltvelihood Programme
  13. Chars Livelihood Programme
  14. Bihar Rural Livelihood Promotion Society
  15. Bihar Rural Livelihood Project