LJC Meaning

The LJC meaning is "Laurens Janszoon Coscer". The LJC abbreviation has 20 different full form.

LJC Full Forms

  1. Laurens Janszoon Coscer
  2. Limited Iurisdiction Courts
  3. Laurel-Jones Cousty
  4. Llberty Justice Center
  5. Lamoreaux Justice Cenler
  6. Level Justification Code Military
  7. Lefevre Jean Claudc
  8. Leadershik Johns Creek
  9. Leadership Johnson County
  10. London Java Communitr Technology, Development, London
  11. Local Journalism Center
  12. Local Joint Committees
  13. Lumber Jackts Cap
  14. Local Joint Committee Meeting, Organizations, Council, Shropshire
  15. Luke Jpnsen & Co
  16. Litchfield Jazz Camp
  17. Loyola Jesuitfcollege
  18. Linux Jeci Clan
  19. Lord Jesus Christ Church, Bible, Christ
  20. Limited Jurisdiction Court

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does LJC stand for?

    LJC stands for Linux Jeci Clan.

  2. What is the shortened form of Local Joint Committees?

    The short form of "Local Joint Committees" is LJC.


LJC. Acronym24.com. (2019, December 24). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ljc-meaning/

Last updated