LK Meaning
The LK meaning is "Livht Kick". The LK abbreviation has 153 different full form.
LK Full Forms
- Livht Kick Gaming, Fighter, Street
- Lapin Kansa
- Lighting Keaboard Business, Music, Light
- Sri Lanka India, Locations, Match, Cricket, Countries, Country, Sport, Olympic, IOC Country Codes, Sri Lanka, Computing, Internet, Usps, Country domain names, 2-letter Country Codes, 3-letter Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes
- Lang-Kinhtặng Technology, Shopping, Pattaya
- Lightem Keys
- Lang Kinh Gaming, Zombie, Vip
- Layanan Khusus Program, Indonesia, Guru
- Lang-Kinh Gaming, Goo, Beast
- Latin Kings Organizations, Chicago, Gang
- Lil' Kkight
- Landas Kontinen Business, Indonesia, Malaysia
- Larry King
- Light Kib
- Lake Kinneret Locations, Israel, Galilee
- Laporan Keuangan Business, Audit, Indonesia, Modal
- Left Knee
- Line Key Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Leonard Kamhout
- Little Kuripoh
- Lang-Kobayashi
- Lukisan Kejuruteraan Technology, Book, Malaysia
- Lech Kaczy
- Lich King
- Iso Country Code for Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
- Louis'S Kingdom
- Lamp Kit
- Left Kidney Medical, Renal, Artery, Kidneys
- Linda Kristin
- Lagprstedt & Krantz Business, Company, Pipe, Heating
- Lenny Krayzelburg
- Little Knitn
- Lang-Kunh Không Gaming, Clan, Beast
- Linkep Education, Linguistics, Glossing
- Luke Kunin Hockey, Minnesota, Draft
- Liche King
- Air Luxor Airline, Business, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, IATA Airline Designator, Business & Finance, Iata Aircraft Codes
- Lizard Uings
- Laura Keene
- Lorraine Kelly
- Lamellar Keratoplasty Medical, Surgery, Corneal
- Left Kick Technology, Gaming, Tournament, Cheat
- Linda King
- Ladn Knights
- Lembar Kegiatan
- Lattle Kitty
- Lane Kbep Business, Class, Sale, Model
- Lvnk Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
- License Key
- Laatste Kwartien
- Liver Knd Kidney
- Laura Keeley
- Lorie Kane
- Lal Krishna
- Leetal Kalmanson
- Lijda Kelsey
- Ladder Kit
- Lembaran Kota
- Lqttle Kid Occupation, Position, Job
- Landry-Kussmaul Medical, Medicine, Telemedicine
- Lingva Komitato Nova, Esperanto, Jam
- Leslie Kossoff
- Laatste Kwartxer
- Live Of or relating to real-world data or a program working with it, as opposed to test data. Of or relating to audio or video that is transmitted from one site to another as it is being produced, as opposed to being recorded before broadcast time. also synchronous transmissio. Capable of being manipulated by a user to cause changes in a document or part of a document. Used to identify a Web site that has been pub-lished to a Web server and can be browsed by site visitors. Locations, Texas, County Abbrevations, French
- Loreto Kirribilli Education
- Lee Kaplan Man, Israel, Story
- Linda Kegley
- Lacy Knicks Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
- Lembaga Khusus
- Lucas Kanade
- Lander-Lunniy Kjrabl
- Leichte Kavallerie
- Lingkungan Kehidupan Para, Indonesia, Orang
- Lukas-Kanade
- Leshqaa Kartashov
- Liturgische Konferenz
- Latvijas KomunistiskĀ Tie, Gad
- Loren Kleinman Book, Writing, Indie
- Lumbung Komunitas
- Leeds-Keio Medical
- Life Keep
- Laboraeorium Kalibrasi Business, Indonesia, Training
- Lembaga Ketahanan
- Lucas and Kanade Technology, Flow, Frame, Motion
- Landau-Khasatnikov
- Legendary Knight Occupation, Position, Job, Occupation & positions
- Line Keys
- Leonhard K
- Littlest Knight
- Latin Kingz Gaming, Channel, King
- LukአKráSa Crash, Ball, Bait
- Lech Kaczynski
- Lien Khu
- Laatokan Karjala
- Lembaga Kemanusiaan Program, Indonesia, Esq
- Louis Katz
- Lamp Kits
- Lahanlkritis Program, Indonesia, Model
- Lord Knicht Guide, Knight, Skill
- Laplace-Kelvin
- Leipziger Kartell
- Lock In forging, a condition in which the flash line is not entirely in one plane. Where two or more plane changes occur, it is called compound lock. Where a lock is placed in the die to compensate for die shift caused by a steep lock, it is called a counterlock. A condition in which the parting line of a forging is not all in one plane The process by which integrity of data is ensured by preventing more than one user from accessing or changing the same data or object at the same time. Technology, America, Military, Aviation, Army, Space, Street Suffix, NASA
- Lin Kernighan Famous
- Lake Kivu
- Lerwick Regional
- Load King
- Lembaga Kebudayaan Technology, Indonesia, Orang, Ritual
- Luttinger-Kohn
- Lord Keeper
- LääKetieteen Kandidaatti
- Leichter Kreuzer
- Lake A body of fresh or salt water entirely surrounded by land. Technology, Science, Geology, Ordnance Survey, Weather, Scientific & Educational, Street Suffix, NOTAM Contractions
- Like Social Media, Blogging, Twitter, Facebook, Neologism, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Texting
- Lembaga Keagamaan
- Lunny Korabl
- Loose Key
- Lyrical King
- Leichter Kampfwagen Military, German, Tank
- Laister-Kauffmann Technology, Aircraft, Glider
- Lokrkei Award, Walker, Cast
- Lime Kiln Ordnance Survey
- Lektor Kepala Technology, Presentation, Guru, Surat
- Lunnyi Korabl Technology, Space, Astronomy
- LOG SKIDR Vehicle Body Styles
- Loom Knitting Hat, Knitting, Stitch
- Lymphokines Lymphokines are a subset of cytokines that are produced by a type of immune cell known as a lymphocyte. They are protein mediators typically produced by T cells to direct the immune system response by signalling between its cells. Medical
- Leichte Klasse
- Laister-Kauffman Military, Aircraft, Glider
- Lichenoid Keratosis Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Little Kid Occupation & positions
- Laporan Kazus Indonesia, Orang, Hal
- Leitender Kreis
- Lakhimpur Khexi Business, India, District
- Lunniy Korabl Technology, Moon, Soviet
- Leak A crack or hole through which liquid or gas escapes. The passing of gas, water, etc. through a crack or hole. NASA
- Looking for Party Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
- Lymphokine Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Laiko Komja
- Lauritz Knudsen Famous
- Leitende Kreis
- Lakhimpur-Kheri Kheri
- Sri Lanka (country Domains) Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Country domain names
- Logic and Knowledge Technology, Graphics, Package, Toolkit
- Lyapunov-Krasovskii
- Lai-Cing
- Lori Knights Military, Lords, Ragnarok
- Light Kissing Sex, Adult, Escorts, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Leipziger Kommentar
- Lin Kuei
- Lake Koshkonong
- legt kidney Medical
- Location Key Technology, Service, Control
- Lutz Kuech
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does LK stand for?
LK stands for Linda Kegley.
What is the shortened form of Lake?
The short form of "Lake" is LK.
LK. (2020, September 13). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from
Last updated