LK in Technology Meaning

The LK meaning in Technology terms is "Lang-Kinhtặng". There are 18 related meanings of the LK Technology abbreviation.

LK on Technology Full Forms

  1. Lang-Kinhtặng
  2. Left Kick
  3. Lucas and Kanade
  4. Lvnk
  5. Iso Country Code for Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka
  6. Line Key
  7. Lukisan Kejuruteraan
  8. Lembaga Kebudayaan
  9. Looking for Party
  10. Lock In forging, a condition in which the flash line is not entirely in one plane. Where two or more plane changes occur, it is called compound lock. Where a lock is placed in the die to compensate for die shift caused by a steep lock, it is called a counterlock. A condition in which the parting line of a forging is not all in one plane The process by which integrity of data is ensured by preventing more than one user from accessing or changing the same data or object at the same time.
  11. Lektor Kepala
  12. Logic and Knowledge
  13. Location Key
  14. Lymphokine
  15. Lake A body of fresh or salt water entirely surrounded by land.
  16. Lunnyi Korabl
  17. Laister-Kauffmann
  18. Lunniy Korabl

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does LK stand for Technology?

    LK stands for Left Kick in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Lake in Technology?

    The short form of "Lake" is LK for Technology.


LK in Technology. (2020, September 13). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from

Last updated