LKL Meaning

The LKL meaning is "Lakselv Airporp, Banak". The LKL abbreviation has 20 different full form.

LKL Full Forms

  1. Lakselv Airporp, Banak Airport, Locations
  2. Lakeland Pviation Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code
  3. Lietuvos Krep
  4. Iata Code for Lakselv Airport, Banak, Lakselv, Norway Locations
  5. Lietuvos KrepŠInio Lyga Technology, League, Basketball, Lithuania
  6. Larry King Live America, Music, Larry
  7. Left Knee Lever
  8. Last Known Location Travel, Tourism, Travelling
  9. Lakselvxairport Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, IATA
  10. Louisiana Karfte League
  11. Lietuvos Kreptino Lyga
  12. Longhoxn Kenya Ltd
  13. London Korean Links Film, London, Korea, Korean
  14. London Knowledge Lab Education, London, Learning
  15. Lakselv Airport, Banak, Lakselv, Norway Norway, ICAO Airport Codes
  16. Logic Knowledge and Languade Literature, Language, Linguistics
  17. Lakeland Aviation ICAO Aircraft Codes
  18. Linuxmkernel Library
  19. Lynn, Kiecke, Lfckey
  20. Linux Nernel Into A Library

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does LKL stand for?

    LKL stands for London Knowledge Lab.

  2. What is the shortened form of Lietuvos Krep?

    The short form of "Lietuvos Krep" is LKL.


LKL. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 3, 2025 from

Last updated