LM in Medical Meaning

The LM meaning in Medical terms is "Luminal Membrane". There are 53 related meanings of the LM Medical abbreviation.

LM on Medical Full Forms

  1. Luminal Membrane
  2. Lateral Meniscus
  3. Logical Memory
  4. Lateral-Medial
  5. Late-Maturing
  6. Liquid Membrane
  7. Learning and Memory
  8. Lipid Mobilization
  9. Ligation-Mediated
  10. Longissimus
  11. Lergotrile Mesylate
  12. Lactose Malabsorption
  13. Left Main Coronary Artery
  14. Lipid Microsphere
  15. Lateromedial
  16. Lentiformis Mesencephali
  17. Licentiate of Medicine
  18. Lymphatir Metastases
  19. Lipid Microspheres
  20. Lateromedial Area
  21. Living Male
  22. Lysphatic Mapping
  23. Light Minimum
  24. Lateral Malleolus
  25. Littermates
  26. Lymphatic Malforsations
  27. Light Microscope The optical microscope, often referred to as the "light microscope", is a type of microscope which uses visible light and a system of lenses to magnify images of small samples. Optical microscopes are the oldest design of microscope and were possibly invented in their present compound form in the 17th century.
  28. Laryngeal Muscle
  29. Littebmate
  30. Leiomyomas
  31. Lund-Mackty
  32. Laryngeal Melanosis
  33. Listeria Monocytogenes A bacterial species causing meningitis, encephalitis, septicemia, endocarditis, abortion, abscesses, and local purulent lesions; often fatal; found in healthy ferrets, insects, and the feces of chinchillas, ruminants, and humans, as well as in sewage, decaying vegetation, silage, soil, and fertilizer. Sometimes involved in infections in immunocompromised hosts. A causative agent of perinatal infections, neonatal sepsis, and septicemia; also recently linked to food-borne diseases; especially associated with meat and dairy products.
  34. Leiomyoma A leiomyoma, also known as fibroids, is a benign smooth muscle tumor that very rarely becomes cancer (0.1%). They can occur in any organ, but the most common forms occur in the uterus, small bowel, and the esophagus. Polycythemia may occur due to increased erythropoietin production as part of a paraneoplastic syndrome.
  35. Luminol
  36. Lichen Myxedematosus
  37. Laryngeal Mask
  38. Lipomannan
  39. Lauryl Maltoside
  40. Lung Macrophages
  41. Licentiate In Midwifery
  42. Licensed Midwife
  43. Localized Movement
  44. Lemniscus Medialis
  45. Lymphomatous Meningitis
  46. Liver Metastases
  47. Lemniscus
  48. Lymphoid Malignancies
  49. Lymphatic Malformation
  50. Light Microscopy
  51. Lung Metastatic
  52. Laminin
  53. left main

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does LM stand for Medical?

    LM stands for Lysphatic Mapping in Medical terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Lipid Mobilization in Medical?

    The short form of "Lipid Mobilization" is LM for Medical.


LM in Medical. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 30). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/lm-meaning-in-medical/

Last updated