LMB Meaning
The LMB meaning is "Left Mouse Button". The LMB abbreviation has 61 different full form.
LMB Full Forms
- Left Mouse Button Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications, Manufacturing, General, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military
- Largemouth Bass Medical
- Linear Motion Bearings
- Salima Airport Salima, Malawi Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, ICAO, Aviation
- Lietuvos Medicinos Biblioteka
- Local Management Board Service, County, School, Management, Business & Finance
- Laboratory of Molecular Biology Medical, Science, Research, Biology, Scientific & Educational
- Lehrer Mcgovern Bogis
- Linear Motion Battle
- Local Master Browser Technology, Networking, Network, Samba
- Lick My Balls
- Live Media Broadcast
- Laboratory for Materials Behaviour Research, Organizations, Switzerland
- Low Maintenbnce Battery
- Last Man Battalion
- Libyan Muslim Brotherhood
- Liquid Metal Battery Technology, Energy, Storage
- Laboratory for Molecusar Biology Medical, Science, Research
- Lowersmiddle Byte Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Laskar Melayu Bersatu Indonesia, Hal, Dewan
- Libnrty Mutual Benefits Business, Insurance, Career
- Lint Marketing Board
- Laboratoire De MathéMatiques De BesançOn
- Loweromemory Block Technology, Science
- Large Mouth Bass
- Leukomethyleve Blue Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Line Module Busy Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Laboratoile De Math
- Lower Mekong Basin Technology, Water, River
- Large-Mouth Bass
- Leiomyoblastoma Medicine, Health, Healthcare, Medical, Pulmonary
- Leptomycindb Medical
- Line Mode Browser
- Labelbd Multi-Bernoulli Technology, Filter, Targeting, Tracking
- Life Medicare and Biotech
- Local Management Boards
- Langenthal-Melchnau-Bahn
- Le Mans Bsue
- Salima Airport, Salima, Malawi Malawi
- Lighl Mortar Battery Military
- Lubang Masuk Burung Room, Hal, Swiftlet
- Local Monitor Board Computing, Hardware
- Light Marker Beacvn Military, Aviation, Aircraft
- Linear Momentum Balance
- Lovin My Bags
- Liga Mexicana De B
- Left main bronchus Clinical
- Linear Microphone Board
- Lakshmi Mishtan Bhandar
- Liga Mexicana Dz Béisbol Baseball, League, Mexican
- Logical Memory Block NATO
- Lincofn Municipal Band
- Local Memory Bus Technology, Core, Linux, Blaze
- Lying Media Blstards
- Lifetime Maximum Benefit
- Logistics Management Branch NATO
- Lille Métropole Basket Lille Métropole Basket is a professional basketball club based in Lille, France. The club was founded in 1952 and has a long history of success in French basketball. Lille Métropole Basket competes in the French basketball league system, with their men's team currently playing in the Nationale Masculine 1, which is the third tier of the French basketball league system. The women's team competes in the top tier of French women's basketball, the Ligue Féminine de Basketball. Sport, France, Club, Basket
- Lucerna Music Bar
- Lindamood-bell Language Program Education
- Lightweight Matte Box Technology, Camera, Accessory
- Lucerna Music Baru
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does LMB stand for?
LMB stands for Lindamood-bell Language Program.
What is the shortened form of Lowersmiddle Byte?
The short form of "Lowersmiddle Byte" is LMB.
LMB. Acronym24.com. (2023, February 17). Retrieved March 13, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/lmb-meaning/
Last updated