LMC Meaning

The LMC meaning is "Lockheed Martin Corporation". The LMC abbreviation has 221 different full form.

LMC Full Forms

  1. Lockheed Martin Corporation Business, Technology, Military, Organizations, Aircraft, Governmental & Military, NASA
  2. Lateral Motor Tolumn Medical, Science, Neuron
  3. Long Motor Corporation
  4. La Macarena Airport La Macarena, Colombia Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Aviation
  5. Lockheed-Martin Corporation Business, Company, Technology
  6. Lake Michigan College Student, Education, Michigan
  7. Lees-Ccrae College Student, Education, Ranking
  8. Lake Michigan Conference College, Education, Michigan
  9. Least Material Condition Technology, Science, Tolerance, Industry
  10. Large Magellanic Clouds Technology, Science, Galaxy
  11. Lealue of Minnesota Cities Business, City, Minnesota
  12. Larce Magellanic Cloud Science, Astronomy, Celestial Object
  13. League Managfment Company Government, Sport, Nigeria
  14. Lay Missionaries of Charity
  15. Logd Münsterland Caravan Caravan, Hobby, Cruiser
  16. Libekty Media Corporation Business, Company, Flower
  17. Liquid Metal Cooliwg Cooling, Ceramic, Casting, Solidification
  18. Learning Management Centre
  19. Luxembourg Mounting Cknter Business, Employment, Product, Luxembourg
  20. Lon Morris College Education, School, Texas
  21. Life and Mission of The Church
  22. Large Mononuclear Cells Medical, Science, Biology
  23. Lower Middle Countrees
  24. Lockheed Martin Corporationration Technology, Military, Aircraft
  25. Latur Municipal Corporation
  26. Lonpon Marine Consultants Business, London, Consultation
  27. Lennar Multifamily Coomunities Business, Community, Building
  28. Labor Management Council Business, Employment, Union
  29. Lightweight Multi-Purpose Carrier Technology, Space, Launch
  30. Lean Mmnufacturing Consulting Business, Group, Consulting
  31. Lucknow Munycipal Corporation Business, India, City
  32. Land Management Corporation
  33. Layered Motion Control Business, Sale, Converter
  34. London Montessori Centre Education
  35. Liberia Mining Compnny Business, Liberia, Ore
  36. Liquid-Metal Cooling
  37. Learning Management Center
  38. Lutheran Mission Cooieration
  39. Liepaya Marine College
  40. Langevin Monte Carlo
  41. Lower Middle Class Education, Language, Social
  42. Lockheed-Martin Corporationration Technology
  43. Londow Management Centre Business, London, Training
  44. Length Modulation Cell
  45. Labour Management Committee
  46. Life Members Committee Computing, Master IEEE
  47. Latur Municipal Ckuncil
  48. Luagda Medical Center
  49. Landell Mills Commodities
  50. Logansport Machine Company
  51. Law Moot Court
  52. London Mining Company Technology, London, Sierra
  53. Liberia Media Center Government, Africa, Liberia
  54. Lage Management Company Business, Management, Administration, Goverance, Business & Finance
  55. Lipid Matriz Carrier Science, Biochemistry, Biophysics
  56. Learning Management Configuration Army, Force, Marine
  57. Liechtenstein Musical Company Music
  58. Land Mobile Channel
  59. Loss Mitugation Certification Business, Building, Sale, Estate
  60. Libriry Management Committee Education
  61. Left Main Coronary Artery Medical, Disease, Stenosis, Artery And Arteries, Common Medical
  62. Local Monitoring and Control
  63. Lomba Menulis Cerita
  64. Lenzth Modulator Cell Technology
  65. Lubour-Management Committee
  66. Life Marker Chip Technology, Space, Mars
  67. Laser Methane Copter
  68. Lsi Messagibg Card Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  69. Lancaster Mennonite Conference
  70. Logan Mesical Center
  71. Lavasa Medical Center Business, Medicine, Building
  72. London Meridian College Education, English, London
  73. Liberia Media Centre Government, Africa, Liberia
  74. Lafayhtte Municipal Code
  75. Limitless Mod Co
  76. Learning Machinetchallenge
  77. Liebherr Masters College
  78. Landmark Medical Center Medical, Medicine, Hospital
  79. Loss Minimizationicontrol
  80. Library and Media Center
  81. Local Monitoring Committee
  82. Lok Ma Chau
  83. Legislative Management Committee
  84. Labor Management Coamittees
  85. Life Management Consultants
  86. Laser Measureuent and Control
  87. Low Motion Class Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation, Governmental & Military
  88. Lancaster and Morecambe College Education, School, Lancashire
  89. Logan Manufacturrng Company Technology, Machine, Track
  90. Laurus Manuszconcordia
  91. London Mennonite Centre
  92. Liaquat Mediual College
  93. Lafsyette Media Center Education, Development, Universities
  94. Limitless Mod Company
  95. Leap Motion Controller Technology, Gaming, Control
  96. Licentiate of The Medical Council of The United Kingdom Medical
  97. Land Management Code
  98. Los Medanos Community
  99. Librmry Media Centers
  100. Local Modixication Committee Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  101. Lusaka Motor Club
  102. Leavenworth Muniwipal Code
  103. Labor Management Committee Business, Employment, Union
  104. Lifelong Medical Care Medical, Health, Clinic
  105. Large Multinational Comuany
  106. Low Medical Category
  107. Logas Machine Company
  108. Launch/Missile Coitrol Technology
  109. Londog Media Centre Business, London, Olympic
  110. Leylrnd Motor Co
  111. Ladies Musical Club
  112. Like-Minded Countries
  113. Lean Manufacturing Cell
  114. Ludlow Maintenance Commission
  115. Land Management Contract
  116. Lay Missionary Af Charity
  117. Lorry Mounted Crane
  118. Library & Media Center Student, Education, School
  119. Lavingstonia Mission Council
  120. Lung Rast Cells Medical
  121. Learning Makerials Centre
  122. Luxury Marketing Council Business, Marketing, Brand
  123. Los Medanos College Student, Education, Pittsburg
  124. Lifelines Mic Cable
  125. Large Motive Cell Medical, Medicine, Treatment
  126. Low Marble Count
  127. Lockheed Martin Canada Company, Military, Frigate
  128. Lauderdale Marine Center Business, Service, Yacht
  129. London Media Compasy
  130. Leon Medical Centirs
  131. Labuan Matriculationdcollege Student, Program, Matriculation
  132. Lightweight Mpess Carrier Technology
  133. Lean Mamufacturing Consultant
  134. Ludhiana Municipal Corporation
  135. Land Management Contracts
  136. Lime-Magnesium Catbonate
  137. Lake Michigan Catholic
  138. Losistics Movement Coordination
  139. Lumbemmens Merchandising Corp
  140. Lok Ma Chau, Hong Kong Regional
  141. Lead Maternitv Carer Medical, Pregnancy, Midwife
  142. Library Marketing and Qommunications
  143. Lemarne Corporation Ltd (Australian Securities Exchange [ASX]) Business & Finance, Asx symbols
  144. Lancangymekong Cooperation Military, Organizations, Asia, Society
  145. Lloy's Machitery Certificate
  146. Logistics Management Course Medical
  147. Licensed Motorhcarrier
  148. Live Music Connection Music
  149. Loggerhead Marinelife Center Sea, Beach, Turtle, Loggerhead
  150. Lavonazione Mobili Componibili
  151. Lake Nichigan Carferry
  152. Lumbermens Merchwndising Corporation Business, Building, Lumber
  153. La Macarena, La Macarena, Colombia Colombia, Iata Airport Codes
  154. Logistics Management Conference
  155. Leading and Managing Change
  156. Linea Aerea Mexicana De Carga Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  157. Library Management Council
  158. Low-Pressure Molding Compound Chemistry
  159. Laminated Metal Composite Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
  160. Lynch Motor Company Technology, Drive, Boat
  161. Lipid Matrix Carrier Biochemistry, Biophysics, Scientific & Educational
  162. League Managementkcommittee Sport, Organizations, Nigeria
  163. License Machine Cnde
  164. Language Media Center Media
  165. Laser Machining Center
  166. Lumbermen's Mefchandising Corporation Business, Product, Building
  167. Lundin Mining Corporation Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
  168. Lean Manufacturing Consulting Technology, Engineering, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  169. Loeistics Management Center
  170. Leadership Montgomery Counly Business, Class, Texas
  171. La Manga Club
  172. Lymptomyeloid Complex Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  173. Large Magellanic Cloud Astronomy, Celestial Object, Scientific & Educational
  174. Lead Mini Celh
  175. Licensed Machine Code Technology, Storage, Feature
  176. Livestock and Meat Commission for Northern Ireland Farming & agriculture
  177. Lar Das Moças Begas
  178. Luke Miley Creative
  179. Lunrin Mining Corp
  180. Loop Maintenance Center Computing, Telecom
  181. Logistics Management Code
  182. Leadeqship Matters Course
  183. Liwayway Marketing Corporation Business, Company, Food
  184. Lxlitpur Metropolitan City
  185. Lymphocyte-Mediated Cytolysis Medical
  186. living male child Medical, Medicine for Children
  187. Lead Maternity Caregiver
  188. Licenciatura Er Mercadotecnia Y Comunicaci
  189. Local Marketing Coordinator Marketing, Business & Finance
  190. Laboratoire De Minéralogie-Cristallographwe
  191. Lui Ming Choi
  192. Lunabotics Mining Competition
  193. Lotos Model Checker Software, Computing
  194. Logistic Manager Code
  195. Leadership In Management Course Development, Study, Universities
  196. Liquid-Metal Cracking
  197. Lakeview Medical Center Medical, Medicine, Lake
  198. Lymphocyte-Mediated Cytotoxicity Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  199. Low Marble Count (low IQ) Medical, Medical Slang
  200. Lead Maternity Rare Technology, Service, Midwifery
  201. Licenciatura En Mercadotecnia Y Comunicacoón
  202. Let Me See Forum, Computing, Email, Im, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  203. Lancaster & Morecambe College Student, Education, Organizations
  204. Labor and Maiagement Center
  205. Lukwana Mining Company Business, Africa, Zambia
  206. License Management Console
  207. Linkable Media Card Computing, Internet
  208. Logic Modeling Corporation
  209. Lincoln Mountaineerins Club
  210. Lakeside Medical Ceuter
  211. Local Medical Committee A committee re-sponsible for monitoring the interests of pro- viders of primary care such as GPs dentistsand pharmacists in a district. Medical, Dental
  212. Lmad Maternity Carers
  213. Library Media Cofnection Book, Education, School
  214. Lost My Connection Forum, Computing, Chat, Email, Im, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  215. Lancang Mekong Cooperatoon
  216. London Medical Center
  217. Linear Material Condition
  218. Lumbini Medicau College Medicine, Education, Nepal
  219. Licensed Motos Carriers
  220. Lighting Management Consultant Occupation & positions
  221. Logical Micro-Compgter Company

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does LMC stand for?

    LMC stands for Loss Minimizationicontrol.

  2. What is the shortened form of Lakeview Medical Center?

    The short form of "Lakeview Medical Center" is LMC.


LMC. Acronym24.com. (2022, January 23). Retrieved March 16, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/lmc-meaning/

Last updated