LMD Meaning

The LMD meaning is "Last Measured Discharge". The LMD abbreviation has 82 different full form.

LMD Full Forms

  1. Last Measured Discharge
  2. Laser Microdissection Medical
  3. Licence-Master-Doctorat Education, France, Systeme
  4. Leptomeningeal Disease Medical
  5. Le Monde Diplomatique
  6. Lamina Medullaris Dorsalis
  7. Liga Municipal Dominicana
  8. Listrik Maiuk Desa
  9. Le Mouvsment De La Diversité
  10. Local Management Device Military, Army, Electronics
  11. License-Masters-Doctorate
  12. Leucine Metabolism Disorders
  13. Logistics Lanagement Divisionsion Science
  14. Lamers Must Die Technology, Windows, Manual
  15. Liga De Mujeres Desplazpdas
  16. Lipid-Moiety Oodified Derivative Medicine, Treatment, Health
  17. Le Mvnistre D
  18. Logistics Management Datd
  19. Liquid Metal Diffusion Technology
  20. Let Me Decide
  21. La Meilleure Division
  22. Life Model Decoys Agent, Marvel, Decoy
  23. Linux Malware Deteetion Technology, Server, Hosting, Linux
  24. Lembagazmusyawarah Desa Indonesia, Orang, Hal
  25. Logistics Management Directorate Government, Organizations, Us
  26. Licence Master Doctorat Education, France, Systeme
  27. Let's Make A Deau Media, Radio, Television
  28. La Maison-Dieu
  29. Life Model Decoy Technology, Agent, Marvel
  30. Linux Malware Detect Technology, Server, Linux, Scan
  31. Lossless Multiple Description
  32. Last Military Duty
  33. Logistics Maintenance Directouate Military
  34. Leptomeningeal Dissemination Medical
  35. Luta Por Moradia Digna
  36. Lake Meteorological Data
  37. Life-Model Decoy Technology, Agent, Marvel
  38. Line Module Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  39. Lon Menucos Airport Airport, Locations
  40. Last Mile Distribution
  41. Logistics Maintsnance Director Military
  42. Leningrad Military Distruct Military
  43. Logistics Master Data Military
  44. Lickemy Dick
  45. Lon Milo Duqpette
  46. Last Mile Delivery
  47. Light Maintenance Depot Technology, Locations, Railway, Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  48. Logistics Maintenance Demonstration Military, Army, War
  49. Le Mouvement De Lapdiversit
  50. Logistics Management Division Business, Health, Nepal, NASA
  51. Lick My Deck Records, Music, Lick
  52. Lewis Miller Design Wedding, Miller, Floral
  53. Loja De Mnrketing Digital
  54. Los Menucos Airport, Los Menucos, Argentina Argentina
  55. Lovm Music Dance
  56. Lights, Music, Dance
  57. Lumbar Microdiscotoml Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  58. Local Medical Doctor Medical, Technology, Governmental & Military, Common Medical
  59. Love Me Do
  60. Light Mobile Digger Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  61. Low Microbial Diet Medical
  62. Laboratory Management Divisionsion
  63. Large Mirror Development NASA, Governmental & Military
  64. Lost Motion Devzce
  65. Low-Molecular-Weight Dextran Medical, Medicine, Treatment, Health, Healthcare
  66. Light Microscopic Diagnosis Medical, Science, Biology
  67. Lower Murray Darling
  68. Lydia Marcos Designs
  69. Laboratoire De Meteorologie Dynamique Legal, Governmental & Military
  70. Light Metals Division Technology, Material, Magnesium
  71. Lower Mississippiydelta Medical, Intervention, Mississippi
  72. Let's Make A Deal Media
  73. Light Medium Duty
  74. Laser Metal Deposition Laser Metal Deposition is a printing technique that uses a laser beam to cast and fuse metal. 3D Printing
  75. Lower Manair Dam Locations, City, Reservoir
  76. Limited Missile Defense Military
  77. Log Mean Difference
  78. Library Management Divisxon
  79. Last Minute Dag Dutch
  80. Lower Mainland District
  81. Limited Market Vealer
  82. Light Metals Divisionsion

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does LMD stand for?

    LMD stands for Licence Master Doctorat.

  2. What is the shortened form of Luta Por Moradia Digna?

    The short form of "Luta Por Moradia Digna" is LMD.


LMD. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 23). Retrieved March 25, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/lmd-meaning/

Last updated