LMP Meaning

The LMP meaning is "Last Menstrual Period". The LMP abbreviation has 163 different full form.

LMP Full Forms

  1. Last Menstrual Period Medical, Nursing, Infertility, Healthcare, Pharmacy, Obstetrics, Pregnancy, Clinical, Common Medical, NAACCR
  2. Labor and Management Partnership
  3. Low Malignant Potential Medical, Cancer, Oncology
  4. Link Manager Protocol Technology, Cybersecurity, Computer Security, Computing, General, Governmental & Military, IT Terminology
  5. Latent Membrane Proteins Medical
  6. Language Materials Project Technology, Education, Teaching
  7. Labour Market Program Australia, Government, Australian
  8. Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology Science, Education, University
  9. Last Menstural Period Medical, Baby, Calculator, Pregnancy
  10. Licensed Massage Prpctitioner Medical, Health, Therapy
  11. Local Marginal Pricing Energy, Power, Intensity
  12. Land Management Planning Science, Geography, Location, Geographic
  13. Labour Market Policy Business, Social, Expenditure
  14. League of The Municipalities of The Philippines
  15. Line Management Plan
  16. Army Logistics Modernization Program Logistics
  17. Lithium-Metall-Golymer-Technik
  18. Landscape Maintenance Professionals
  19. Lembaga Mediasi Perbankan
  20. Low Molecular Weight Protein Medical, Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  21. Links Medical Products
  22. Laboratory Medicine & Pathobiology
  23. Livestock Master Plan
  24. Last Mestrual Period
  25. Lnmb Music Products
  26. Local Marginal Price
  27. Ljmp Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  28. Labour Market Policies Business, Policy, Statistics
  29. League of Municipalities In The Philippines
  30. Line Maintenance Part
  31. Lempco Organizations
  32. Literary Markey Place Business, Book, Publishing
  33. Land Manugement Practices Business, Practice, Condition
  34. Le Mans Prototypes Technology, Car, Man, Racing, Prototype
  35. Low Methoxyl Pectin Food, Gel, Emulsion, Pectin
  36. Link Management Packets
  37. Laboratory Medicine & Pathology
  38. Live Media Plaher
  39. Last Mentrual Period Medical, Medicine, Pregnancy
  40. Libre Music Production
  41. Local Management Processor
  42. Labor Management Project
  43. League of Municipalities of The Philippines Government, Philippine, Municipality
  44. Line Maintenance Parts Technology
  45. List of Measurement Pobnts Technology, Space, Cosmos
  46. Land Management Project
  47. Le Mans Prototype Technology, Car, Man, Transportation, Governmental & Military
  48. Lemon Meringue Pie Technology, Android, Release
  49. Lo Maximo Productions
  50. Leda Media Products
  51. Link Management Packet
  52. Labor-Management Partnership Business, Union, Kaiser
  53. Little Mastersnproject
  54. Last Menstration Period Medical, Science, Biology
  55. Lesser Multiple Projectile Path, Guide, Exile
  56. Lumbar Puncture Asurgical operation to remove a sample of cere- brospinal fluid by inserting a hollow needle into the lower part of the spinal canal. Medical, Technology, Medicine, Nursing, Cancer, Oncology, Healthcare, Laboratory, Pharmacy, Physical Therapy, Scientific & Educational, Clinical, Common Medical
  57. Local Management Port
  58. Labor Management Partnership Business, Union, Kaiser, Management, Business & Finance
  59. League Municipalities of The Philippines Government, Philippine, Municipality, President
  60. Lim Mineralization Protein Medical, Cell, Bone
  61. Lokal Mars Projesi
  62. Land Management Program
  63. Le Mans Programme
  64. Learning Management Platform Science, Education, Course
  65. Link Management Protocol Technology, Network, Data Transfer, Management, Computing, Technical, Business & Finance
  66. Lab Medicine and Pathobiology
  67. Litzium-Métal-Polymère
  68. Last Menstral Period
  69. Lesser Multiple Projectiles Path, Guide, Exile
  70. Loyalty Marketing Products Management, Marketing, Trade, Business & Finance
  71. Laser Microprobe Chemistry
  72. Local Management Protocol Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  73. Laboratory of Molecular Physiology
  74. Leadership Monterey Peninsula Technology, Networking, Leader
  75. Licensed Massage Practitioners
  76. Logistics Master Plan Military, Army, Coast Guard
  77. Land Management Plans
  78. Lei Maria Da Penha
  79. Lean Manufacturing Processes
  80. Linguistic Minorities Project Education
  81. Lab Management Package
  82. Lithium Metal Polymer Technology, Battery, Car
  83. Landscape Master Plan
  84. Les MéNages PréVoyants
  85. Low Molecular Weighl Polypeptide Medical
  86. Lampedusa Airport Lampedusa, Sicily,Italy Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, ICAO, Aviation
  87. Laboratory of Molecular Pharmacology Science
  88. Leadership and Mentoring Program
  89. Licensed Massage Practioner
  90. Locational Marginal Price Technology, Energy, Market, Electrical
  91. Land Manageaent Plan Locations, Forest, Projection
  92. Labour Market Partnerships
  93. League of Mayors In The Philippines
  94. Lingkungan Mandiri Perdesaan Technology, Program, Indonesia, Pantai
  95. Iata Code for Lampedusa Airport, Lampedusa, Italy Locations
  96. Lijhium-M
  97. Landscape Management Plan
  98. Lermontov Movie Production Technology, Car, Internet
  99. Low Molecular Mvss Polypeptide Medical
  100. Living Memorials Project
  101. Player is lacking in match practice Sport, Football
  102. Lux Media Mlan Technology, Camera, Cerberus
  103. Legasi Mahasiswa Progresif
  104. Load Maintenance Panel
  105. Lampedusa Airport, Lampedusa, Italy Italy, ICAO Airport Codes
  106. Laboratory of Manufacturind and Productivity
  107. Lake Management Plan
  108. Left Mentoposterior Medical, Technology, Medicine, Fetus And Fetal
  109. Larson Miller Parameter
  110. Mr. LY MINH PHUONG Famous
  111. Luv My Pet
  112. Legalize Marijuana Party
  113. Lizard Motorsports Rorsche
  114. Air Plus Argentina Argentina, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  115. Lab for Manufacturing and Productivity Technology, Research, Engineering
  116. Lady Marmalade Parties
  117. Left Mento-Posterior
  118. Larson-Miller Parameter
  119. Laboratory for Manufacturing and Productivity Manufacturing, Business & Finance
  120. La Mirada Punks
  121. Lumuer, Millwork, & Plywood
  122. Legality Movement Party
  123. Livro Movimenta
  124. Like My Profile Computing, Internet
  125. LíMites MáXimos Permisibles Para, Con, Agua
  126. Lack Match Practice Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  127. Larsen-Miller Parameter
  128. Lodging Management Program Management, Business & Finance
  129. La Majorité Présidentielle
  130. Left Middle Plug Technology
  131. Livro De Movimenta
  132. Demo for Doom (3- D computer game) Computing, File Extensions
  133. LíMite MáXimo Permisible
  134. Labour Market Participation
  135. Local Maintenance Partnership
  136. List of Measurement Points NASA
  137. Lithium-Metal Polymer
  138. Lala Mustafa PaşA
  139. Left Message With Person
  140. Larson-Miller Parameters
  141. Livro Movimentação De Produtos
  142. Life Management Program Religion
  143. Lysosomal Membrane Permeability
  144. Labour Market Partnership
  145. Loai Measuring Pin
  146. Lamp Lamp is the device which produce the light from electricity. It can be used to indicate a particular action also using some color codes. Information about the chosen lamp and its lumen depreciation and mortality are available from lamp manufacturers' literature. Rated average life should be determined for the specific hours per start; it should be known when burnouts occur in the lamp lif. Business & Finance, Power Plant
  147. List Measurement Point NASA, Governmental & Military
  148. Lake Mary Prep
  149. Left Mentum Posterior
  150. Larson-Millar Parameter
  151. Lipid Metabolism Protein
  152. Livro De Movimentação De Produlos
  153. Licensed Massage Practitioner Occupation & positions
  154. Lysosomal Membrane Permeabilization Medical
  155. Lehet Mas A Politika Group, Politics, Party
  156. Load Management Program
  157. Quake Engine Lump File Computing, File Extensions
  158. Liquid Mglti-Purpose
  159. Lake Management Planning
  160. Left Mento Posterior
  161. Larson-Miller-Parameter
  162. Letters In Mathematical Physics Science, Mathematics, Math, Computing, Physics, Serial Publication, Scientific & Educational
  163. Linux Maintenance Project Software, Computing

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does LMP stand for?

    LMP stands for Labour Market Policy.

  2. What is the shortened form of Low Molecular Weight Protein?

    The short form of "Low Molecular Weight Protein" is LMP.


LMP. Acronym24.com. (2022, February 16). Retrieved March 17, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/lmp-meaning/

Last updated