LMR Meaning

The LMR meaning is "Labor-Management Relations". The LMR abbreviation has 103 different full form.

LMR Full Forms

  1. Labor-Management Relations Business, Employment, Union, Management, Business & Finance, Housing and Urban
  2. Labor Management Relations Business, Science, Employment
  3. Land-Mobile Radio Technology, Communication, Market
  4. Land-Mobile-Radio
  5. Labor Market Research
  6. Labour Market Research
  7. London Midland Railway
  8. Linear Module Retrofit
  9. Level Mixing Resonance
  10. Limited Message Retriever Science
  11. Lower Mainland Region
  12. Land Mobil Radio Technology, Communication, Cisco
  13. Liquid Molding Resin
  14. Last Minute Resistance Sex, Seduction, Sexual, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  15. London-Midland Railroad Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation
  16. Land Mobile Radios Technology, Networking, Communication, Market
  17. Let'S Make Robots
  18. Living Maritime Resources Military
  19. Limited Medical Radiography
  20. Longitudinal Microradiography Medical
  21. Labour Market Region
  22. Liquid Metal Red
  23. Last-Minute Resistance Technology, Sex, Girl
  24. Logistics Management Resources Business, Service, Coding
  25. Land Mobile Radio Technology, Military, Army, Governmental & Military
  26. Leopold Memorial Reserve
  27. Living Marine Resource Technology, Science, Fishery
  28. Longitudinal Magnetic Recorded Technology, Disk, Recording, Perpendicular
  29. Labour Market Review
  30. Lille MéTropole Rugby Sport, Club, Rugby, Pas
  31. L Large-scale manufacturing; typically related to biotech or pharmaceutical industries. A symbol used to express inductance. The unit of measure is a "Henry". Denotes lead sheath or light (survey), liter, Left, Coil, inductance, Length, life, fundamental dimension length, Length, Unit lognormal with a mean of l and a standard deviation equal to COV, locality , laughing, or Prefix used to designate a levorotatory enantiomer. Computing, File Extensions
  32. Liquid Metal Reactors Technology
  33. Laser Magnetic Resonance Chemistry, Science, Spectroscopy, Physics, Scientific & Educational
  34. Loddon Mallee Region
  35. Lembaga Makanan Rakyqt Indonesia, Jakarta, Momentum
  36. Living Marine Resources Technology, Science, Coast
  37. Longitudinal Magnetic Recording Technology, Drive, Storage, Recording
  38. Labour Market Re-Entry Medical, Payment, Workplace
  39. Liability Management Ratinf
  40. Liquid Metal Ring Technology
  41. Low Maintenance Rifle Gun, Military, Weapon
  42. Large Model Rockets
  43. Local Music Review
  44. Le Mansurace
  45. Livestock Mandatory Reporting
  46. Last Month'S Rent
  47. London Market Risks
  48. Labour Market Reentry
  49. Lewis Management Recources
  50. Finsch Mine Airport Lime Acres, South Africa Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, ICAO, Aviation
  51. Limited Multi Ride
  52. Lower Mississippi River Service, Military, Mississippi
  53. Large Model Rocket
  54. Leishmania Mrjor Response Medical, Science, Biology
  55. Liverpool and Manchester Railway Technology, History, Locomotive
  56. Last Message Replay
  57. London Mac Repairs
  58. Labour Management Relations
  59. Levin Minnemann Rudess Music, Rock, Album, Levin
  60. Limited Motor Run
  61. Lower Marine Riser Business, Oil Industry, Gas Industry
  62. Lan Modem Raiser Accounting, Computing, Data
  63. Left Medialurectus Medical, Medicine, Treatment
  64. Little Mischief Rescue
  65. Last Minute Revision Education, Android, Flashcard
  66. Lo-Mendell-Rubin
  67. Lemur Resources Limited (Australian Securities Exchange [ASX]) Business & Finance, Asx symbols
  68. Late Model Restoration
  69. Local Message Rate
  70. left medial rectus Medical, Muscles
  71. Lefrak-Moelis Records
  72. LíMite MáXimo De Residuos Para, Con, Mite
  73. Lowest Maximum Range
  74. Late Model Racecraft Technology, Car, Corvette
  75. Localized Magnetic Resonance Medical, Medicine, Healthcare, Muscles
  76. Left medial rectus (of eye) Medical
  77. Learning Mathematics Through Representations Education, Teaching, Math
  78. Lymphocytic Meningopolyradiculitis Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  79. Light Machine Rifle
  80. Late Model Racecrafts
  81. Load Monitor Relay Technology, Aviation
  82. Lime Acres Finsch Mine, Lime Acres, South Africa South Africa, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  83. Learning Management Resources
  84. LuíSa MagalhãEs Ramos
  85. Lambda-Mu-Rho Business, Analysis, Core, Reservoir
  86. Last Mountain Railway Company, Technology, Canada
  87. Load Modifying Resource Energy, Power, Intensity, Electrical
  88. Lamra Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  89. London-Midland Railroad (UK) Transportation, Governmental & Military
  90. Leadership Metro Richmond Organizations, Community, Virginia
  91. Labor Monitoring Report
  92. Load Mode Register
  93. Logistics Management Resources, Inc. Management, Business & Finance
  94. Late Move Reduction Technology, Chess, Engine
  95. Local Modernisation Review Medicine, Health, British
  96. Liquid Metal Reactor Chemistry
  97. LíMite MáXimo Para Residuos
  98. Load Marked Range Army, War, Force
  99. Luminar Grp Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  100. Late Move Reductions Technology, Gaming, Computing, Chess
  101. Local Mobile Router
  102. Longitudinal Medical Record Medical, Muscles
  103. LíMites MáXimos De Residuos Para, Industrial, Con, Cola

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does LMR stand for?

    LMR stands for Labour Market Region.

  2. What is the shortened form of Liquid Metal Ring?

    The short form of "Liquid Metal Ring" is LMR.


LMR. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved February 23, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/lmr-meaning/

Last updated