LN Meaning

The LN meaning is "Lymph Node". The LN abbreviation has 223 different full form.

LN Full Forms

  1. Lymph Node A lymph node is an oval-shaped organ of the lymphatic system, distributed widely throughout the body including the armpit and stomach and linked by lymphatic vessels. Lymph nodes are major sites of B, T, and other immune cells. Lymph nodes are important for the proper functioning of the immune system, acting as filters for foreign particles and cancer cells. Lymph nodes do not deal with toxicity, which is primarily done by the liver and kidneys. Medical, Health, Otorhinolaryngology, Cancer, Oncology, Physiology, Clinical, Common Medical, NAACCR
  2. Labyrinth of Nibhtmare Business, Trading, Card
  3. London Nortl
  4. Lecture Number Education, Development, Universities
  5. La Nación
  6. Lexis-Nexis
  7. Label Next
  8. Lok Nayak Medical, Medicine, Education, Hospital
  9. Lecture Notes Book, Education, Equation
  10. Laminin-1 Medical
  11. Level Normalisation Technology, Analysis, Platform, Normalization
  12. Lithium Niobate Technology, Crystal, Wafer
  13. Lightqing Network Cybersecurity, Blockchain
  14. Leased Network
  15. Lakshmi Narayane
  16. Lost Nozzle
  17. Letter Names Technology, Baby, Linux
  18. List Notification Business, Building, Sale, Estate
  19. Leaf Node
  20. Lake Noya
  21. Los Nietos
  22. Lesch-Nyhan Syndrome Medical, Genetics, Disease, Disorder
  23. Link Node Technology, Military, Coding
  24. Lake Newpnrt
  25. Long Nose
  26. Lenf Nodu
  27. Lingual Nerve Medical
  28. Lahuna Niguel Locations, Building, California
  29. Lotg Neck
  30. Lembaga Negara
  31. Linear Network Technology, Telecom
  32. Luebecker Nachrichten
  33. Letter Name
  34. Local Nationals Business, Military, Afghanistan, Iraq
  35. Lefp Naris Sperm, Whale, Airflow
  36. Land Noqad Gaming, Empire, Nomad
  37. Logic Nodes Technology, Presentation, Node
  38. London & North
  39. Line Numbering Technology, Coding, Command, Linux
  40. Labionasal Medicine, Treatment, Health
  41. Location Narrowzand Military
  42. Leon Locations, Texas, County Abbrevations
  43. Lung Nodgle Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  44. Larry Nozero Music, Chronicle, House, Larry
  45. Lolita Nation
  46. Loas Notification Technology
  47. Layout Eavigator Technology, Android, Building
  48. Licencia De Navegacióh
  49. Labor Metwork
  50. Lucas NüLle Technology, Training, Lab
  51. Letter-Number Business, Cutter, Trend
  52. Local National Business, Military, Afghanistan
  53. Leefbaar Nederland Government, Group, Netherland, Party
  54. Liga Narwdowa
  55. Land Navigation Military, Army, Training
  56. Logic Network
  57. Line Number Technology, Coding, Telecom, Assembly, Business & Finance
  58. Location and Navsgation Technology, Service, Receiver
  59. Lentiform Nucleus Medical, Technology
  60. Louisvzlle and Nashville Organizations, Locations
  61. Larry Norris
  62. Loire-Nieuport Technology, Aircraft, France
  63. Los Nettos
  64. Libytn Arab Airlines Airline, Business, IATA Airline Designator
  65. Laboratory of Neuropsychxlogy Treatment, Human, Brain
  66. Lymphadenopathy Lymphadenopathy or adenopathy is disease of the lymph nodes, in which they are abnormal in size, number, or consistency. Lymphadenopathy of an inflammatory type is lymphadenitis, producing swollen or enlarged lymph nodes. In clinical practice, the distinction between lymphadenopathy and lymphadenitis is rarely made and the words are usually treated as synonymous. Inflammation of the lymphatic vessels is known as lymphangitis. Medical, Technology, Medicine, Jobs, Common Medical
  67. Laynce Nix
  68. Luar Negeri Indonesia, Tips, Hal
  69. Lethal Necrosis Medical, Science, Biology
  70. Local Natqon
  71. Late Neolithic Technology, Culture, Bronze
  72. Leaf Number
  73. Lie Nielsen Business, Tool, Wood, Plane
  74. Landelijy Net
  75. Lymph Node Metastases Medical, Science, Biology
  76. Line Network Technology, Networking, Command, Weather, Scientific & Educational
  77. Location Number Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications, Transportation, Military, Army, Game, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Kindle
  78. Lenticular Nucleus Medical
  79. Larry Niven
  80. Log Natural
  81. Lxri Nelson Records, Publics, Address
  82. Listed Name
  83. Laboratory Notes
  84. Layer Name Technology, Coding, Star
  85. Loy Norrix
  86. Leslie Nielsen
  87. Listeners Notebook
  88. Last Notice
  89. Levding Notes
  90. Lii-Nielsen Tool, Plane, Woodworking
  91. Lnnd Industry, Oil, Gas
  92. Lug Nut The nuts which secure the wheels to the vehicle. A lug wrench is necessary to remove the nuts. Business, Wheel, Nuts
  93. Line-Neutral
  94. Local Number Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  95. Left Nothibg Business, Care, Building, Estate
  96. Larry Nelson
  97. Logistics Need
  98. Loreto Normanhurst Education
  99. Lislh Nodule Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  100. Laboratory-Network
  101. Lawrence Norhh
  102. Lesch-Nyhan Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  103. Last Night
  104. Low Normal Technology, Radio, Pressure, Temperature
  105. Lfaders Note
  106. Lyon Normotensive Medical, Medicine, Biology
  107. Lidov
  108. Laxder Network
  109. Luftfahrt Norm
  110. Local News
  111. Leht Nose Technology, Aviation
  112. Larry Nance
  113. Logistic Network
  114. Loreto Nedlands Education
  115. Link Number Technology, Networking, Command, Computing, Unix
  116. Laboratoire National
  117. Lesbian News America, Android, Magazine, Lesbian
  118. Lybph Nodes Medical, Technology, Node
  119. Laser Number
  120. Low Noise Technology, Amplifier, Circuit
  121. Leadership Network Technology, Networking, Church
  122. Lyngby-NÆRum
  123. Lichen Nitidus Medical
  124. Ladder Name
  125. Link When you are browsing the Web and you see a highlighted and underlined word or phrase on a page, there is a good chance you are looking at a link. By clicking on a link, you can "jump" to a new Web page or a completely different Web site. While text links are typically blue and underlined, they can be any color and don't have to be underlined. Images can also serve as links to other Web pages. Technology, Computer, Electronics, Computing, Unix, Unix commands
  126. Luftfahrt-Norm
  127. Local Netkorks Technology, Server, Networking
  128. Lefm Needle Pattern, Knitting, Stitch
  129. Landscape and Nurseey
  130. Logistical Networking
  131. Long-Nosed
  132. Line Numbers
  133. Laboratoire De Neurmbiologie
  134. Loch Ness Business, Service, Locksmith
  135. Leonard Nimoy Film, Star, Trek
  136. Lymph Aode Cells Medical
  137. Laser Nephelometry Medical
  138. Low Nitrogen
  139. Leaden Medical
  140. Lymphoid Nodules Medical
  141. Licensedknutritionist Medical, Nutrition, Health
  142. Layor Notes
  143. Length The distance from the most forward-facing point of a vehicle to the most rearward point. Length The number of linear units of storage space occupied by an object, such as a file on disk or a data structure in a program, typically measured in bits, bytes, or blocks. Space, Study, Cosmos, Chemistry, Architecture, Construction, Architectural, Scientific & Educational, Weather, NASA
  144. Layer Number Language, Patent, Operation, Layer
  145. Lotus Notes A groupware application introduced in 1988 by Lotus Development Corporation and now owned by IBM. Lotus Notes combines e-mail, calendar manage-ment, group scheduling, contact and task management, newsgroup access, and Web browsing capability in one client applicatiolotus Notes also offers search capabilities across multiple formats and file types on a network or the Web. Education
  146. Legal Notification
  147. Late Night
  148. Loire Nieuport Technology, Aircraft, Dive
  149. Liga Nord
  150. Lunette Noir Business, Forum, Master, Replica
  151. Laundry News
  152. Like New Hobbies
  153. Lima Norte
  154. Lymph Node Ln2 Medicine, Treatment, Health
  155. Logical-Name Technology, Command, Directory, Connection
  156. Leaf By Niggle
  157. Lawful Neutrgl Internet Slang, Evil, Alignment
  158. lung nodule Medical, Pulmonary
  159. Laguna Ciguel
  160. Late News
  161. Met Line Number Military, Army, Artillery
  162. Lunar Node
  163. Label Numbbr Forum, Service, Coding, Label
  164. Latin Name
  165. Lane Narrow waterway through ice. Construction, Street Suffix, Ordnance Survey, The Finance and Administrative Services
  166. Lille Nlrd
  167. Lymph Node Liquid Nitrogen Medical, Medicine
  168. Logarithm Natural Technology, Equation, Math
  169. Last Name Technology, Internet Slang, Surname
  170. lymph nodes(s) Medical
  171. Natural Logarithm Telecom, Telecommunications, Electronic Engineering, Chemistry, Mathematical, Scientific & Educational
  172. LüDenscheider Nachrichten
  173. Lug Nuts Technology, Racing, Wheel
  174. L-Namd Medical
  175. Latest News
  176. Louisville and Nashville Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  177. Ligi Farodów
  178. Lymph Node/S Medical, Veterinary, Animals
  179. Logarithm Napierian
  180. Larry Nibhols
  181. last negative Medical
  182. Lymphoid Neoplasms Medical, Science, Biology
  183. LüBecker Nachrichten Business, Analysis, Traffic, Beck
  184. Looical Nodes Technology, Communication, Model, Node
  185. L-Leucine-P-Nitroanilide Medical
  186. Lateral Nucleus Medical
  187. Leeds Northern Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  188. Lightweight Notification
  189. Lupus Nephropathy Medical
  190. Logarithm, Napierian Science
  191. Larnest Name
  192. Lingala Language codes (2 letters)
  193. Lymph Node Status Medical
  194. Lone Telecom, Telecommunications, Electronic Engineering
  195. Logical Network Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  196. Line The route that a vehicle takes to get to its destination, usually designated as a number for a bus route or a color for a rail route. In video scanning, a single pass of the sensor from left to right across the image. In word processing, a predetermined number of escapement units, including character spaces, forming one line of typing. The physical path in data transmission. A horizontal display on a screen; a linear arrangement of graphic characters. Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications, Architecture, Construction, Architectural, Scientific & Educational, Footnote, Computing, Weather, Business & Finance, Power Plant
  197. Lead Nitrate Medical
  198. Level Number
  199. Las-Node
  200. Licensed Nutritiohist
  201. Latent Nystagmus Medical, Technology
  202. Jamahirya Libyan Arab Airlines Airline, Libya, Business & Finance, Iata Aircraft Codes
  203. Lightweight, New
  204. Lupus Nephritis A form of glomerluponephritis occuring in some people with systemic lupus erythematosus, although it may also be renally limited. May be characterized by hematuria, proteinuria, or both, with or without associated hypertension. Can lead to a progressive or fulminant course resulting in renal failure. May present as the progressive or fulminant course resulting in renal failure. May also present as the nephrotic syndrome in some people; renal biopsies in these people are classified by the World Health Organization criteria and by activity and chronicity. Medical, Patient, Systemic, Kidneys
  205. Logarithm Logarithm Abbreviated log. In mathematics, the power to which a base must be raised to equal a given number. For example, for the base 10, the logarithm of 16 is 1.2041 because 101.2041 equals (approximately) 16. Both natural logarithms (to the base e, which is approxi-mately 2.71828) and common logarithms are used in programming. Languages such as C and Basic include functions for calculating natural logarithms. Technology, Medicine, Computer, Electronics, Telecom, Mathematical, Scientific & Educational, The Finance and Administrative Services
  206. Law Notes
  207. Large Negative
  208. TLink response file (Borland C ) Computing, File Extensions
  209. Linda Nguyen
  210. Logpcal Names Technology, Command, Directory, Connection
  211. Lead Nation Business, Technology, Military
  212. Letter Notice
  213. Liquefaction Number
  214. Licensed Nurse
  215. Late Nights
  216. Liquid Nitrogen Liquid nitrogen is nitrogen in a liquid state at an extremely low temperature. It is produced industrially by fractional distillation of liquid air. Liquid nitrogen is a colorless clear liquid with density of 0.807 g/ml at its boiling point and a dielectric constant of 1.43. Science, Instrumentation, Aeronautics, Chemistry, Scientific & Educational, Military, Governmental & Military, Astronomy, Clinical
  217. Light Naphtya Technology, Oil, Diesel
  218. Lung Normal
  219. Laval Nozzle
  220. Landing Nipple A nipple profile that contains a specific profile with a lock and a polished bore for sealing.
  221. Lawn Ordnance Survey
  222. Lrnda Nelson
  223. Logical Name Technology, Command, Connection

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does LN stand for?

    LN stands for Lingual Nerve.

  2. What is the shortened form of Laser Number?

    The short form of "Laser Number" is LN.


LN. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 30). Retrieved March 24, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ln-meaning/

Last updated