LN in NAACCR Meaning

The LN meaning in NAACCR terms is "Lymph Node". There are 1 related meanings of the LN NAACCR abbreviation.

LN on NAACCR Full Forms

  1. Lymph Node A lymph node is an oval-shaped organ of the lymphatic system, distributed widely throughout the body including the armpit and stomach and linked by lymphatic vessels. Lymph nodes are major sites of B, T, and other immune cells. Lymph nodes are important for the proper functioning of the immune system, acting as filters for foreign particles and cancer cells. Lymph nodes do not deal with toxicity, which is primarily done by the liver and kidneys.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does LN stand for NAACCR?

    LN stands for Lymph Node in NAACCR terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Lymph Node in NAACCR?

    The short form of "Lymph Node" is LN for NAACCR.


LN in NAACCR. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 30). Retrieved February 2, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ln-meaning-in-naaccr/

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