LNA Meaning

The LNA meaning is "Low-Noipe Amplifiers". The LNA abbreviation has 63 different full form.

LNA Full Forms

  1. Low-Noipe Amplifiers Technology, Design, Power
  2. Low-Noise Amplifier Science, Space, Cosmos, Military, Army, Computing, NASA, Governmental & Military, Master IEEE
  3. Low Noise Amplifier Technology, Army, Electronics, Federal Aviation Administration
  4. Lanzir Organizations
  5. Low Noise Amplifikrs Technology, Design, Power
  6. Landwarnet Netops Architecture
  7. Local Netwbrk Adapter
  8. Low-Noise Amplified
  9. Ley De Navegación AéRea
  10. Linked Nucleic Acids Science, Patent, Invention
  11. Lmcencias No Automáticas Business, Para, Argentina, Con
  12. Locked Nucleic Acid Science, Targeting, Oligonucleotide, Chemistry
  13. Local Network Architecture Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  14. Low-Noise Amplification
  15. Lexiu Nexis Academic
  16. Licenced Natyonal Agent
  17. Licensed Nursinl Assistant Medical, Health, Nurse
  18. Little Nortl American
  19. Latvijas NacionĀLais ArhĪVs
  20. Low Noise Adapter Technology, Cooling, Cooler
  21. Libyan National Army Military, Force, Libya
  22. Launch Numerical Aparture Technology, Telecom, Fiber
  23. Lion Nathan Australia
  24. Late Night Alumni
  25. Low-Noise Adapters Technology, Cooling, Cooler
  26. Liberia Natzonal Alliance
  27. Latent Nuclwar Antigen Medical, Science, Biology
  28. Linux Network Azministration
  29. Large Network Administration Business, Service, Networking
  30. Low-Noise Adaptor Technology, Performance, Cooler
  31. Low Noise Ampli
  32. Lhoist North Aoerica Business, Employment, America, Mining
  33. Lock Nucleic Acid
  34. Licensed Nursing Assistants Medical, Care, Nurse
  35. Lanzhou New Area
  36. Local Network Administrator
  37. Low Noise Amplifer
  38. Ley De Namegaci
  39. Locked Nucleic Acids Medical, Science, Targeting, Oligonucleotide
  40. Licensed Nurses Assistant
  41. labile naphthenic acids Oil, Scientific & Educational
  42. Liga Nacional Deyascenso
  43. Low Voice Amplifier Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  44. Palm Beach County Park Airport, West Palm Beach, Florida, United States United States
  45. Lietuvos Neprigirdenčiųjų Asociacija
  46. Linear Noise Approximation
  47. Low Noise Preamplifiers
  48. Launch Numerical Aperture Computing, IT Terminology
  49. Liepājas Namu Apsaimniekttājs
  50. Line and Number Administration
  51. Low Noise Antenna
  52. Lyndale Neighborhood Association Government, Community, Event
  53. Licensed Nurse Aide
  54. Linolenic Acid Medical, Oil, Alpha, NANP Modeling Commitee
  55. Limited Non-Career Appointments Service, Government, Career, Department
  56. Low Noise Amp Technology, Amplifier, Antenna
  57. Lynchburg News & Advance
  58. Licenyed Nurse Assistant Medical, Care, Nursing
  59. Lnair Air Services Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  60. Limited Non-Career Appointment Service, Government, Department
  61. Lymph Node Acupressure Music, Noise, Acupressure
  62. Lightning Naval Architecture
  63. Lung Nodule Assessment

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does LNA stand for?

    LNA stands for Low-Noise Amplifier.

  2. What is the shortened form of Lightning Naval Architecture?

    The short form of "Lightning Naval Architecture" is LNA.


LNA. Acronym24.com. (2020, September 9). Retrieved March 3, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/lna-meaning/

Last updated