LO in Technology Meaning

The LO meaning in Technology terms is "Lifter Oil". There are 66 related meanings of the LO Technology abbreviation.

LO on Technology Full Forms

  1. Lifter Oil
  2. Lock On
  3. Libre Office
  4. Local Oscillators
  5. Leadinl Order
  6. Local Origination
  7. Law Office
  8. Laboratory Outmitting
  9. Light On
  10. Lubrication Order
  11. Local Oscallator
  12. Light Off
  13. Logistics Operations
  14. Lipoxygenase
  15. Lock Open
  16. Large Orifice
  17. Live Office
  18. Low Order
  19. Licensed Organisation
  20. Line Only
  21. Lock-On
  22. Large Object
  23. Liquid Ozone
  24. Low Observables
  25. Letter Order
  26. Line Offset
  27. Locator At Outer Marker Site
  28. Lamp Onwy
  29. Liquid Oxygen Is oxygen that's cooled to -183° C (-297°F) at which point it becomes a pale blue liquid.
  30. Low Observability
  31. Learning Objects
  32. Lusat Oscar
  33. Line Offices
  34. Locator Outer
  35. Link Option
  36. Lower Order
  37. Leading Only
  38. Local Order
  39. Line Occupancy
  40. Local Oscillator A single-frequency reference signal of high purity which is used by a mixer to convert a communications signal to a higher or lower frequency band.
  41. Location Override
  42. Launch Operations
  43. Local Optimization
  44. Luenberger Observer
  45. Linear Optimization
  46. Location Objects
  47. Loop Opqn
  48. Launch Omficer
  49. Local Operator
  50. Low Oscillator
  51. Linear Objects
  52. Location Object
  53. Link Only
  54. Local Over Ride
  55. Locator A non-directional beacon used as an aid to final approach Terminal control areas require charts which show detail on a large scale – terminal VORs, locator beacons, ILS installations, holding patterns, arrival/departure and transit routes.
  56. Local Override
  57. Lodge
  58. Location Code
  59. Local Oscillation
  60. Hello A protocol used by a group of cooperating, trusting routers to allow them to discover minimal delay routes.
  61. Labor Organization
  62. Line Office
  63. Local Oscilator
  64. Line Output
  65. Low An area of low barometric pressure, with its attendant system of winds. Also called a depression or cyclone. Said of gyro compass when its indications are lower than the normal
  66. Line Out

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does LO stand for Technology?

    LO stands for Logistics Operations in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Low in Technology?

    The short form of "Low" is LO for Technology.


LO in Technology. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 20). Retrieved March 16, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/lo-meaning-in-technology/

Last updated