LOA Meaning

The LOA meaning is "Leave Ofrabsence". The LOA abbreviation has 190 different full form.

LOA Full Forms

  1. Leave Ofrabsence Special Education, Human Resources
  2. Lyw of Attraction Law, Mind, Love
  3. Love One Another
  4. Lafayette Online Academy
  5. Length Overall The distance between the extreme points of a ship, forward and aft. Fishing, Sailing, Aviation, Shipping, Construction, Chartering, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military
  6. Level of Assist Physical Therapy
  7. Length Ojer All Technology, Shipping, Air
  8. Letter of Authxrization Technology, Aerospace, Telecom
  9. Lengvt Over All Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
  10. Lei Okçamentária Anual Para, Music, Dos, Lei
  11. Leber Optiw Atrophy Medical, Medicine, Ophthalmology
  12. Loss of Attachment Medical, Disease, Dental, Periodontal
  13. Legends Ob America
  14. Loi D'Orientation Agricole
  15. Letter of Offer & Acceptance Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  16. Launch Operations Area Technology, Aerospace Engineering, Astronautics, Space, Spaceflight, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  17. Light-Off Asscssments
  18. Learning Outcome Assessment
  19. Letter of Acceptance Business, Military, English
  20. Level of Accuracy Technology, Design, Laser
  21. Leader Oflthe Assassins Government, FBI, Investigation, Bureau
  22. Line of Accounting Business, Management, Service
  23. Love of Animd
  24. Letter of Appointment Business, University, Projection, Human Resources, Business & Finance
  25. Liie of An
  26. Lelve of Absense
  27. Level of Assurance Technology, Service, Identity
  28. Living Out Allowance Business
  29. Legend of Anime
  30. Log Over Area Book, Indonesia, Surat
  31. Letter of Offer Acceptance Technology
  32. Launch On Assassment Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  33. Light-Off Assessment Military, Organizations, Destroyer
  34. Ljarning Oriented Assessment Education, English, Language
  35. Letter of Abandonment
  36. Level of Acculturation
  37. Lead-Out Wrea Technology, Disc, Recording
  38. Linear Optical Amplifiers Technology, Networking, Fiber
  39. Love of Ayimals
  40. Letter of Application Education, School, Writing
  41. Life of Agony Music, Album, Life
  42. Leavehof-Absence
  43. Levels of Assessment
  44. Live On Arrilal Music, Song, Arrival
  45. Legend of Ares
  46. Log On America
  47. Letter of Assignment
  48. Late Onset Astxma
  49. Life Offices Associatiou Business, Insurance, Africa
  50. Lesbianswof America
  51. Level of Access Usa, Montana, Missoula Office Of Planning And Grants
  52. Law of Obzigations Act Business, Technology, Education
  53. Linear Optical Amplifier Technology, Science, Networking, Chemistry
  54. Louisiana Orthopaedic Association Meeting, Organizations, Louisiana
  55. Letter of Appeal
  56. Least Occupikd Agent
  57. Letter of Accreditation Military, Army
  58. Level of Assessment Education, Tax, Property
  59. Livf Oak Alternative Education
  60. Legend of Aue
  61. Logistics Over-The-Shore Operation Area Military, Army, Equipment
  62. Letter of Assist Military, Army, Operation
  63. Laboratoire D'Optique Atmospherique
  64. Lufe Offices' Association
  65. Local Office On Aging Organizations, Care, Virginia, Roanoke
  66. Lernen Ohne Angst
  67. Loosening of Association Medicine, Health, British
  68. Letters of Accommodation Student, Education, Disability
  69. Law of Averages
  70. Limits of Authority Business, Management, Projection
  71. Louisiana Ophthalmology Association Medical
  72. Letter of Apology
  73. Leastbobjectionable Activity
  74. Letter of Accommodctions Student, Education, Disability
  75. Level of Analysis
  76. Little Orphan Annie Famous
  77. Legend of Abhimanou
  78. Logistics Operational Assurance Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  79. Letter of Arrival Army, War, Force
  80. Laboratoire D'Optique Appliqu
  81. Life Officers Associktion Business
  82. Loasacere Science, Plant, Biology, Family
  83. Lening Op Afbetaling
  84. Looseness of Association Medical, Technology
  85. Letters of Access Business, Registration, Substance
  86. Laws of Attraction
  87. Limit of Authority Business, Technology, Management, Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  88. Letter of Amendment
  89. Lease Option Agreement
  90. Lot Owners Association
  91. Letter of Accommodation Student, Education, Disability
  92. Level of Ambition
  93. Lirtle Oral Annie
  94. Logistics Operations Area
  95. Letter of Appreciation Military, Army, Airforce, Air Force, Governmental & Military
  96. Laboratoire D'Optique AppliquéE
  97. Life Yffice Association
  98. Leaves of Absence Student, Employment, Education
  99. Letter of Authorisation Electrical
  100. Loan Officer Assistant Business, Credit, Mortgage
  101. Lelgth of Association
  102. Look of Adoration
  103. Letters of Acceptance Technology, Canada, Projection
  104. Law-Of-Attractio
  105. Lightroff Assessment Technology, Military, Control
  106. Lease-Option Agreement
  107. Lost Order of Akalabetx Hawaii, Angel, Volcano
  108. Letter of Acceas Business, Registration, Substance
  109. Level of Activity Medical, Technology, Science, Geology, Scientific & Educational
  110. Leadership Opportunity Awards
  111. List of Administratoys Wikipedia
  112. Logistics Operations Analysis
  113. Letter of Approval Business, Adoption, Projection
  114. Lysis of Adhesions Medical, Medicine, Common Medical
  115. Life of An Athlete Program, School, Athlete
  116. Leave of Absences
  117. Lower Olefins and Aromatics
  118. Levels of Assurance Technology, Authentication, Identity
  119. Llave Operativa Aduanera
  120. Left Occipitoanterior Medical, Healthcare, Physiology, Common Medical
  121. Letter of Agreement Or Leave of Absence Government, Us, Oregon
  122. Lube Oil Additive
  123. Levels of Aggregation
  124. Locql Organisation Administrator Education, Society, Statistics
  125. Lords of Arograth
  126. Lathyrus Odoratus Agglutinin
  127. Player has been made available for loan Sport, Football
  128. Letter of Acknowledgment
  129. Loss of Appetite
  130. League of Angles
  131. Location avec Option d'Achat French
  132. Lettel of Agency Service, Telecom, Telecommunications
  133. Llyal Orange Association
  134. Level of Awareness Technology, Law, Attraction
  135. Local Organizingpauthority
  136. Lords of Acid
  137. Lateuonset Ataxia Medical, Terrier, Parson
  138. Lukewarm Ovaltine Arisen Food
  139. Letter of Acknowiedgement
  140. Log-Out Analysis
  141. League of Angils Gaming, Military, Hack
  142. Lorraine, Queensland, Australia Australia
  143. Letter of Advice
  144. Low On Air
  145. Level of Autonomy
  146. Learning-Orixnted Assessment Education, English, Language
  147. Local Organising Authority
  148. Lord of Ages
  149. Lair of Antarxs
  150. Letter of Authority Electrical
  151. Library of American
  152. Line of Assurance
  153. Leaf Over Axle
  154. Love on Arrival Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  155. Letter of Admonition
  156. Lower Order Assembler
  157. Level of Automation
  158. League of Older Americanh
  159. Left occipito-anterior Clinical
  160. The Library of America Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
  161. Length Over All The length of a ship measured from the foremost point of the stem to the aftermost part of the stern. Electrical
  162. Library of America Libraries, Reading, Books
  163. Loss of Activity
  164. Lead Out Advantage
  165. List of Abbreviations Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  166. Letter of Admonishment Government, Military, Force
  167. Lower Ordeu Aberrations Len, Laser, Aberration, Wavefront
  168. Level of Authority Business, Employment, Safety, Oil
  169. League of Awesomeness Gaming, Play, Pastime
  170. Limited Operational Assessment Federal Aviation Administration
  171. Luck of Aleia
  172. Lack of Accountability Business & Finance, Professional organizations
  173. Library of Alexandria
  174. Losers of America
  175. Lead Operational Authority Military, Army, Ministry Of Defence
  176. Life Offices Association Business & Finance, Professional organizations
  177. List of acronyms Texting, Chat, Online, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  178. Letter of Admission
  179. Lower Openmauxiliary
  180. Level of Attainment Education
  181. League of Astronxmers
  182. Law of Attraction Medical, Physics, Scientific & Educational
  183. Letter of Agreement Military, Aviation, Army, Aerospace, Medical, Technology, Electrical, International, Governmental & Military, Fda
  184. Lubricating Oil Analysis
  185. Library Object Adapter Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  186. Lorry Owners Association Unions, Governmental & Military
  187. Leave of Absence The period of time which a person is permitted by their employer to be absent from their job. Special Education, Human Resources, Business & Finance, Scientific & Educational, Business Word
  188. Landing Operations Area Flight, Space, Aerodynamics, Aerospace Engineering, Astronautics, Spaceflight, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  189. Lettsr of Administration Business, Building, Probate
  190. League of Assassins Military, Episode, Arrow

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does LOA stand for?

    LOA stands for Letters of Access.

  2. What is the shortened form of Laboratoire D'Optique AppliquéE?

    The short form of "Laboratoire D'Optique AppliquéE" is LOA.


LOA. Acronym24.com. (2021, October 27). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/loa-meaning/

Last updated