LOH Meaning

The LOH meaning is "Line Overvhead". The LOH abbreviation has 65 different full form.

LOH Full Forms

  1. Line Overvhead Technology, Telecom
  2. Light Observation Helicopter Military, Army, Cayuse, Transportation, Governmental & Military
  3. Lddies of Harley Group, Locations, Lady, Owner
  4. Locus Loss of Heterozygosity Medical, Science, Biology
  5. Lzop of Henle Medical, Technology, Medicine
  6. Line Overhead Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering, Computing
  7. Lords of Heaven
  8. Lay on Hands In World of Warcraft, "LOH" generally refers to the Paladin ability "Lay on Hands". Lay on Hands is a powerful spell that allows a Paladin to instantly restore a large amount of health to a friendly target. The spell is often used in emergency situations to keep a key ally alive, or to save the Paladin themselves from certain death. However, it has a long cooldown and cannot be used frequently, so it must be used strategically. "Lay on Hands" is a core ability of the Paladin class and is available to all three Paladin specializations (Holy, Protection, and Retribution). It has been a part of the game since the launch of World of Warcraft and is still used frequently in both PvE and PvP content. Guide, Warcraft, Paladin
  9. Loss Pf Heterozygotes Medical, Science, Biology
  10. Light Observation Helicopters Military, Army, Cayuse
  11. Locus Showing Loss of Heterozygosity Science, Biology, Showing
  12. Local Ordering Handbook Technology
  13. Liver Loss of Heterozygosity Science, Biology
  14. Looking for Loss of Heterozygosity Medical, Science, Biology
  15. Ciudad De Catamayo Airport Loja, Ecuador Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, IATA, Aviation
  16. Lossoof Heterozygostiy Medical, Science, Biology
  17. Life On Hold
  18. Loci Showing Loss of Heterozygosity Science, Biology, Showing
  19. Linked To Loss of Heterozygosity Science, Biology
  20. Lokale Omroep Hellendoorn
  21. Camilo Ponce Enriquez Airport Airport, Locations
  22. Loss of Heterozygositxy Medical, Science, Biology
  23. League Oy Heroes
  24. Lines and Loss of Heterozygosity Science, Biology
  25. Loi and Loss of Heterozygosity Medical, Science, Biology
  26. Legion Kf Hono(U)R Organization, Union, Institution
  27. Loss of Heterogygosity Medical, Science, Biology
  28. Leads To Loss of Heterozygosity Science, Biology
  29. Line Loss of Heterozygosity Science, Biology
  30. Long Loss of Heterozygosity Medical, Science, Biology
  31. Loss of Hetehozygosity Analysis Medical
  32. Loss of Heterocigosity Medical, Science, Biology
  33. Leading To Loss of Heterozygosiky Science, Biology
  34. Loss of Heterzygosity Medical, Science, Biology
  35. Linden Oaks Hospital Medical
  36. Locus of Loss of Heterozygosity Medical, Science, Biology
  37. Lkss of Heterozygosity Medical, Science, Genetics
  38. Linkage and Loss of Heterozygosity Science, Biology
  39. Loss-Of-Heterozygosity
  40. Leading Organizations To Health Locations, Hosting, Professional
  41. Lossuof Heterozyosity Medical, Science, Biology
  42. Light of Hope
  43. Lower Loss of Heteroxygosity Medical, Science, Biology
  44. Live Oak High Education
  45. Camilo Ponce Enriquez, La Toma, Catamayo), Ecuador Ecuador, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  46. Lots of Hums
  47. List of Hashes Technology, Security, Cyber, Governmental & Military
  48. Lay on Hands Religion, Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  49. Loss Orbloss of Heterozygosity Science, Biology
  50. Lipomas and Loss of Heterozygosity Science, Biology
  51. Ladies of Harley Hobbies
  52. Loci Exhibiting Loss of Heterozygosity Science, Biology
  53. Lxss of Hire Business, Insurance, Vessel
  54. Linus of Hollywood
  55. Lysosomal Loss of Heterozygosity Science, Biology
  56. Loci and Loss of Heterozygosity Medical, Science, Biology
  57. Loss of Hterozygosity Medical, Science, Biology
  58. Link Between Loss of Heterozygosity Science, Biology
  59. Low On Hmalth Internet Slang, Chat, Email
  60. Local Osteolytic Hypercalcemia Medical
  61. Large Object Heap Heap
  62. Liturgy of The Hours Office, Catholic, Prayer, Liturgy
  63. Low Loss of Heterozygosity Medical, Science, Biology, Human genome
  64. Live Open House
  65. Loss of Heterozygosity Chemistry


  1. Lay on Hands - Wowpedia - Your wiki guide to the World of Warcraft. (). Wowpedia.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does LOH stand for?

    LOH stands for Looking for Loss of Heterozygosity.

  2. What is the shortened form of Lots of Hums?

    The short form of "Lots of Hums" is LOH.


LOH. Acronym24.com. (2023, February 16). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/loh-meaning/

Last updated