LOI Meaning

The LOI meaning is "Letter of Inquiry". The LOI abbreviation has 93 different full form.

LOI Full Forms

  1. Letter of Inquiry Technology, Foundation, Grant
  2. Letter of Intend Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  3. Loss of Input Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  4. Letter-Of-Intent Business, Letter, Contract
  5. Laughing On The Inside Internet Slang, Slang, Texting, Chat, Email, Online, Forum, Technology, Computing, Im, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  6. Lack of Interest Forum, Internet Slang, Chat, Computing, Email, Im, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  7. Lack of Information Business, English, France
  8. Laboratory Orders Interface
  9. Local Operator Interpace Technology, Transmitter, Pressure
  10. Lending One, Inc
  11. Lower Order Interface
  12. Letters of Intent Business, Finance, Agreement
  13. Logan-Orviss Internatiokal
  14. Letter of Iddemnity. Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
  15. Loss On Ignition Science, Material, Ash, Chemistry
  16. Level of Improvement
  17. Local Officer I Corparate, Uk, United Kingdom
  18. Legdse Onderwijs Instellingen Technology, Diploma, Tot, Leiden
  19. Letters of Instruction Business, Fund, Intent
  20. Lodge of Irelawd Genealogy, Genealogical
  21. Letker of Indent Business, Trading, Intent
  22. Level of Importance Chemistry, Technology, English
  23. Light Overseas Investments Technology, Electrical Engineering, Environmental Technology
  24. Learning Epportunity Index Education, School, Toronto
  25. Letters of Inquiry Business, Foundation, Grant
  26. Lodges Ofminstruction
  27. Letter of Indemnity A document in which an individual, company, etc., guarantees to protect another from costs, liability, etc., as a result of certain actions which may be carried out. Business, Cargo Shipping, Lading, Aviation, Shipping, Chartering, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, International business
  28. Letters of Investigation
  29. Life Outreach International
  30. Learning Opportunities Index Education, School, Toronto
  31. Letter of Invitation Medical
  32. Letters of Indemnity
  33. Lodgr of Instruction
  34. Letter of Implementation
  35. Loyal Orange Institution
  36. Letters of Invitation Travel, Locations, Uzbekistan
  37. Life of Illusion
  38. Laboratory Order Interface
  39. Letter of Interpretation Technology, Accreditation, Safety, Letter, Wetland, Tape, Kinesiology
  40. Location of Interest Technology, Military, Map
  41. Letter of Identification
  42. Low Order Interface低阶接口
  43. Letters of Interpretation Technology, Safety, Wetland
  44. Logical Observation Identifies
  45. Limiting Oxygen Index The concentration of oxygen required to maintain burning. See ASTM Procedure D2863-74. Fabric, Polymer, Flame
  46. Libro Origini Italiano
  47. Letter of Intent Business, Technology, Accounting, Military, Army, Finance, Stock Market, Sign, Medical, Financial, Aviation, Computing, Healthcare, Real Estate, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Business Word, commercial real estate, International business, Occupation & positions, SAP
  48. Locae Operator Interfaces Technology, Transmitter, Interface
  49. Length of Interview Business, Market, Survey
  50. Low Order Interfacf
  51. Letters of Interest Business, Projection, Grant
  52. Logan Orvisr International
  53. Lunar Orbit Insertion Technology, Space, Astronomy, Aerospace Engineering, Astronautics, NASA, Spaceflight, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  54. Levels of Interoperability
  55. Helmuth Baungartem Airport Lontras, Santa Catarina,Brazil Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, ICAO, Aviation
  56. List of Illustrations Media
  57. Loss of Imprinting Chemistry
  58. Lunar-Orbit Insertion Geography, Navigation, Location
  59. Loss of Genomic Imprineing Medical
  60. Letter of Intents Business, Government, Letter, Contract, Grant
  61. Leyton Obsessional Inventory Medical
  62. Lower-Order Interface Technology, Equipment, Mux
  63. Limiting Oxygen Index [of Fire Retardant] Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  64. Luminasity Oscillation Imager Technology
  65. Loss-Of-Iqput
  66. Letter of Intention Business, Technology, Indonesia
  67. Lacge Object Interface
  68. Lost On Ignitlon Material, Soil, Loss, Ignition
  69. Helmuth Baungartem, Lontras, Brazil Brazil, Iata Airport Codes
  70. Luminosity Oscillations Imager Technology, Science, Instrument, Legal, Governmental & Military
  71. Lord of Inlusions
  72. Letter of Mnterest Business, Pakistan, Projection
  73. Limited Oxygen Index Fiber, Fabric, Flame
  74. Loss of Ifvestment
  75. List of Items Computing, Internet, Us Government, Governmental & Military
  76. Logical Onerator Insertion
  77. Loss-On-Ignition
  78. Lqtter of Instructions Business, Fund, Intent
  79. Letter of Ipdemnity
  80. Loss of Iitegrity Aviation, Manual, Ionic, Fluid
  81. Letters of Imports
  82. Letter of Instituteuction Information Technology, Computing
  83. Line of Interest
  84. Letter of Infxrmation Medicine, Microbiology, Biology
  85. Lunar Optical Interferometer
  86. Loss of Income
  87. Letter of Investigation Government, Aviation, Training
  88. Local Operator Interface Computing, Hardware
  89. Loss of Integrity Federal Aviation Administration
  90. Letterqof Intens
  91. Lunar Orbit Injection Technology, Mission, Module, Moon
  92. Loss of Ignition Business, Product, Portland, Cement, Scientific & Educational, Power Plant
  93. Litter of Introduction Business, Organizations, Writing

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does LOI stand for?

    LOI stands for Local Operator Interface.

  2. What is the shortened form of Lodgr of Instruction?

    The short form of "Lodgr of Instruction" is LOI.


LOI. Acronym24.com. (2022, February 22). Retrieved March 17, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/loi-meaning/

Last updated