LOL Meaning
The LOL meaning is "Laugh Out Loud". The LOL abbreviation has 196 different full form.
LOL Full Forms
- Laugh Out Loud Internet Slang, Texting, Online
- Lick Our Lumps Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
- Lolling Out Loud
- Laugh Out Loudly Internet Slang, English, Tube
- Lots of Laughers
- Limitation On Liability Technology, Service, Law
- Lamers On Line Forum, Technology, Gaming, War
- League of Llamas Hobbies
- Life of Leo Technology
- Look of Love Music, Hair, Love, Wig
- Lots of Luck Internet Slang, Slang, Love, Computing, Texting, Email, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Legion of Light Forum, Gaming, Light
- Love Out Loud Music, Song, Lyric, Love
- Line Out Left Forum, Technology, Audio, Stereo
- Later On, Love Business
- Loss of Licence Military, Driving, Pilot
- Lovely Optimus Laughs
- Library of Links
- Low Oxygen Level
- Livid of Love
- Laugh Out Load
- Lots of Lasix
- Limitation of Owner'S Liability Industry, Oil, Gas, Electrical
- Lamer On Line Forum, Gaming, League, Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Leagae of Lightness
- Life of Leisure
- Looking Over Liam
- Lots of Lube Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation, Governmental & Military
- Legend of Lothian
- Loving Our Lord Book, Church, Love
- Line of Learning
- Last Or Least Business, Forum, Gaming, Community
- Loss Oo Legs
- Laughing Out Loud Internet Slang, Slang, Texting, Chat, Internet, Modern Slang, Social Media, Sms, Text Messaging, Error, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Lovely Old Ladies Communication, Chat, Online
- Librarians Orgasm Loudly
- Low Order Language
- Living On Lofe Music, Comedy, Love
- Laugh Our Loud
- Lots of Lag
- Likes Old Ladies
- Lame Old Loser
- League of Liberto Technology, Tank, Clan
- Life of Learning
- Looking On Line Forum, Love, Getting
- Lots of Love, Also Laughing Out Loud Internet Slang, Slang, Internet
- Love Our Lord Community, Church, Love
- Limit of Linearity Science, Reporting, Reporting Limit
- Last One Laughing
- Loss of Learning
- Learning On Line
- Loughing Out Loud
- Liberating Ourselves Locally Technology, Space, Hacker
- Low Operating Level
- Live Onzlove Gaming, Island, Money, Love
- League of Legends Computing, Internet
- Laugh Out Out Loud
- Loss of Link Forum, Technology, Networking
- Lachimdeviki O Lekkundi Movie, Telugu, Trailer
- League of Levity
- Lifelong Open Learning
- Look At The Other Links
- Laugh Out Lould
- Lots of Loughs
- Limited Operation Life
- Laptop Orchestra of Louisiana Technology, Gaming, Legend
- Loss of Laiguage
- Leaning Over Laughing
- Lord of Life Church, Lutheran, Life
- Loud Out Laughing Gaming, Love, Laugh
- Legions of Lucifer Death, Guild, Lucifer
- Low Operating Limit
- Livnng On Line Technology, Gaming, Casino
- Laugh Ot Loud
- Losg of Line Forum, Technology, Car, Transmission
- Derby Field Lovelock, Nevada,United States Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, ICAO, Aviation
- League of Legend Technology, Accounting, Gaming
- Lieutenant On Leave Government, Us, Control, Administration
- Longitudinal Output Level
- Laugh Out Loudh Texting
- Lots of Laughs Business, Media, Music, Social, Internet, Figure
- Limited Operational Life
- Laptop Orchestra of The Left
- Loss of Locy Technology, Semiconductor, Clock
- League Overwatch League
- Lord of Lies Forum, Gaming, Diablo, Lord
- Loud of Laugh Gaming, Slam, Laugh, Riddle
- Legion of Lucifer Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
- Lower Operating Limit
- Live-On-Line Business, Gaming, Casino
- Laugh Or Lose
- Loss of Light Forum, Technology, Camera
- Laughing of Loud English, Pic, Laugh
- League of Leagends Gaming, Play, Pastime
- Lick Over Lips Business, Bandung, Cream
- Lol Or Lol Gaming, Internet Slang, Internet, Laugh
- Laugh Out Louder
- Lots of Laughing Gaming, Play, Pastime
- Limits of Liability
- Lamerska Organizacja Ludowa
- Loss-Of-Lock
- League of Losers Gaming, Internet Slang, Legend
- Loong Online Luna
- Loudness of Love Lyric, Love, Album
- Legion of Lions
- Loving Out Loud Lyric, Chicago, Love
- Lions On Line
- Laugh Or Laughing
- Loss of Licnnse Medical, Forum, Driving
- Laugh-Out-Loud Film, English, Movie, Laugh
- Loyal Orange Lodge Organizations, Uk, United Kingdom, Technology, Governmental & Military
- Lucifer, Our Lord
- Love of Life Forum, Movie, Girl
- Loony Offensive Liberal Government, Politics, Policy, Governmental & Military
- Loss-Of-Load Power, Load, Oil
- Land O'Lakes Locations, Florida, Pasco County
- Limit of Liability NASA, Governmental & Military
- Laugs Out Loud
- Lauging Out Loud Internet Slang, Slang
- Lifestyle of Learning
- Ligue of Legends Computer Game
- Lord of Losers
- Mongo-Nkundu: A language of the Democratic Republic of the Congo Language codes (3 letters)
- Layout Line Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
- Lemon or Lime Food
- Love of Lettering
- Look Out for Loonies Government, Law, Legal, Jurisprudence
- Loss-Of-Light Forum, Technology, Control
- Lachen Ohne Laut
- Lots of Levers Computing, Internet
- Laught Out Loud Internet Slang, Slang, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Social Networking Sites
- Lovers of Lego Gaming, Military, Toy
- Life Or Love
- Lightning Over Love
- Lord of Lizards Gaming, Play, Pastime
- Derby Field, Lovelock, Nevada, United States Nevada, United States, Iata Airport Codes
- Lawyers On Line Technology, Gaming, Calling
- Land O' Lakes Food, Florida
- Lolling On Line
- Lore of Luruar
- Lolcode Source Code File Computing, File Extensions
- Love of Learning Education, Learning, Philology
- Labor of Love Music, Labour, Love
- Lots of Leafs Computing, Internet
- Laughting Out Loud Forum, Gaming, Internet Slang, Laugh, Texting, Sms, Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Dog Fanciers
- Lough Out Loud Technology, Gaming, Laugh
- Life On Line
- Life of Luxury Gaming, China, Life
- Lord of Light Gaming, Light, Throne
- Lot of Laughs Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Laws of Life Education, Essay, Love
- Like Or Lump
- Log On Later Forum, Technology, Gaming
- Lore of Legends
- Lack of Lanthanum Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Love Or Laugh Forum, Internet Slang, Language
- Labor of Lo
- Laughs Out Loud Computing, Computing Slang
- Love On Line Film, Movie, Music, Love
- Lots of Lust Forum, Porn, Love, Lust
- Life of The Land Gaming, Locations, Love
- Lesbians of Laughter
- Lots of Love May be used at the end of a message to someone you care about; though it may be confused with "laugh out loud." Texting, Social Media, Sms, Blogging, Online, Twitter, Facebook, Neologism, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Lautes Online Lachen German, Land, Lore
- Light of Love
- Living Out Loud
- Lords of Legend Media, Radio, Television
- Loss of Legs Medical, Physiology
- Love of Laughing Sex, Girl, Sexy, Love
- Labels Or Love Song, Lyric, Labeling, Love
- Laff Out Load Toastmasters Club Toastmasters
- Love of Llamas
- Loser of Love Internet Slang
- Life of Loan Business, Credit, Service
- Length of Life
- Lots of Liquor Police, Governmental & Military
- Lauren On Location
- Light of Life Technology, Server, Church
- Little Old Lady Medical, Computing, Texting, Chat, Sms, Online, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Computing Slang, Common Medical, Medical Slang
- Lord Oh Lord Song, Lyric, Love, Lord
- Left occipito-lateral Medical, Healthcare, Clinical
- Love of Language Book, English, Language
- Iata Code for Derby Field, Lovelock, Nevada, United States Locations
- Laughing Over Lines Performing arts
- Love of Literacy Book, Education, Teaching
- Lord of Lords Gaming, Music, Lords
- Life of Liberty Service, Government, Oceanside
- Large Obese Lobster Nutrition, Food, Victual
- Lunatic On the Loose Police, Governmental & Military
- Laugthing Out Loud
- Lift-Off Layer Technology, Material, Substrate
- Limitation of Liability The limiting of the amount that can be claimed from a shipowner for loss of goods and/or life when due to a casualty to ship that was not due to fault or privity of shipowner Amount is limited to 15 per ton for loss of life and goods, 8 per ton if no loss of life Tonnage is based on registered tonnage plus engine–room space. Liability of a British pilotage authority for damage done through fault or default of a licensed pilot is limited to 100 multiplied by the number of pilots holding licences from the authority Business, Contract, Clause, Medical, Healthcare
- Lord of The Lambs
- left occipitolateral position Medical, Fetus And Fetal
- League of Leaders
- Love of Languages Education, English, Language
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does LOL stand for?
LOL stands for Laughs Out Loud.
What is the shortened form of Living Out Loud?
The short form of "Living Out Loud" is LOL.
LOL. (2021, October 27). Retrieved March 11, 2025 from
Last updated