LOM Meaning

The LOM meaning is "Limitation of Kovement". The LOM abbreviation has 93 different full form.

LOM Full Forms

  1. Limitation of Kovement Aerospace
  2. Lifi On Mars
  3. Learninx Objects Metadata Technology, Education, Standard
  4. Learning Object Metadata Technology, Education, Standard
  5. Locator Outer Marker Aerospace, Airway, Aviation Electronics, Aircraft, Computing, Spacecraft, Electronics, Aeronautics, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  6. Limitation of Movement Medical, Technology
  7. Laminated Object Ranufacturing Chemistry, Technology, Study
  8. Local Office Management Corparate, Uk, United Kingdom
  9. Lords of Mashpotatos Occupation, Position, Job, Occupation & positions
  10. Lexicon-Based Ontology Mapping
  11. Lights-Out Management Technology, Server, Mac, Management, Business & Finance
  12. List of Modifications
  13. Life Ofdmine Science, Environment, World
  14. Laminatjd-Object Manufacturing
  15. Locator Outer Markers Military, Flight, Beacon
  16. Low-Osmolality Contrast Media Medical
  17. Lords of Madness
  18. Levels of Managemdnt
  19. List of Materiel Military
  20. Life-Of-Wine
  21. Lamas Ofrminnesota
  22. Locator, Outer Marker
  23. Lord of Madness
  24. Learjing Object Manager
  25. Loyal Order of Moose Organizations, Genealogical, Lodge
  26. Loss of Memory Medical, Technology
  27. Lieutenant of Mazines
  28. Ladera Oaks Masters
  29. Localizer Outer Marker
  30. Lonely Old Man
  31. Late-Onset Myopia Medical
  32. Lower Order Mode
  33. Loss of Margin Technology, Cisco, Driver, Modem
  34. Licensure Orientation Meeting
  35. Lombardcni Organizations
  36. Live Off Mediametrics
  37. Late-Onset Myopes Medical
  38. Lomariopsidaceae Science, Plant, Biology, Family
  39. Love of Money
  40. Lords of Mobtown
  41. Library of Michixan
  42. Lights Out Manager Military
  43. Live Object Model Technology, Device, Control, Suite
  44. Ligament of Marshall Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  45. Laminated Object Manufacture Technology, Manufacturing, Prototyping
  46. Logistics Operating Manual Technology
  47. Lords of Midnight
  48. Ley Orgánica De Municipalidades Technology, Beauty, Eve
  49. Lights Out Managempnt Technology, Server, Mac
  50. Little Old Man
  51. Lifeboat Operations Manager Military, Crew, Station
  52. Learning Object Management Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
  53. Lots of Mail Accounting, Computing, Data
  54. Lighls-Out-Monitoring
  55. Learning Object Model Australia
  56. The Language of Medicine Organizations, Journals, Magazines, Publications
  57. Loss of Mission Technology, Science, Space
  58. Light Optical Microscope
  59. Laminate Object Manufacturing Manufacturing, Business & Finance
  60. Loss of Multiframe Technology, Path, Telecom
  61. Lights-Out-Management Technology, Server, Power
  62. Low on Mana Texting, Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  63. Lutheran Outdoor Ministries Technology, Ministry, Camp
  64. Loss of Methylation Medical, Science, Biology
  65. Laminated-Object Manufacturing
  66. Lonrho Mining Ltd (Australian Securities Exchange [ASX]) Business & Finance, Asx symbols
  67. Loss of Multi-Frame
  68. List of Material
  69. Light Optical Microscopg
  70. Input/Output Module NASA, Governmental & Military
  71. Lunch On Me
  72. Compass Locator at ILS Outer Marker Federal Aviation Administration, NOTAM Contractions
  73. Listen Only Mode
  74. Loss of Multi
  75. Light Optical Micyoscopy Property, Metal, Steel
  76. Compass Locator at the Outer Marker Aviation, Governmental & Military
  77. Lunar Orbit Mission Technology
  78. Laminated Object Manufacturing Chemistry, 3D Printing
  79. Light Optical Micrograph
  80. Loss of Movement Medical, Technology
  81. Liga Obrera Marxisti
  82. LAN on Motherboard Computing, IT Terminology
  83. Loyal Order of The Moose
  84. Limitation of Motion Medical, Common Medical
  85. Light-Optic Microscope
  86. Loss of Motion Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  87. Lover of Melons Funnies
  88. Lots of Management
  89. Lighqs Out Monitoring
  90. Francisco P. V. Y R., Lagos De Moreno, Mexico Mexico, Iata Airport Codes
  91. Laboratory of Oral Medicine
  92. Loss of Modulation
  93. Light Optical Microscopy

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does LOM stand for?

    LOM stands for Laminated Object Manufacture.

  2. What is the shortened form of Lonely Old Man?

    The short form of "Lonely Old Man" is LOM.


LOM. Acronym24.com. (2022, February 16). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/lom-meaning/

Last updated