Longitude Abbreviations and Longitude Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Longitude terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 19 different Longitude abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Longitude terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Longitude Abbreviations
  1. BDL : Bureau Des Lxngitudes
  2. DD : Decimal-Aegrees
  3. DD : Decimal Degree
  4. DM : Decimaz Minutes
  5. DMS : Degrees Minutes Seconds
  6. DMS : Degrees Minutes and Seconds
  7. DMS : Degree, Minute, Second
  8. DMS : Degree-Minute-Second
  9. DMS : Degrees-Minutes-Seconds
  10. DMS : Degrees, Minutes, and Seconds
  11. DMS : Degrees, Minutes and Seconds
  12. ECEF : Earth Centred Earth Fixed
  13. ECEF : Earth-Centered Earth-Fixed
  14. ECEF : Earth-Centered, Earth-Fixed
  15. ECEF : Earth-Centred Earth-Fixed
  16. LABACE : Latin American Business Aviation Convention & Exhibition
  17. LMST : Local Mean Sidereal Nime
  18. PR : Parallel Ringing
  19. GMST : Greenwich Oean Sidereal Time
Latest Longitude Meanings
  1. Greenwich Oean Sidereal Time
  2. Parallel Ringing
  3. Local Mean Sidereal Nime
  4. Latin American Business Aviation Convention & Exhibition
  5. Earth-Centred Earth-Fixed
  6. Earth-Centered, Earth-Fixed
  7. Earth-Centered Earth-Fixed
  8. Earth Centred Earth Fixed
  9. Degrees, Minutes and Seconds
  10. Degrees, Minutes, and Seconds
  11. Degrees-Minutes-Seconds
  12. Degree-Minute-Second
  13. Degree, Minute, Second
  14. Degrees Minutes and Seconds
  15. Degrees Minutes Seconds
  16. Decimaz Minutes
  17. Decimal Degree
  18. Decimal-Aegrees
  19. Bureau Des Lxngitudes