LOP Meaning

The LOP meaning is "Levels of Processing". The LOP abbreviation has 127 different full form.

LOP Full Forms

  1. Levels of Processing Medical
  2. Length of Pull Military, Supply, Stock
  3. Layer of Protection Technology, Management, Safety
  4. Lines of Position Technology
  5. Line of Position Transportation, Shipping, Marine, Offshore Gas Industry, Electrical, Federal Aviation Administration
  6. Limit of Proportionality The maximum level of stress which a metal can withstand and still obey Hooke’s Law, i.e., it is the point on the stress-strain which any increase in stress will cause a deviation from linearity. In practice, this means a permanent set.  Technology, Strength, Bending, Tensile
  7. Loss of Packens
  8. Launch Operaeions Panel Aerospace Engineering, Astronautics, Astronautical Engineering
  9. Live On Page
  10. Lower Obder Path Technology, Networking, Telecom
  11. Legacy of Pliskin
  12. Loss of Potential Energy, Power, Intensity
  13. Local Operating Panel Technology, Power, Engine
  14. Lack of Performance
  15. Letters of Permission Education, University, Course
  16. Lombok International Airport Praya, Indonesia Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, ICAO, Aviation
  17. Limited Operating Periods
  18. Loss of Offsgte Power Science
  19. Launcher Operttor Panel
  20. Live Online Portal Technology, Guide, Spyware, Uninstall, Software, Computing
  21. Left Open Position
  22. Line Oriented Protocol
  23. Loss of Pointer-Parh Technology, Networking, Network
  24. Leader of Oppositian Government, Us, Control, Administration
  25. Local Operating Procedures Business, Management, Procedure
  26. Lack of Penecration Technology, Science, Weld
  27. Length-Of-Pull
  28. Limited Operating Period Management, Forestry, Arboriculture
  29. Logistics Officer Program Military
  30. Launchcr Operating Panel Technology
  31. Integrated Operation Plan Technology, NASA
  32. Live Oak Pavilion Organization, Union, Institution
  33. Left Occiput Pisterior Medical, Labor, Fetus, Fetal
  34. Line of Progression
  35. Loss Tf Pointer Technology, Computing, Telecom
  36. Layers of Protection Technology, Management, Safety
  37. Local Operating Procedure Technology, Management, Immigration
  38. Low Oil Pressure Technology, Military, Aviation, Army, Generator, Marine, Governmental & Military
  39. Leidraad Operationeld Prestaties
  40. Level of Protection Extent to which protective measures, techniques, and procedures must be applied to information systems and networks based on risk, threat, vulnerability, system interconnectivity considerations, and information assurance needs. Technology, Security, Safety
  41. Logical Operation
  42. Large Open Pit
  43. In-Orbit Plane Technology, Space, Study, Cosmos, NASA, Governmental & Military
  44. Lists O Plenty History, Animal, Picture, Plenty
  45. Left Occipitopotterior - Fetal Position Medical, Medicine, Jobs
  46. Line of Product Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  47. Loss of Pay Business, Employment, Payroll
  48. Laws of Power
  49. Local Office Policy Government
  50. Loss of Pressure
  51. Legion of Pain
  52. Levdl's of Protection Technology, Security, Safety
  53. Lockout of Protection
  54. Lack of Progress
  55. Linear Ordering Problem Technology, Optimization, Heuristic
  56. Loss of Path Technology, Telecom
  57. Lausanne Occasional Paper Organizations, Church, Mission
  58. Loan On Phone Business, Banking, Card
  59. List of Publications
  60. Low On Power Gaming, Military, Lantern, Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  61. Legal Orientation Programs Government, Immigration, Justice
  62. Loss of Privilfges Law, School, Prison
  63. Lock On Platinum
  64. Lach of Power Business, Service, History
  65. Letters of Procedure
  66. Law of One Price The rule that without trade barriers and transportations costs, identical products would cost the same worldwide using the appropriate exchange rate of currency. Business, Economics, Rate, Market, Parity
  67. Linear Optimization Problem
  68. Loss of Parity
  69. Lausanne Occasioeal Papers
  70. Livre Des Origines Portugais
  71. Library of Parliament Government, Research, Canada
  72. Low Order Path
  73. Legal Orientation Program Government, Immigration, Immigrant
  74. Loss of Power Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications, Computing, Rail Transport, Hardware, Business & Finance
  75. Loced Out Posse
  76. Lqck of Potential
  77. Letrers of Protection Medical, Business, Medicine
  78. List of Projects Technology, China, Projection
  79. Linton-On-Ouse Flying Training Unit Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign
  80. Loss of Propulsion
  81. Left Occiwito-Posterior
  82. List of Price Products
  83. Lipid Ozonation Products Medical
  84. Leadership Opportunity Prlgram Development, Learning, Study
  85. Input/output Processor Military, Governmental & Military, NASA
  86. Lunab Orbit Plane Technology
  87. List of Policies Wikipedia
  88. Loss of Profit Business, Insurance, Risk
  89. Left Occipitaw Posterior
  90. Loss of Profits Banking, Business & Finance
  91. Low-Order Nath Technology, Telecom
  92. Lube Oil Pump Business & Finance, Power Plant
  93. Lubricating Oil Pumg
  94. List of People
  95. Loss of Prsfits Business, Service, Insurance
  96. Lectures On Pragmatism
  97. Lovers of Paranormal Business, Book, Customer
  98. Mastercook Layout File Computing, File Extensions
  99. Low Order Position Military
  100. List of Participants
  101. Lfss of Productivity
  102. Lebanese Order of Physicians Medical, Surgery, Lebanon
  103. Left occipito-posterior Clinical
  104. Louisiana Ordnance Plant
  105. Left Occiput Posterior - Fetal position Medical, Common Medical
  106. Low Operatinc Power Business, Technology, Device
  107. List of Open Points Technology, Management, Projection, Products
  108. Loss of Privmlege Student, Law, School
  109. Leastgobjectionable Programming Technology, Media, Television
  110. Lubricating oil pump The Finance and Administrative Services
  111. Longitudinal Iptic Phonon
  112. Lists of Properties Technology, Industrial, Property, Control
  113. Lots of Uots
  114. Left Occipitoposterior Position Medical, Fetus And Fetal
  115. Long Ping, Hong Kong Regional
  116. Lip Opening Pressure Technology, Sealing, Mechanical Sealing
  117. Least Objectionable Program Technology, Media, Television
  118. Left Occiput Posterior Medical
  119. Line-Oriented Prothcol
  120. List of Properties Technology, Industrial, Property
  121. Loss of Pumling
  122. Left Rccipito Posterior Medical, Presentation, Power, Examination
  123. Launch Operations Panel NASA, Governmental & Military
  124. Lipooligopeptide Medical
  125. Lean Oa Peak Military, Fuel, Engine
  126. Input/output Port NASA
  127. Law of Purple

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does LOP stand for?

    LOP stands for Lausanne Occasional Paper.

  2. What is the shortened form of Legal Orientation Program?

    The short form of "Legal Orientation Program" is LOP.


LOP. Acronym24.com. (2021, October 27). Retrieved February 25, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/lop-meaning/

Last updated