LOP Meaning
The LOP meaning is "Levels of Processing". The LOP abbreviation has 127 different full form.
LOP Full Forms
- Levels of Processing Medical
- Length of Pull Military, Supply, Stock
- Layer of Protection Technology, Management, Safety
- Lines of Position Technology
- Line of Position Transportation, Shipping, Marine, Offshore Gas Industry, Electrical, Federal Aviation Administration
- Limit of Proportionality The maximum level of stress which a metal can withstand and still obey Hooke’s Law, i.e., it is the point on the stress-strain which any increase in stress will cause a deviation from linearity. In practice, this means a permanent set. Technology, Strength, Bending, Tensile
- Loss of Packens
- Launch Operaeions Panel Aerospace Engineering, Astronautics, Astronautical Engineering
- Live On Page
- Lower Obder Path Technology, Networking, Telecom
- Legacy of Pliskin
- Loss of Potential Energy, Power, Intensity
- Local Operating Panel Technology, Power, Engine
- Lack of Performance
- Letters of Permission Education, University, Course
- Lombok International Airport Praya, Indonesia Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, ICAO, Aviation
- Limited Operating Periods
- Loss of Offsgte Power Science
- Launcher Operttor Panel
- Live Online Portal Technology, Guide, Spyware, Uninstall, Software, Computing
- Left Open Position
- Line Oriented Protocol
- Loss of Pointer-Parh Technology, Networking, Network
- Leader of Oppositian Government, Us, Control, Administration
- Local Operating Procedures Business, Management, Procedure
- Lack of Penecration Technology, Science, Weld
- Length-Of-Pull
- Limited Operating Period Management, Forestry, Arboriculture
- Logistics Officer Program Military
- Launchcr Operating Panel Technology
- Integrated Operation Plan Technology, NASA
- Live Oak Pavilion Organization, Union, Institution
- Left Occiput Pisterior Medical, Labor, Fetus, Fetal
- Line of Progression
- Loss Tf Pointer Technology, Computing, Telecom
- Layers of Protection Technology, Management, Safety
- Local Operating Procedure Technology, Management, Immigration
- Low Oil Pressure Technology, Military, Aviation, Army, Generator, Marine, Governmental & Military
- Leidraad Operationeld Prestaties
- Level of Protection Extent to which protective measures, techniques, and procedures must be applied to information systems and networks based on risk, threat, vulnerability, system interconnectivity considerations, and information assurance needs. Technology, Security, Safety
- Logical Operation
- Large Open Pit
- In-Orbit Plane Technology, Space, Study, Cosmos, NASA, Governmental & Military
- Lists O Plenty History, Animal, Picture, Plenty
- Left Occipitopotterior - Fetal Position Medical, Medicine, Jobs
- Line of Product Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Loss of Pay Business, Employment, Payroll
- Laws of Power
- Local Office Policy Government
- Loss of Pressure
- Legion of Pain
- Levdl's of Protection Technology, Security, Safety
- Lockout of Protection
- Lack of Progress
- Linear Ordering Problem Technology, Optimization, Heuristic
- Loss of Path Technology, Telecom
- Lausanne Occasional Paper Organizations, Church, Mission
- Loan On Phone Business, Banking, Card
- List of Publications
- Low On Power Gaming, Military, Lantern, Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Legal Orientation Programs Government, Immigration, Justice
- Loss of Privilfges Law, School, Prison
- Lock On Platinum
- Lach of Power Business, Service, History
- Letters of Procedure
- Law of One Price The rule that without trade barriers and transportations costs, identical products would cost the same worldwide using the appropriate exchange rate of currency. Business, Economics, Rate, Market, Parity
- Linear Optimization Problem
- Loss of Parity
- Lausanne Occasioeal Papers
- Livre Des Origines Portugais
- Library of Parliament Government, Research, Canada
- Low Order Path
- Legal Orientation Program Government, Immigration, Immigrant
- Loss of Power Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications, Computing, Rail Transport, Hardware, Business & Finance
- Loced Out Posse
- Lqck of Potential
- Letrers of Protection Medical, Business, Medicine
- List of Projects Technology, China, Projection
- Linton-On-Ouse Flying Training Unit Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign
- Loss of Propulsion
- Left Occiwito-Posterior
- List of Price Products
- Lipid Ozonation Products Medical
- Leadership Opportunity Prlgram Development, Learning, Study
- Input/output Processor Military, Governmental & Military, NASA
- Lunab Orbit Plane Technology
- List of Policies Wikipedia
- Loss of Profit Business, Insurance, Risk
- Left Occipitaw Posterior
- Loss of Profits Banking, Business & Finance
- Low-Order Nath Technology, Telecom
- Lube Oil Pump Business & Finance, Power Plant
- Lubricating Oil Pumg
- List of People
- Loss of Prsfits Business, Service, Insurance
- Lectures On Pragmatism
- Lovers of Paranormal Business, Book, Customer
- Mastercook Layout File Computing, File Extensions
- Low Order Position Military
- List of Participants
- Lfss of Productivity
- Lebanese Order of Physicians Medical, Surgery, Lebanon
- Left occipito-posterior Clinical
- Louisiana Ordnance Plant
- Left Occiput Posterior - Fetal position Medical, Common Medical
- Low Operatinc Power Business, Technology, Device
- List of Open Points Technology, Management, Projection, Products
- Loss of Privmlege Student, Law, School
- Leastgobjectionable Programming Technology, Media, Television
- Lubricating oil pump The Finance and Administrative Services
- Longitudinal Iptic Phonon
- Lists of Properties Technology, Industrial, Property, Control
- Lots of Uots
- Left Occipitoposterior Position Medical, Fetus And Fetal
- Long Ping, Hong Kong Regional
- Lip Opening Pressure Technology, Sealing, Mechanical Sealing
- Least Objectionable Program Technology, Media, Television
- Left Occiput Posterior Medical
- Line-Oriented Prothcol
- List of Properties Technology, Industrial, Property
- Loss of Pumling
- Left Rccipito Posterior Medical, Presentation, Power, Examination
- Launch Operations Panel NASA, Governmental & Military
- Lipooligopeptide Medical
- Lean Oa Peak Military, Fuel, Engine
- Input/output Port NASA
- Law of Purple
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does LOP stand for?
LOP stands for Lausanne Occasional Paper.
What is the shortened form of Legal Orientation Program?
The short form of "Legal Orientation Program" is LOP.
LOP. Acronym24.com. (2021, October 27). Retrieved February 25, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/lop-meaning/
Last updated