LOR Meaning

The LOR meaning is "Line-Of-Response". The LOR abbreviation has 98 different full form.

LOR Full Forms

  1. Line-Of-Response Medical, Technology, Positron
  2. Lindsey Oil Refinery
  3. Light Output Ratio Technology, Construction, Architectural
  4. Letters of Reprimand Military, Force, Rebuttal
  5. Letter of Request Military, Aircraft, Defense
  6. Learning Object Repository Technology, Education, Course
  7. Lordp of Rage Government, Law, Legal, Jurisprudence
  8. Letters of Recommendations Medicine, Education, School, Residency
  9. Locus of Rise Medical
  10. Letter of Kegistration
  11. Loss of Response Medical
  12. Launch Operations Roim Technology
  13. Level of Reporting
  14. Light Orange-Red
  15. Letter of Readiness Business, Trade, International Trade, Electrical, Business & Finance, Scientific & Educational, Nautical Terms
  16. Letters of Recommebdation Education, School, Writing
  17. Lock Order Reversal Technology, Networking, Network, Protocol
  18. Letter of Refetral
  19. Loss of Reits
  20. Launch On Remote Missile, Military, Defense
  21. Level of Depair Technology, Military, Analysis
  22. Light of Reason
  23. Letter Oftoffer and Request Military
  24. Letter of Rbgatory
  25. Lock Out Relay Technology, Switch, Lockout
  26. Letter of Referjnce Service, Education, Recommendation
  27. Loss of Reference
  28. Loss of Resistance Medical, Healthcare
  29. Letters of Response Business, Accounting, Peer
  30. Light O Rama Business, Technology
  31. Lepidoptera of Orientalic Rpgion
  32. Lock-Out Relay
  33. Letter of Recommendatiofs
  34. Loss of Redundancy Technology
  35. Lord of The Rings Gaming, Internet Slang, Chat, Hobbit, Email, Lord, Forum, Technology, Computing, Texting, Sms, Online, Im, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  36. Letters Ow Request Government, Military, Defense
  37. Logical Output Register
  38. Light-O-Rama Technology, Controller, Sequence
  39. Lazard World Divisiondend Anx Income Fund, Inc. Organizations
  40. Local Orthodox Rabbi Organizations, Synagogue, Synagogues
  41. Letter of Recommendation Education, School, Writing, Occupation & positions
  42. Loriett Sport, Club, Football
  43. List of Requirements
  44. Letters of Referlnce Service, Education, Recommendation
  45. Logical Operator Replacement
  46. Laq of Return
  47. Liga Obrera Revolucionaria
  48. Local Object Repository Technology, Automation, Run
  49. Letter of Reciprocity
  50. Loricrin Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  51. Line Outage Recorder Science, NASA, Governmental & Military
  52. Letters of Rehognition
  53. Logical Object Reference Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  54. Loss of Righting Reflix Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  55. Law of Retribution Government, Law, Legal, Jurisprudence
  56. Level of Respoxsiveness
  57. Locally-Optimum Rank
  58. Lmtter of Rec
  59. Left of Red Music, Song, Baby
  60. Long Open Reading Frame Medical, Medicine, Treatment
  61. Leo-Air Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  62. Limit of Reporting Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  63. Letter of Representation Business, English, Council, Iran
  64. Loss On Reduction
  65. Lord Our Righteousness
  66. Lazard World Dividend and Income Fund, Inc. Technology
  67. London Oil Reports Business, Chemistry, Chemical
  68. Lunar Orbit Relay NASA, Governmental & Military
  69. Letter Ofsreprimand Technology, Military, Force
  70. Local/Off/Remote
  71. Lord Ofthe Rings
  72. Large Oprical Reflector
  73. Logic of Relatives
  74. Letter of Reprimand Air Force, Governmental & Military
  75. Letter of Rexuirement
  76. Lining-Over-Refrjctory
  77. Lorazepam Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  78. Letter of Responsibility
  79. Laboratory for Oil Recovery
  80. Lunar Orbit Rendezvous Space, Astronomy, Aerospace Engineering, Astronautics, NASA, Astrophysics, Spaceflight, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  81. Letter of Requirements Military
  82. Lor Og Rett
  83. Loratadine Medical
  84. Letter of Response Business, Turkey, English, Business & Finance, Business Word
  85. Lunar Orbit Rendez-Vous
  86. Lazard World Dividend & Income Fund Computing, Nyse symbols
  87. Letter of Repair
  88. Lots of Robots
  89. Loranthaceae Science, Plant, Biology, Family
  90. Letter of Resolution
  91. Lubrecating Oil Residue
  92. Lorus Therapeutics, Inc. Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
  93. Letter of Rejection Military
  94. Loral Space and Communications Ltd. Organizations
  95. Log Odds Ratio Medical, Medicine, Genetics, Injury, Genomics
  96. Level of Repair Military, Governmental & Military
  97. Letter of Resignation
  98. Low-Frequency Omnirange

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does LOR stand for?

    LOR stands for Lindsey Oil Refinery.

  2. What is the shortened form of Letter of Requirements?

    The short form of "Letter of Requirements" is LOR.


LOR. Acronym24.com. (2021, December 15). Retrieved March 11, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/lor-meaning/

Last updated