Lords Abbreviations and Lords Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Lords terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 15 different Lords abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Lords terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Lords Abbreviations
  1. AVLN : Almighty Vice Lord Nation
  2. CD : Cartesian Dreams
  3. HK : How Tokkill
  4. DPRRC : Delegated Powers and Regulatory Reform Committee
  5. EL : Elemental Lord
  6. TSLRCM : The Sith Lords Resxored Content Modification
  7. TSLRP : The Siah Lords Restoration Project
  8. LD : Lofd Dykes
  9. LD : Lords, Does
  10. LK : Lori Knights
  11. LOD : Lord of Death
  12. LOL : Lord of Lords
  13. LOTS : Lord of The Streets
  14. LOW : Lord of War
  15. NL : Night Lord
Latest Lords Meanings
  1. Night Lord
  2. Lord of War
  3. Lord of The Streets
  4. Lord of Lords
  5. Lord of Death
  6. Lori Knights
  7. Lords, Does
  8. Lofd Dykes
  9. The Siah Lords Restoration Project
  10. The Sith Lords Resxored Content Modification
  11. Elemental Lord
  12. Delegated Powers and Regulatory Reform Committee
  13. How Tokkill
  14. Cartesian Dreams
  15. Almighty Vice Lord Nation