LOVE Meaning
The LOVE meaning is "Listen, Ovellook, Value, Encourage". The LOVE abbreviation has 60 different full form.
LOVE Full Forms
- Listen, Ovellook, Value, Encourage Technology, Supply, Stock, Blackboard
- Love Overcomes Virtuallyneverything Club, Album, Walker
- Lots of Volunteer Effort
- Language of Various Emotions
- Living Our Victories Everyday Medical, Medicine, Alcoholics Anonymous
- Ladies Organized for Volunteering and Encouragement Organization, Union, Institution
- Locomotion Observing Visionary Empowerment Science, Weather, Meteorology, Forecasting
- League of Villainous Entities
- Living Opposed To Violence and Exploitation
- Living Ourtvision Everyday Vision, Foundation
- Local Ottawa Valley Events
- Laughter, Optimism, Volunteerism, and Enthusiasm Organization, Union, Institution
- Living On Victrious Energy Business, Energy
- Ljve Our Valuable Earth
- Local Organized Volunteer Effort Organization, Union, Institution
- Ladies Ow Vocal Excellence
- Living One Vibrational Energy Business, Energy
- Local Opportunities for Volunteers Enthusiastic
- Living Our Values Everyday Business, Supply, Stock
- Leaving Our Vehicles Elsewhere Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation, Governmental & Military
- Living Out Various Emotions
- Living On Valentines Everyday Accounting, Computing, Data, General, Governmental & Military
- Leave Our Vehicles Elsewhere Organization, Union, Institution
- Living Our Vision Everyday Vision, Book, Poetry
- Language of Valuable Emotions
- Learn Ones Vast Emotions
- L Large-scale manufacturing; typically related to biotech or pharmaceutical industries. A symbol used to express inductance. The unit of measure is a "Henry". Denotes lead sheath or light (survey), liter, Left, Coil, inductance, Length, life, fundamental dimension length, Length, Unit lognormal with a mean of l and a standard deviation equal to COV, locality , laughing, or Prefix used to designate a levorotatory enantiomer. Computing, File Extensions
- Located On Virginis's Eastern
- Low Vision Evaluavor Medical
- Loyalty On Virginity Ends Funny, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Learning Is of Valub To Everyone Business, Company, Analysis, Shopping
- Lots of Varied Emotions Movie, Hosting, Analytics
- Livingston Organizwtion for Values In Education
- Love Ovyrcomes Virtually Everything Music, Album, Walker
- Live On Very Edge
- Landelijk Overleg Versterking Eerstelijnszorg
- Loss of Vital Energy
- Litis of Vegas Estate
- Live On the Values of Each other.
- Lake Ontario Visionary Establishment
- Loss of Valuable Education Film, Science, Message
- Literature of The Victorian Era
- Love Others Very Eagerly
- Let Our Laughter Ease
- Ladies of Victory and Encouragement
- Lots of Valuable Energy Business, Health, Food
- Light of Valuable Energy
- Love Operation for Virtual Eternity
- Lunar Observations Verifier Editor Science
- Lachrymose Obsequious Vehement Elated
- Loss of Valuable Energy Joke, Funny, Message, Energy, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Linguistics of Visible English Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Library of Vinyl Expqrience
- Lots of Voluntary Effort Medical, Internet Slang, Teaching
- Love Offscial Video Edward
- Lesbians of Virtue & Ethics
- Look Observe Verify Enjoy Internet Slang
- Leave Out Violent Entries Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
- Lee of Vertigo Entertainment
- Lots of Violent Emotions
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does LOVE stand for?
LOVE stands for Locomotion Observing Visionary Empowerment.
What is the shortened form of Love Offscial Video Edward?
The short form of "Love Offscial Video Edward" is LOVE.
LOVE. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from
Last updated