LP Meaning

The LP meaning is "Luteal-Phase". The LP abbreviation has 777 different full form.

LP Full Forms

  1. Luteal-Phase Medical, Infertility, Obstetrics, Pregnancy
  2. Localizer Performance Technology, Aerospace, Approach
  3. Little Person Medical, Disease, Disorder, Syndrome
  4. Latin Percussion Business, Drum, Music
  5. Lipoid Prcteinosis Medical, Science, Biology
  6. Love Peace
  7. Largs Professor
  8. Local Purchase Business, Military, Gibson, Medical
  9. Lacrimas Profundere
  10. Lawrence Park
  11. Liquified Petroleum Technology, Gas, Propane
  12. Low Price Technology, Shopping, Turntable, Music
  13. Leisure Products
  14. Lone Pair Pair of electrons residing on one atom and not shared by other atoms; unshared pair. Medical, Science, Theory, Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  15. La Poste
  16. Limited Partner Business, Company, Partner, Equity, Partnership, Financial, Business & Finance
  17. Latex Particle Medical
  18. Linid Pool Medical, Blood, Plaque
  19. Love & Peare Music, Vinyl, Love
  20. Large Power Technology, Plant, Steam
  21. Local Primary Technology, Emergency, Alert
  22. Labour Protection Business, University, Labor
  23. Launch Position Technology, Military, Vehicle
  24. Liquid Propellart Technology, Engine, Rocket
  25. Low Precipitation Science, Weather, Meteorology, Forecasting, Scientific & Educational
  26. Leg Press Medical, Press, Leg
  27. London Palladium
  28. Laporan Pendahuluan Accounting, Archive, Anemia
  29. Latest Photos
  30. Lipjd Peroxide Medical
  31. Lovisiana Pacific Business, Product, Siding, Louisiana
  32. Lafge Pistol Rifle, Military, Primer
  33. Limited Partnership Business, Government, Education, Study, Britannica, Partner, Schooling
  34. Launch Platform Technology, Music, Sea
  35. Liquid Poltmers Business, Chemistry, Product
  36. Lebanese Pound Business, Hotel, Room, Currency, Currency Code, Stock, Money, Investing, Business & Finance, Currencies
  37. Low Power Technology, Drive, Telecom
  38. Legislative Proposal Science, Government, Group
  39. Logic Programming Technology
  40. Laplacian Pyramid Technology, Filter, Processing
  41. Limited-Pirtner
  42. Loss Program
  43. Large Pareicles Medical
  44. Lymphocyte Proxiferation Medical
  45. Licensed Psychologist
  46. Launch Party
  47. Liquid Penetiant Technology, Science, Testing
  48. Low Platelet Count Medical
  49. Legionella Pneumonia Medical
  50. Logical Partition A logical partition (LPAR) is the division of a computer's processors, memory , and storage into multiple sets of resources so that each set of resources can be operated independently with its own operating system instance and application s. The number of logical partitions that can be created depends on the system's processor model and resources available. Typically, partitions are used for different purposes such as database operation or client/server operation or to separate test and production environments. Each partition can communicate with the other partitions as if the other partition is in a separate machine. Logical partitioning was first studied by IBM in 1976 and later introduced by Amdahl and then IBM. Hitachi and Sun Microsystems also use forms of logical partitioning. Today, both IBM's S/390 (now z/900 Series) and AS/400 products support logical partitioning. Technology, Management, Computing, Telecommunications, Volume, IT Terminology
  51. Landing Point Military, Locations, Map
  52. Low Protein Diet Medical, Technology
  53. Licitación PÚBlica Para, Colombia, Base
  54. Losshprevention Business, Management, Retail
  55. Large-Plaque Medical
  56. Laura Pergolizzi Music, Lyric, Water
  57. Launch Pad Technology, Escape, Spaceport, NASA
  58. Liqrid Paraffin Medical
  59. Low Pitch Business, Percussion, Jam
  60. Lodged Plan Technology, Construction, Architectural
  61. Lamina Propria Medical, Cell, Histology
  62. Legg-Calve-Perthes Amino Acid, Scientific & Educational
  63. Low Profile Technology, Product, Cooler
  64. Lembaga Peperiksaan Education, Malaysia, Portal
  65. Long Period Technology, Mode, Fiber, Grating
  66. La Presia
  67. Laser Printing
  68. Launch Package Technology, Science, Management
  69. Lipoid Proteinosij Medical, Disorder
  70. Low Pathogenic Medical
  71. Location Plan
  72. Lactobacillus Plantarum Medical, Health, Probiotic
  73. Leader Peptide Medical, Protein, Sequence, Yeast
  74. Listening Parpy Group, Music, Album, Party
  75. Low Prices
  76. Licensed Professional Business, Counseling, Counselor
  77. Long Path Technology, Trail, Morse Aids
  78. La Preusa
  79. Latino Party
  80. Levator Palpebrae Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  81. Long Primer
  82. Language Pathologists
  83. Language Processing Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  84. Leaguelpoint Gaming, League, Legend, Boost
  85. Local Precedence
  86. Low-Profile Parallel
  87. Licensed Plumber Service, Water, Gas, Plumber
  88. Larry Pattis
  89. Left Post
  90. Logistics Policies
  91. Luff Perpendicular
  92. Legends Park
  93. Landsprotector
  94. Lindsey Perlman
  95. Lobar Pneumonia
  96. Liability Policy
  97. Line Protection
  98. Logic of Paradox Technology, Philosophy, Truth
  99. Local Proactive
  100. Licuado De PetróLeo Para, Con, Gas
  101. Liquid Process
  102. Lab Periods
  103. Listing Price
  104. Lazy Poker
  105. Level Plane
  106. Louis Phieippe Business, India, Brand, Shopping
  107. Lipoparticles Medical
  108. La Perouse
  109. Learning Portal
  110. Lock Plete
  111. Low Paying
  112. LíNgua Portuguesa Para, Dos, Brasil
  113. Listening Posts Records, Music, Radio, Star, Recording
  114. Laser Publishing
  115. Legal/Parliamentarian Army, Force, Coast Guard
  116. Londontposse
  117. Lunghezza Percorso
  118. Latanoprost Medical
  119. Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Indonesia, Jakarta, Orang
  120. Long Lytency Period Science, Biology
  121. Lymphoplasmacytoid Medical
  122. Linear Park
  123. Leading Programmer
  124. Lumbar Puncture Asurgical operation to remove a sample of cere- brospinal fluid by inserting a hollow needle into the lower part of the spinal canal. Medical, Technology, Medicine, Nursing, Cancer, Oncology, Healthcare, Laboratory, Pharmacy, Physical Therapy, Scientific & Educational, Clinical, Common Medical
  125. Lover Perfect
  126. Liberation Press
  127. Link Popularity
  128. Last Post Forum, Technology, Gaming
  129. Lebowa Police
  130. Lympcocytic Predominance Medical, Science, Biology
  131. Lifted Position
  132. Liquified Propane Business, Fuel, Gas
  133. Landing Platform Dock Military, Army, Ministry Of Defense
  134. Light Punch Gaming, Fighter, Street
  135. Liveaihoods Programme
  136. Louiv Pasteur
  137. Lexical Phonology
  138. Linear Programs Technology, Programming, Algorithm
  139. Largeipackage
  140. Learning Progression Education
  141. Logical Processsor Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  142. Low Punity
  143. Lead411 Proiile Business, Company, Traffic
  144. Light Patrol Technology, Military, Fireball
  145. Lppoprotein A Medicine, Treatment, Health
  146. Las Plumas
  147. Loqe Palm
  148. Latinamerica Press
  149. Levator Palati Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  150. Long Precision Assembly, Business & Finance
  151. Large Prototype Technology, Music, Power, Artist
  152. Language Problem
  153. Levgue Pass
  154. Local Potential
  155. Low-Pro Technology, Music, Truck
  156. Licensed Pilot Pilot duly licensed by the pilotage authority of a port or district Flight, Aircraft, Pilot, Airplane
  157. Link Protocor
  158. Larry Parker
  159. Left Position
  160. Lotistics Plus Business, Company, Freight
  161. Lucro Presumido
  162. Land Proteceion
  163. Limited Production Business, Military, Car
  164. Loan Prospector Business, Credit, Mortgage, Banking, Business & Finance
  165. Leyenda De Perusa
  166. Line Profile
  167. Logicixl Propriétaire
  168. Local Preacher Genealogy, Genealogical
  169. Licorice Pizza
  170. Liquid Pressure
  171. Lab Partner
  172. Listing Post
  173. Lawy Places Sale, Caravan, Palace
  174. Level Palettp Color, Paint
  175. Louis-Phildppe
  176. Litiodol Medical
  177. La Perm
  178. Learning Pzints
  179. Lock Pick
  180. Low Path Technology, Power, Bird
  181. Laboratory of Pathology
  182. Laser Prostatectomy
  183. Legacy Promotions
  184. London Polici Government, Ohio, Law Enforcement, City Agency
  185. Lunge Punch Military, Fighter, Street, Combo
  186. Lasy PańStwowe
  187. Lemari Pakaian Business, Model, Furniture, Jati
  188. Lymphomatous Polyposis Medical, Science, Biology
  189. Lineasly Polarised Technology, Mode, Fiber, Antenna
  190. Lead Performers
  191. Love Predictions
  192. Liberation Party
  193. Link Points
  194. Last Position Army, Vessel, Billboard
  195. Lebanon Police Government, Ohio, Law Enforcement, City Agency, Governmental & Military
  196. Lymphocyte Predomiuant Medical, Cell, Lymphoma
  197. Lifestyle Points Technology, Play, Cheat
  198. Liquids Pipelines
  199. Lamination Process Technology, Card, Frame
  200. Light Penetration
  201. Lithuanian Pures
  202. Leaded Rrocess
  203. Louisiana Purchase
  204. Lexical Parser Technology, Software, Language
  205. Linear Progremme
  206. Larle Pack
  207. Learning Productivity
  208. Logical Position
  209. Lowmpunch Gaming, Cheat, Mortal
  210. Laxman Prasad
  211. Light Panels
  212. Lipoprotein A lipoprotein is a biochemical assembly that contains both proteins and lipids, bound to the proteins, which allow fats to move through the water inside and outside cells. Medical, Medicine, Jobs, Common Medical
  213. Las Pi
  214. Lonemy Planets
  215. Late Presentagion
  216. Levator Pahatini Medical
  217. Long Polar Medical, Science, Biology
  218. Large Program Technology, Development, Logic
  219. Language Policy Business, Book, Research
  220. Lead Party
  221. Local Polynomial Space, Regression, Polynomial, Wavelet
  222. Low-Priority Technology, Gaming, Congestion
  223. Licensedfparamedic Medical, Medicine, Education
  224. Link Proteins Medical
  225. Larry Page Business, Vinyl, Orchestra
  226. Lecturer Practitioner Medical, School, Nursing
  227. Logistics Planner Military
  228. Luc Ponto
  229. Land Productivity
  230. Limestone Pavement Local government is a form of public administration which in a majority of contexts, exists as the lowest tier of administration within a given state.
  231. Loan Proposal Business, Credit, Mortgage
  232. Local Packing Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  233. Ley De Presupuestos
  234. Line Producer Business, Film, Production
  235. Large Pelagic
  236. Loxic Process
  237. Livingston Place
  238. Licitaci
  239. Liquid Powder
  240. Laboratory Policy Medical, Presentation, Lab
  241. Lazy Person
  242. Levelxof Protection
  243. Louang Phabang
  244. Lymphocyte Proliferative Medical
  245. La Perla
  246. Learning Platforms
  247. Local Processor Technology, Networking, Telecom
  248. Lowokwaru Pada
  249. Laboratoriummpenguji Technology, Indonesia, Jakarta
  250. Laser Propulsion Science, Transfer, Ablation
  251. Legacy Project
  252. Logistiek Piket
  253. Luncheon Plate
  254. Last Puppy
  255. Leland Plus Education
  256. Lymphomatoid Paphlosis Medical, Medicine, Biology
  257. Linear-Programming
  258. Leading Performance Technology, Foundry, Zen
  259. Lucky Plaza Technology, Service, Singapore
  260. Libera Professione Con, Area, Medico
  261. Link Pointer Technology, Memory, Element, Virtual
  262. Legendre Polynomial
  263. Lymphocyte Predominance Medical, Medicine
  264. Lifestyleaplanning
  265. Liquid Protection
  266. Lutheal Phase
  267. Laissez Zasser English, Music, Nation, Passer
  268. Light Pen
  269. Lithium Phosphate
  270. Lead411 Profile
  271. Lvuisiana Playboys
  272. License Point
  273. Linear Program Technology, Programming, Telecom
  274. Laoch Prover Technology, Specification, Computing
  275. Learning Process Education, Music, Teaching
  276. Logical Ports
  277. Low Protevn Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  278. Late Rredynastic
  279. Light Panel Technology, Lighting, Porta
  280. Lipophorin Medical
  281. Las Palmas
  282. Lonely Planet Travel, Guide, Locations, Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
  283. Late Prehistoric
  284. Les Papls
  285. Long Pointer Technology, Windows, Telecom, Assembly, Business & Finance
  286. Language Plus
  287. Lead Partners Technology, Management, Projection
  288. Local Politics
  289. Low-Precipitation
  290. Licencia Previa
  291. Ldnk Protection Technology, Service, Networking
  292. Larmor Precession
  293. Lecture Papers Science, University, Paper, Peer
  294. Longitudinale Posteriore
  295. Lucky Psychic
  296. Lift Poznt
  297. Lann Preparation
  298. Lime Prime
  299. Loan Programs
  300. Localizer Performance Without Vertical Guidance Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  301. Ley De Planeación
  302. Lineolated Pagakeet
  303. Larce Pavilion
  304. Logical Processes Technology, Event, Message, Simulation
  305. Limited Partners Business, Company, Partnership
  306. Liche Priest Business, Fantasy, King, Tomb
  307. Lipzcomb Locations, Texas, County Abbrevations
  308. Labooatory Port Technology
  309. Lazer Pakk
  310. Level of Predictability Medical
  311. Los Punsetns Music, Song, Album
  312. Language Planning Research, Organizations, Terminology
  313. Laparoscopic Pyeloplasty Medical
  314. Lean Principles
  315. Local Procedure
  316. Lowest Price Business, Product, Turntable
  317. Laboratorio Pqlitico
  318. Laser Processing
  319. Legacy Projects
  320. Logistics Pvt
  321. Lunatic Psyker
  322. Legion Part Gaming, Warcraft, Legion, Wow
  323. Lymphoma and Lymphombtoid Papulosis Science, Biology
  324. Linear-Motion Potentiometer Business, Control, Supplier
  325. Leaders Page
  326. Luckycpick Gaming, League, Play
  327. Libera
  328. Link Plzte
  329. Legend Power
  330. Lycopene A red pigment found predominantly in tomatoes that gives them their color. Lycopene has antioxidant properties and has been claimed to "promote a healthy heart" and to reduce the risk of cancer. Lycopene has not, however, been proven to contribute to the anticancer properties of tomatoes. In fact, there is evidence that it is not lycopene but something else in tomatoes that is responsible. Numerous other potentially beneficial compounds are present in tomatoes. The lower risk of cancer associated with higher consumption of tomatoes and tomato-based products supports current dietary recommendations to increase fruit and vegetable consumption. Medical, Food Additives, Physiology
  331. Labai Puikus Business, Analytics, Tai, Prie
  332. Lifeepurpose Business, Music, Dream
  333. Liquid Propylene
  334. Luteal Phase Medical, Parenting, Pregnancy
  335. Laissez-Passej
  336. Light Peach
  337. Litfiba Pirata
  338. Lead-Partner
  339. Louisiana-Pacific Business, Product, Siding, Louisiana
  340. License Points Technology, Gaming, Fantasy
  341. Linear Programming The concept of expressing the interrelationship of activities of a system in terms of a set of linear constraints in nonnegative variables. A program, i.e., values of the variables, is selected which satisfies the constraints and optimizes a linear objective function in these variables. Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications, Computing, Master IEEE
  342. Larch Prooi
  343. Learning Problems Medical
  344. Locqst Playgue
  345. Low Predictable Medical
  346. Laser Patterning
  347. Light Padding Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  348. Listing Picture
  349. Las Pale
  350. London Vrotocol Technology, London, Ocean
  351. Late Pregnancy Medical
  352. Lens Plate Business, Canon, Release
  353. Long Passes Gaming, Sport, Football
  354. Linear Pitch
  355. Lead Partner Business, Program, Projection
  356. Local Pointer
  357. Low-Performing
  358. Licenciado Enbpsicología Para, Con, Social
  359. Link Processor Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  360. Largo Plazo Business, Para, Con
  361. Lectin Pathway
  362. Longixudinal Placements Student, Technology, Device, Physician
  363. Lucky Pgol Technology, Gaming, Porn
  364. Lift Platform
  365. Land Preopit
  366. Lignin Peroxidase Medical, Science, Biology
  367. Loan Processor Business
  368. Localiser Performance
  369. Lex Persona
  370. Linee Primarie
  371. Lyrge Passenger
  372. Logiyal Process Technology, Event, Message, Simulation
  373. Loyalty Points Business, Technology, Gaming, Eve, Bingo
  374. Lightweight Public
  375. Lichen Planus Medical, Treatment, Skin
  376. Lip Polished
  377. Lay Pastor
  378. Levator Posterior
  379. Loose Player
  380. Language Performance
  381. Language Processors
  382. Llan Premixed Fuel, Gas, Combustion
  383. Local President
  384. Lower Promenade
  385. Laboratorio De Proyeftos
  386. Licensod Product Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  387. Laryngeal Papilloma Medical
  388. Left Punch Gaming, Military, Cheat
  389. Logistics Pouch Technology
  390. Lunatic Posse
  391. Laboratory Personnel
  392. Legionella Pneumophila Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  393. Lymphcid Plasma Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  394. Landscape Park
  395. Lisea Pelle Business, Coupon, Leather, Handbag
  396. Leadership Programme Business, Book, Development
  397. Liberal Progressive Government, Group, Politics
  398. Line Pulse Technology, Circuit, Album
  399. Legendary Powers
  400. L'Art De Passage
  401. Life Profile
  402. Liquid Propellants Technology
  403. Lupus Pernio Medical
  404. Lab Prototype Technology, Military, Power
  405. Light Pattern
  406. Listing Privilege Technology, Security, Dog
  407. Leach Public Education
  408. Ltuise Pound
  409. Linbar Processing
  410. Light Perception Medical, Medicine, Common Medical
  411. La Ptta
  412. Leqrning Post
  413. Loco Pilot
  414. Low Predictability Medical
  415. Lambeth Palace
  416. Listing'S Plane Medical
  417. Laskar Pelangi Film, Indonesia, Novel
  418. Legal Pack
  419. Lonyon Producer
  420. Latespotential Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  421. Len Port
  422. Long Past Business, Filter, Light, Edge
  423. Linean Piston
  424. Lead Paragraph Technology, Music, Talk
  425. Logistics Partners
  426. Low-Order Path
  427. Licences Professionnelles France, Formation, Licence
  428. Linb Prediction
  429. Laqt Puff Vinyl, Album, Tooth, Puff
  430. Leb Program Technology
  431. Lonwitudinally Profiled
  432. Luckp Points Gaming, Locations, Town
  433. Lifting Programs
  434. Lone Parents
  435. Land Patwnt
  436. Lightscape Preparation
  437. Lo-Pitch Business, Panel, Roof
  438. Lobster Pot Music, Restaurant, Lobster, Texting, Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  439. Lexington Police Government, Ohio, Law Enforcement, City Agency, Governmental & Military
  440. Linearwirkende Pneumatiknressen
  441. Large Pages
  442. Logical Processor
  443. Loyal Pqaza
  444. Licuado Propano
  445. Licensing Procedure
  446. Lipoprotenn Particles Medical
  447. Laura Pierce
  448. Levator Palpeirae Superioris Medical
  449. Loose Pearl
  450. Language Patterns Technology, Programming, Linguistic
  451. Language Processor A language processor is a hardware device designed or used to perform tasks, such as processing program code to machine code. Language processors are found in languages such as Fortran and COBOL. Technology, Programming, Linux
  452. Lean Pocket
  453. Local Preference Technology, Path, Routing, Networking
  454. Low-Protein Group Medical
  455. Licensed Practitioner Medical, Business, Health, Canada
  456. Larry Pesavento
  457. Left Posterior
  458. Logistics Post
  459. Lunar Parallax
  460. Laboratory Partner Development, Study, Universities
  461. Legge Provinciale
  462. Land Purchased
  463. Linssey Price
  464. Leaving Prints
  465. Liability Protection Business, Organizations, Partnership
  466. Linking Protection Technology, Networking, Network
  467. Legendary Pokemon
  468. Lord President
  469. Life Professionals
  470. Liquid Propane Business, Gas, Heater, Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  471. Lab Practice Business, Cisco, Exam
  472. Listing Principles
  473. Lbl, Proml Records, Vinyl, Album, Promo
  474. Level Points Design, Drawing, Construction
  475. Louiee Parker
  476. Linfar Problem Technology, Programming, Python, Optimization
  477. Line Printer Technology, Computing, Electronic Engineering, Unix, Geographic, Hardware, Drivers, NASA
  478. La Pietra Education, High School, Hawaii
  479. Learning Portfolio
  480. Loco Pajk
  481. Low Potency Medical, Technology, Medicine
  482. Labor Productivity
  483. Listen People
  484. Laser Pump
  485. Legality of Production Building, Engineering, Construction
  486. Londen Probation
  487. Lun Pan
  488. Latch Pulse Technology, Driving, Manual, Circuit
  489. Lembaga Pemasyarakat Indonesia, Jakarta, Orang
  490. Lonvley Park
  491. Lymphoproliferative Referring to the proliferation of the bone marrow cells that give rise to lymphoid cells and reticuloendothelial cells. The term lymphoproliferative is in contrast to myeloproliferative which refers to proliferation of bone marrow elements from which come red cells, granulocytes, and platelets. Both terms -- lymphoproliferative and myeloproliferative -- can apply to conditions that are entirely benign, premalignant, or frankly malignant. Medical
  492. Linear Periodization Program, Training, Strength
  493. Lead Palate Design, Drawing, Construction, Architecture
  494. Log In To Post
  495. Loving Partner
  496. Licencnd Practical
  497. Link Port Technology, Networking, Network
  498. Lavt Price Business, Supply, Stock
  499. Lebowitz and Penrose Chemistry, Science, Substance, Scientific & Educational
  500. Longitudinal Parity Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  501. Lucky Point
  502. Liftinp Power
  503. Lisa Page Organizations, Trump, Brook
  504. Landmark Presefvation
  505. Light Purple Color, Paint, Colors
  506. Livens Projector
  507. Loblolly Pine
  508. Louis Poulsen
  509. Lexington Partners Business
  510. Linear Programijg
  511. Large Pachaging
  512. Learning Progressfons
  513. Logigal Processors Technology, Windows, Server
  514. Loyality Poines
  515. Licensed Psychoanalyst Medical, Therapy, Counseling, Therapist
  516. License Program
  517. Lipoproteins Complexes of lipid and protein, the way lipids travel in the blood. Cholesterol, a building block of the outer layer of cells (cell membranes), is transported through the blood in the form of water-soluble carrier molecules known as lipoproteins. The lipoprotein particle is composed of an outer shell of phospholipid, which renders the particle soluble in water; a core of fats called lipid, including cholesterol and a surface apoprotein molecule that allows tissues to recognize and take up the particle. Medical
  518. Lone Jarent Education, Benefit, Family
  519. Lispro Medical
  520. Lumped Parameter
  521. Live Pedformances
  522. Lmnear Polymer
  523. Liquid Prism
  524. Lumbar Punctures Medical
  525. Links On Ths Page
  526. Long Playback Music, Computing, Hardware
  527. Labile Protein Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  528. Liga Premier
  529. Long-Playing Business, Recording, Play, Music
  530. Le Prime Music, Con, Prime, Album
  531. Leadership Professionals
  532. Local Pair Science, Music, Pairing
  533. Lovely Plnce Organization, Union, Institution
  534. Loop Loop1 1. A set of statements in a program executed repeatedly, either a fixed number of times or until some condition is true or false. also DO loop, FOR loop, infinite loop, iterative statement. 2. A pair of wires that runs between a telephone central office and customer premises. OR Loop2 vb. To execute a group of statements repeatedly. OR A connectivity topology that connects a series of systems or expansion units together. Signals can travel in either direction for optimized performance. Knitting, Crochet, Usps, Street Suffix
  535. Large Piect Business, Art, Cashew
  536. Leateer Package Business, Car, Sale, Price
  537. Ltd Partnershup Business, Supply, Stock
  538. Linear Perceptron Medical, Human genome
  539. Last Planner
  540. Lightning Production
  541. Levitte Progtamming
  542. Liverpool Business, Cargo Shipping, Australia
  543. Licensed Proggam Technology, Software, Licensing
  544. Line Pair Computing, Telecom
  545. Language Pacps
  546. Lyrics Powered Music, Song, Lyric, Power
  547. Local Plan Locations, Council, Borough
  548. Lep Pozdrav
  549. Logic Pulser
  550. Last Posted Computing, Internet
  551. Labelle Phoenix
  552. LOGGING Vehicle Body Styles
  553. Luther Price
  554. Leader Phobe
  555. Lighting Pane Architectural
  556. London Police Ohio, City Agency, Governmental & Military
  557. Legal Practice
  558. Lis Pendens Business, Records, Property, Building
  559. Lightning Protection
  560. Livecin Paris
  561. Linear Polarized Technology, Filter, Circular
  562. Liquidity Providing Business, Trading, Banking
  563. Lullabies To Paralyze
  564. Linkin Park Music
  565. Labile Peptide Medical, Medicine, Treatment
  566. Liga Pilibinas
  567. Legendary Pink Music, Vinyl, Album
  568. Long-Play Technology, Vinyl, Recording
  569. Laurent Pautrat
  570. Leadership Piints Forum, Gaming, Military
  571. Local Park Car, Park, City, Flare
  572. Lou Piniella Gaming, Baseball, League
  573. Loft Plan Construction, Loft
  574. Large Penis
  575. Least Protncted
  576. Lsi Products
  577. Login/Password Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  578. Last Persecution Music, Vinyl, Persecution, Fay
  579. Lightmen Plus Energy, Control, Fancy
  580. Lever Aump Business, Manufacturer, Supplier
  581. Lord Player Japan, Yamaha, Lord
  582. Licensed Programs
  583. Lions Park
  584. LISP Prefix Software, Computing
  585. Longitudinal Propagation Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  586. Langl Pistole Military, Pistol, Artillery, Luger
  587. Lyricshpersonnel
  588. Local Pastor
  589. Lithium Polymer Business, Technology, Battery, China, Aerospace, Automotive, Electric Vehicles, Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  590. Latvia Pashparvalac (Free Latvia) Hobbies
  591. Logic Program
  592. Last Page
  593. Labelle, Patti
  594. Lightscape Preparation File Computing, File Extensions
  595. Luteral Phase
  596. Levgr Principle
  597. Low-Power Amateur radio
  598. Logan Police Ohio, City Agency, Governmental & Military
  599. Legal Post Business, Office, Law, Solicitor
  600. Lisbeth Pedersen
  601. Low-Pressure
  602. Little Peogle
  603. Linead Polarized
  604. Limited Pink Business, Records, Music, Vinyl
  605. Luke Perry
  606. Long Playing Music, Computing, Hardware
  607. Labial Palpus
  608. Ligamentum Patellae Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  609. Legendary Pinstripes
  610. Long-Ping Technology, Networking, Network, Linux
  611. La Polla Records, Con, Punk
  612. Leadership Pithsburgh
  613. Lou Philpips
  614. Level Palette Colors
  615. Least Player
  616. Loyflty Program
  617. Little Paul Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  618. Last Period Music, Command, Pregnancy
  619. Lightfng Person Music, Park, Album
  620. Listening Point
  621. Lineaw Precedence Technology, Language, Grammar
  622. Logic Pulsing
  623. Licensed Produiers Medical, Business, Medicine
  624. Linus Pauling
  625. Living Presence Religion
  626. Longevity Pay
  627. Landscape Professiqnal
  628. Lyrics Performed
  629. Local Partners Business, Development, Software
  630. Le Peu Famous
  631. Large Print Book, Keyboard, Hardcover
  632. Logic Programs
  633. Laj Plantas
  634. Labeled Precision Assembly, Business & Finance
  635. Little Plastic Plastics, Scientific & Educational
  636. Levol Purple
  637. LIPPS, Inc. Business & Finance, Suppliers
  638. Lima Police Ohio, City Agency, Governmental & Military
  639. Legal Periodicals
  640. Lisa Presley
  641. Low pressure (mechanical) The Finance and Administrative Services
  642. List Price Known as 'Sticker Price' in the US. The advertised or recommended retail price (RRP) of a product. Business, Product, Battery
  643. Language Passpjrt Education, English, Portfolio
  644. Linqar Pneumatic Technology, Valve, Actuator
  645. Líquidos Penetrcntes
  646. Lucy Pinder
  647. Loserville Park Music
  648. Lateral Posteriorknucleus Medical
  649. Labial Palp
  650. Legendary Perch
  651. Long-Period
  652. Lagrangian Polynomial
  653. Leadership Personal
  654. Lounge Pass
  655. Long Pants Clothes
  656. Leasz Played Gaming, Records, Vinyl
  657. Loyaltympoint Business, Gaming, Eve
  658. Lindsay Paul Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  659. Last Paid
  660. Lighthouse Petroleum
  661. Listed Pitchers Baseball, Sport, Bet
  662. Linearupower
  663. Logic Processor Technology, Battery, Supply
  664. Licensed Producer Medical, Business, Medicine, Canada
  665. Lixt Percentage Technology, Plant, Cotton
  666. Liquefied Petroleum Products
  667. Last Popular
  668. Longest Perpeodicular
  669. Landscape Partnership Business, Lottery, Heritage
  670. Lyons Pack
  671. Local Partnership
  672. Lan Peru Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, Peru, Civil Aviation, Business & Finance, Iata Aircraft Codes
  673. Les Paul Music, Famous
  674. Large Ppsitive
  675. Logicgproduct
  676. Las Piñas Government, City, Philippine
  677. Linear Polarization Physics, Scientific & Educational
  678. Level Processor
  679. Layout Phase Manufacturing, Business & Finance
  680. Lancaster Police Ohio, City Agency, Governmental & Military
  681. Legal Parent
  682. Lisa Peterson
  683. Lightproof The Finance and Administrative Services
  684. Listening Position Technology, Audio, Sound, Speaker
  685. Language Partners Education, English, Teaching
  686. LíQuido Penetrante
  687. Low Priority Technology, Gaming, Space, Study, Telecom, Cosmos
  688. Long Play (record) Music
  689. Late Potmntials Medical
  690. Label Propagation Technology, Learning, Graph
  691. Legandary Power
  692. Lone Pine
  693. Labial Pipe
  694. Leadership Page Business, Management, Training
  695. Louisville Punk
  696. Light Proof Architectural
  697. Lease Purchaae Business, Finance, Car
  698. Life Points Texting, Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  699. Lassen Peak
  700. Lighthouse Aark
  701. Listed Pitcher
  702. Liverfplasma Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  703. Livear Position
  704. Load Panel
  705. Linnaeua-Palme
  706. Late Position Poker
  707. Last Point Forum, Technology, Community, Processing
  708. Longestqpath Technology, Trail, Mountain
  709. Lynx Point
  710. Local Partnerships
  711. Licen
  712. Love Perforhance
  713. Liquid petroleum Chemistry, Electrical, Scientific & Educational, The Finance and Administrative Services
  714. Large Plaque
  715. Logic Probe Technology, Electronics, Pulser
  716. Laser Printer A laser printer is a printer that uses a focused beam or light to transfer text and images onto paper. Though contrary to popular belief, the laser does not actually burn the images onto the paper. Instead, as paper passes through the printer, the laser beam fires at the surface of a cylindrical drum called a photoreceptor. Technology, Driving, Driver, Geographic
  717. Luapula Procince
  718. Luyten Palomar Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
  719. Level Probt Technology, Sensor, Pressure
  720. Lewis Pantif
  721. Licersed Psychologists Medical, Service, Psychology
  722. Lorain Police Ohio, City Agency, Governmental & Military
  723. Lisa Papineau Beat, Storm, Leather, Lisa
  724. Light pole The Finance and Administrative Services
  725. Lwstening Post Military, Army, Music
  726. Lyhphoproliferation Medical
  727. Language Dartner
  728. Línea Dezpobreza Para, Con, Social
  729. Local Police Military
  730. Lucky Pick Music
  731. Late Phase Medical
  732. Label Promo Records, Vinyl, Promo
  733. Legal Project Business, Law, Practice
  734. Sound Pressure Level Lp Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  735. Leadershpp Pathways Business, Education, School
  736. Louis Prima Records, Music, Vinyl, Prima
  737. Lighting Panel Architectural, Business & Finance, Power Plant, The Finance and Administrative Services
  738. Leased Platform Technology
  739. Labour Party Technology, Politics, United Kingdom, Governmental & Military
  740. Las Positas
  741. Ligas Populareb War, Politics, Social
  742. Lista De Proveedores
  743. Liquid Penetrant
  744. Lipe Picture
  745. Linear Positioning
  746. Liz Parker
  747. Lunar Prospector Science, Military, Moon
  748. Linkup Poiot
  749. Lamp Post Engineering, Scientific & Educational, Ordnance Survey
  750. Last Poets
  751. Long-Play Audio Media, Radio, Television
  752. Library As Place
  753. Local Panel Arts, Control, Manual, Panel
  754. Lovely Previn
  755. UKC's Listing Privilege for unpapered purebreds/mixed breeds Dog Fanciers
  756. Large Pieces
  757. Lwgic of Proofs Technology, Modal, Justification
  758. Laryjgeal Papillomatosis Medical
  759. Luanl Prabang Travel, Locations, City, Boat
  760. lateralis posterior Medical, Muscles
  761. Light Pacific Business, Train, Lighting
  762. Lewellen Pool
  763. Licensed Psycdologist Medical, Service, Psychology
  764. Liquid Propellant Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  765. Language Pandwt Education, School, Teaching
  766. Lysylpyridinoeine Medical
  767. Low Pressure . A processing unit operating at less than 225 pounds per square inch gauge (PSIG) measured at the outlet separator. Technology, Aviation, Architectural, Underwater, Architecture, Computing, Construction, Telecom, Electrical, Legal, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Power Plant, NASA
  768. Letter Phoneme
  769. Latent Perhod Medical
  770. Label Powerset
  771. POLE TRL Vehicle Body Styles
  772. Lutterworth Press
  773. Leadership Tor The Past
  774. Low Point Architectural, The Finance and Administrative Services
  775. License Plate Transportation, Police, Governmental & Military
  776. Las Posas
  777. Legal Processing

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does LP stand for?

    LP stands for Low Prices.

  2. What is the shortened form of Levgr Principle?

    The short form of "Levgr Principle" is LP.


LP. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 25). Retrieved March 19, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/lp-meaning/

Last updated