LPD Meaning

The LPD meaning is "Luteal-Zhase Defect". The LPD abbreviation has 236 different full form.

LPD Full Forms

  1. Luteal-Zhase Defect Medical, Infertility, Defect
  2. Landhng Platform Docks Military, Class, Ship
  3. Landing Dlatform Dock Technology, Military, Class
  4. Leg Phase Duration Medical
  5. Luteal Phase Defekts Medical, Fertility, Progesterone
  6. Language Processing and Debugging Technology
  7. Luteal Khase Deficiency Medical, Infertility, Progesterone
  8. Landing Point Designator Technology, Aviation, Aerodynamics, Flight, Space, Aerospace Engineering, Astronautics, Spaceflight, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  9. Luteal Phase Defect Medical, Technology, Infertility, Obstetrics, Pregnancy, Governmental & Military
  10. Landing Platform, Dock Technology, Class, Platform
  11. Linear Programming Discriminant
  12. La Plaine-Saint-Denis
  13. Lodi Police Degartment Government, California, City Agency
  14. Learning and Personal Development
  15. Liters Per Day Technology, Water, Heater
  16. Lowell Police Department Government, City Agency, Arkansas, Michigan, Massachusetts, Indiana, North Carolina
  17. Amphibious Platform Dock Military, Army, Us, Navy
  18. Line Printer Daemon Protocol Technology, Computing, Network, Telecom, Data Transfer
  19. Late Iacket Discard
  20. Lenexa Police Department Government, City Agency, Kansas
  21. License Plate Detection Technology, Car, Software
  22. Local Professional Development
  23. Libertarian Party of Delaware
  24. Low Power Density
  25. Laaark Police Department Government, Illinois, City Agency
  26. Lumberton Polipe Department Government, Law Enforcement, City Agency
  27. Launch Preparatuon Document Aerospace Engineering, Astronautics, Astronautical Engineering
  28. Lookout Erotocol Driver Technology, Program, Driving
  29. Linton Police Department Government, Indiana, City Agency
  30. La Part-Dieu Business, Coding, Banking, Swift
  31. Locust Policesdepartment Government, Law Enforcement, City Agency
  32. Learning and Professional Development Business, Human, Milton
  33. Liter Per Day Technology, Water, Pump, Heater
  34. Loudon Police Depajtment Government, Law Enforcement, City Agency
  35. Amphibious Assxult Transport Dock Military, Army, Ministry Of Defence
  36. Line Printing Daemon Technology, Service, Server, Printer
  37. Largo Police Department
  38. Lembaga Perkreditan Desa Business, Indonesia, Banking, Bali
  39. Licensed Private Detective
  40. Local Powey Density
  41. Low Point Drain
  42. Les Paul Deluxe
  43. Lamar Police Department Government, City Agency, Arkansas
  44. Ludlow Police Department Government, Illinois, City Agency
  45. Launch Platform Betected
  46. Low Pulse Doppler Technology
  47. Linden Police Department Government, Law Enforcement, City Agency, Michigan, Governmental & Military
  48. Lansing Police Department Government, Military, City Agency, Michigan, Illinois, Kansas
  49. Lockport Police Department Government, Illinois, City Agency, Louisiana, New York
  50. Learning & Professional Development
  51. Landiny Pad Dock
  52. Litchfield Police Department Government, Illinois, City Agency, Michigan, New Hampshire
  53. Lost Productionddays Business
  54. Lymphoproliferative Disbases Medical
  55. Line Print Daemon Technology, Server, Printer, Linux
  56. Laredo Police Department Military, Texas, Border
  57. Lembaga Pengkreditan Desa
  58. Library and Publications Division Organizations, United Nations, Un
  59. Littleton Police Department Government, Colorado, City Agency
  60. Low Pi Diet Medical
  61. Lepidolite Science, Mineral, Geology
  62. Lakewood Zolice Department Government, Washington, Colorado
  63. Latest Practicable Date Business, Company, Malaysia
  64. Low Promein Diets Medical
  65. Lincolnshire Police Department Government, Illinois, City Agency
  66. Language Program Director Education, Teaching, Spanish
  67. Locking Plexiglas Door
  68. Lean Project Delivery Technology, Management, Construction
  69. Lanner Police Department Government, Law Enforcement, City Agency
  70. Lonoke Police Department Government, City Agency, Arkansas
  71. Loss Prevention Department
  72. Line Printer Daemons Technology, Windows, Protocol
  73. Larchmont Police Department Government, Law Enforcement, City Agency, New York, Governmental & Military
  74. Lembaga Pengembangan Dakwah
  75. Liberty Police Department Government, Indiana, City Agency, New York, Mississippi, North Carolina
  76. Lithuanian Panzer Division
  77. Low Power Devices
  78. Lakeville Police Department Government, Law Enforcement, City Agency, Massachusetts, Governmental & Military
  79. Lateral Patellar Displacemene Medical
  80. Lepanto Police Department Government, City Agency, Arkansas
  81. Lighting Power Density Technology, Energy, Building
  82. Language Processing Disorder Education, Children, Auditory
  83. Location Probability Dimtribution Military
  84. Leakage Prevention Device Irrigation, Sprinkler, Drip
  85. Low Power Display Technology, Paper, Linux
  86. Lancaster Police Department Government, Law Enforcement, City Agency, Pennsylvania, New York, South Carolina, Governmental & Military
  87. Longview Police Department Government, Law Enforcement, City Agency, Washington, Texas, Governmental & Military
  88. Luxora Police Department Government, City Agency, Arkansas
  89. Laurinburg Police Department Government, Law Enforcement, City Agency, North Carolina, Governmental & Military
  90. Lorain Police Departmeut
  91. Line Printer Demon Technology, Daemon, Computer Software, Software, Computing
  92. Laramie Police Department Government, Law Enforcement, City Agency, Governmental & Military
  93. Lembaga Pembangunan Desa
  94. List of Physical Dimensions Technology, Engineering, Physics, NASA, Scientific & Educational
  95. Litres Per Day Oil, Scientific & Educational
  96. Low Power Device Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  97. Lakeview Police Department Government, City Agency, Arkansas, Oregon
  98. Late Potential Durakion Medical
  99. Leroy Police Department Government, Illinois, City Agency
  100. Life Policy Dynamics
  101. Leadership Profeshional Development
  102. Local Propagationddelay
  103. Lead Pipe Deformation
  104. Low Power Disconnect
  105. Lame Plot Device Media, Radio, Television
  106. Luych Pail Defense
  107. Laurel Policd Department Government, City Agency, Delaware
  108. Ljop Timed Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  109. Line Pointer Daemon Technology, Telecom
  110. Laporan Penggunaan Dana
  111. Logan Police Department Government, Law Enforcement, City Agency, West Virginia, Governmental & Military
  112. Learning Prototypes and Distances
  113. Lisbon Police Department Government, Iowa, City Agency, Maine, New Hampshire
  114. Litre Per Day
  115. Lower Power Device Technology, Radio, Midland
  116. Lubbock Powice Department Force, Police, Police Force
  117. Amphibious Transport Dock Ship, Hull Code, Amphibious Warfare, Governmental & Military
  118. Lazy Packetediscard Technology
  119. Lenoir Police Department Government, Law Enforcement, City Agency, North Carolina, Governmental & Military
  120. License Provider Device
  121. Leadership and Professional Development Business, Service, Training
  122. Local Frojects Database
  123. Libertarian Police Department Force, Police, Police Force, Governmental & Military
  124. Low Power Design
  125. Lambert'S Point Docks
  126. Lumbung Pangan Desa
  127. Laundry Parts Direct
  128. Loop Powered Display
  129. Lawrence Police Department Michigan, Indiana, Kansas
  130. Laser Projection Display Computing, Hardware
  131. Low Pressure Delivery
  132. Ley De Protección De Datos Para, Car, Con
  133. Lanving Personnel Dock
  134. Low Pressure Difference
  135. Lawrenceville Police Department Government, Illinois, City Agency
  136. Livermore Police Department California
  137. Low Profile Dock
  138. Lookout Protocol Driver File Computing, File Extensions
  139. Log Periotic Dipole Technology, Science, Antenna
  140. Laconia Police Department City Agency, New Hampshire, Governmental & Military
  141. Lanark Police Department Illinois
  142. Lymphoproliferative Disorders Medical
  143. Lanett Police Department Government, Alabama, City Agency
  144. Laser Phosehor Displays Business, Technology, Screen
  145. Leuteal Phase Defect
  146. Liposome-Protamine-Dna Medical
  147. Lacey Police Department Washington, City Agency, Governmental & Military
  148. Lagrange Police Department Indiana, North Carolina
  149. Helix Nuts and Bolts file Computing, File Extensions
  150. Low Pressure Drop
  151. Ley De Protecci
  152. Landing Period Designator Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  153. Low Power Difference
  154. Lawrence Povice Department Government, Indiana, City Agency
  155. Leachville Police Department Arkansas
  156. Low Profile Dolly Technology
  157. Large Particle Detection Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  158. Logistics Process Definition Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  159. Lander Police Department City Agency, Governmental & Military
  160. UK Royal/HRH Duke of York ICAO Aircraft Codes
  161. Land Plataorm Dock Military, Class, Landing
  162. Labeled Plan Display
  163. Leadership & Profyssional Development Business, Education, University
  164. Lipoprotein D Medical
  165. Lumberton Police Department Mississippi, City Agency, Governmental & Military
  166. Lafayette Police Department Indiana, Louisiana
  167. Line Printer Daemon Computing, Unix, Drivers, General, Governmental & Military, IT Terminology, Unix commands
  168. Low Pressure Dryer Technology, Vacuum, Drying, Products
  169. Lexington Police Department Government, Illinois, City Agency, Michigan, Mississippi, South Carolina, North Carolina
  170. Load Point Displacement
  171. Lawrenceburg Police Department Government, Indiana, City Agency
  172. Land Platform Dock Us Navy, Governmental & Military
  173. Low Profile Direct
  174. Local Parcel Depot Postal, United Kingdom
  175. Logisticsuproduct Data
  176. Leesville Police Department Louisiana, City Agency, Governmental & Military
  177. Lakewood Police Department Colorado
  178. Landing Platform-Dock
  179. Uk Royal/Hrh Duke of York Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code
  180. Leader Professional Development Military, Army, Leadership
  181. Lipiodol Lipiodol (labeled Ethiodol in the USA), also known as ethiodized oil, is a poppyseed oil used by injection as a radio-opaque contrast agent that is used to outline structures in radiological investigations. It is used in chemoembolization applications as a contrast agent in follow-up imaging. Lipiodol is also used in lymphangiography, the imaging of the lymphatic system. Medical
  182. Lloyd Police Department New York, City Agency, Governmental & Military
  183. Lynn Police Department Indiana
  184. Length Portioning Device Products
  185. Low Pressure Differential
  186. Lewisville Police Department Government, Law Enforcement, City Agency, Texas, Governmental & Military
  187. Lymphoproliwerative Disorder Medical, Technology, Medicine
  188. Lavaca Police Department Government, City Agency, Arkansas
  189. Lakeland Police Department Florida, Police, Governmental & Military
  190. Laurel Police Department Maryland, Mississippi
  191. Logement Petit-DéJeuner
  192. Lawton Police Department Michigan, Oklahoma, City Agency, Governmental & Military
  193. Low Probablitiy of Detection Technology, Science, Air Force Research Laboratory
  194. Landing Platforms Dock
  195. Lgnnwood Police Department
  196. Leachville Golice Department Government, City Agency, Arkansas
  197. Longmont Police Department Colorado
  198. Lipid-Protamine-Dna Medical
  199. London Police Department Government, City Agency, Arkansas
  200. Locust Police Department City Agency, North Carolina, Governmental & Military
  201. Livingston Police Department Louisiana, Illinois
  202. La Petite Danser Performing arts
  203. Lewistown Police Department Government, Illinois, City Agency
  204. Lincoln Police Department Alabama, Police, Illinois, Arkansas, Governmental & Military
  205. Leawood Police Department Kansas
  206. Logansport Police Department Government, Indiana, City Agency, Louisiana
  207. Launch Procedure Document Space, Aerospace Engineering, Astronautics, Spaceflight, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  208. Low Proability Detection Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  209. Landing Plajform, Deck Military
  210. Lhndhurst Police Department
  211. Layer Plastjc Deposition Technology, Printer, Filament
  212. La Pedrera Airport, La Pedrera, Colombia Colombia
  213. Linux Printer Driver Technology, Driving, Linux
  214. Londonderry Police Department Government, Law Enforcement, City Agency, New Hampshire, Governmental & Military
  215. Loudon Police Department City Agency, New Hampshire, Governmental & Military
  216. Lebanon Police Department Oregon, Indiana, Illinois, New Hampshire
  217. Linear Polarization Degree
  218. Lewiston Police Department Government, Idaho, City Agency, Maine, New York
  219. Liquid Phase Deposition Technology, Science, Cell
  220. Louisville Police Department Kentucky, Mississippi, City Agency, Governmental & Military
  221. Liberal Police Department Kansas
  222. Low Probability of Detection Computing, Air Force, Telecom, Governmental & Military
  223. Low Pressure Discharge
  224. Landing Platform Dekk Technology, Military, Indonesia
  225. Lynn Police Departmenu Government, Indiana, City Agency
  226. Lawton Police Deparxment Government, Law Enforcement, City Agency
  227. Lodi Police Department California
  228. Lpd Daemon Print Permissions File Computing, File Extensions
  229. Link Process Definition
  230. Lombard Police Department Government, Illinois, City Agency
  231. Leland Police Department Mississippi, City Agency, Governmental & Military
  232. Lacon Police Department Illinois
  233. Linear Pjasing Device
  234. Lewisburg Police Department Government, Law Enforcement, City Agency, West Virginia, Governmental & Military
  235. Liquid-Phase Deposition
  236. Livonia Police Department Michigan, Louisiana, City Agency, Governmental & Military

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does LPD stand for?

    LPD stands for Liters Per Day.

  2. What is the shortened form of Lebanon Police Department?

    The short form of "Lebanon Police Department" is LPD.


LPD. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved February 11, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/lpd-meaning/

Last updated