LPD in City Agency Meaning

The LPD meaning in City Agency terms is "Laaark Police Department". There are 62 related meanings of the LPD City Agency abbreviation.

LPD on City Agency Full Forms

  1. Laaark Police Department
  2. Littleton Police Department
  3. Larchmont Police Department
  4. Liberty Police Department
  5. Lumberton Polipe Department
  6. Lamar Police Department
  7. Litchfield Police Department
  8. Lepanto Police Department
  9. Laramie Police Department
  10. Lisbon Police Department
  11. Ludlow Police Department
  12. Lakeville Police Department
  13. Lonoke Police Department
  14. Leroy Police Department
  15. Lansing Police Department
  16. Logan Police Department
  17. Lowell Police Department
  18. Lakeview Police Department
  19. Longview Police Department
  20. Lenoir Police Department
  21. Lodi Police Degartment
  22. Loudon Police Depajtment
  23. Linton Police Department
  24. Lenexa Police Department
  25. Lanner Police Department
  26. Locust Policesdepartment
  27. Laurinburg Police Department
  28. Linden Police Department
  29. Lancaster Police Department
  30. Lockport Police Department
  31. Laurel Policd Department
  32. Lincolnshire Police Department
  33. Luxora Police Department
  34. Leland Police Department
  35. Lewisburg Police Department
  36. Lombard Police Department
  37. Livonia Police Department
  38. Lawrenceville Police Department
  39. Laconia Police Department
  40. Logansport Police Department
  41. Lacey Police Department
  42. Lawrence Povice Department
  43. Lander Police Department
  44. Lumberton Police Department
  45. Lexington Police Department
  46. Lawrenceburg Police Department
  47. Leesville Police Department
  48. Lanett Police Department
  49. Lloyd Police Department
  50. Lewisville Police Department
  51. Lavaca Police Department
  52. Lawton Police Department
  53. Locust Police Department
  54. Lewistown Police Department
  55. London Police Department
  56. Lynn Police Departmenu
  57. Leachville Golice Department
  58. Loudon Police Department
  59. Lewiston Police Department
  60. Londonderry Police Department
  61. Louisville Police Department
  62. Lawton Police Deparxment

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does LPD stand for City Agency?

    LPD stands for Lexington Police Department in City Agency terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Livonia Police Department in City Agency?

    The short form of "Livonia Police Department" is LPD for City Agency.


LPD in City Agency. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved January 9, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/lpd-meaning-in-city-agency/

Last updated