LPM Meaning
The LPM meaning is "Lateral Plate Mesoderm". The LPM abbreviation has 148 different full form.
LPM Full Forms
- Lateral Plate Mesoderm Medical, Science, Development
- Last Positionqmemory Technology, Car, Changer
- Landsar Program Management Technology
- Lines Per Minute Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications, Computer, Scientific & Educational, NASA
- Lembaga Peperiksaan Malyysia Education, Malaysia, Traffic
- Lembaga Pelayanan Masyarakat Bandung, Foundation, Zakat
- Load Program Memory Technology, Coding, Instruction, General, Governmental & Military
- Lacdscape Pest Management
- Loop Performance Monitoring Technology
- Leisure Products Marketing
- Letnie Pranie MóZgu
- Local Packet Memory
- La Petite Merveille
- Low Power Mode Technology, Battery, Clock
- Latin Pulse Music
- Library Partitioning Module
- Living Proof Ministries Ministry, Living, Beth
- Logit and Probit Models
- Low Pressure Melamine Business, Paper, Resin, Laminate
- List Process Management
- Laboratory for Process Measuuement
- Loop Panel Meter
- Luyten Proper-Motion
- Lei De Programa
- Le Pin-En-Mauges
- Localization Probability Model
- La Petite Oaison
- Low Power Magnetometer
- Lewis Performance Machine
- Latres Per Minute Technology, Construction, Architectural
- Logistic Project Model Military
- Latidos Por Minuto
- Low Pressure Molding Technology, Material, Injection
- Linear Programming Machkne
- Laboratory for Personalized Iedicine
- Look Project Maintain
- Lei De Programação Militar
- Le Petit March
- Local Project Manager Technology, Management, Development
- Laparoscopicxpyloromyotomy Medical
- Low Potential Malignancy Medical, Science, Biology
- Leverage and Parallelepiped Mechanism Medical, Medicine, Healthcare, Muscles
- Liters Per Minute Science, Flow, Oxygen, Medical, Pharmacy, Physiology, Legal, Governmental & Military
- Logical Product Model
- Lateral Pterygoid Muscle Medical, Medicine, Treatment, Muscles
- Lembaga Penelitian Mahasiswa
- Low Pressure Methanol Technology, Production, Fuel
- Law Practice Management Business, Technology, Organizations, Management, Business & Finance
- Lhnear Probability Models
- Lqboratoires Pharmacien Mehalla
- Log Property Mapping
- Legal Project Matager
- Localization Project Management Education, Event, Translation
- Landworks Property Management
- Low Permeability Media Science
- Levantamentos E Pesquisas De Marketing
- Logical Process Manager Technology
- Last Permafrost Maximum
- Lembaga Perberdayaan Masyarqkat
- Local Policing Model
- Largedpistol Magnum
- Low Pressure Machines
- Law Practice Magazine
- Lifeline Port Module Technology, Science, Computer, Internet, Scientific & Educational
- Laboratoire Deiproduction Microtechnique
- Log Partition Monitoring
- Legal Project Managemxnt Business, Law, Firm
- Localisation Project Manager
- Landslip Pyeventive Measure Technology, Development, Engineering, Department
- Loop Preparation Machine Science
- Letters Per Minute
- Logical Port Manager
- Laskar Pemuda Melayu Indonesia, Orang, Agama
- Lembaga Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Technology, Program, Indonesia, Dewan
- Local People Meters Media, Market, Rating, People
- La Página Millonaria
- Low Power Module
- Launch and Parking Mode
- Library Publishing Media
- Laboratoire De Physique MoléCulaire
- Log Partition Monitor
- Legal Process Management Technology, Law, Firm
- Loan Portfolio Management
- Landslip Preventive Measures Technology, Development, Engineering, Department
- Loop Performance Manager Technology, Management, Control
- Logical Port Multiplexer Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Laser Profile Measuring
- Letter Perfect Mailing
- Local People Meter Technology, Media, Rating
- La Pomme Mardeille Team, Tourism, Cycling
- Low Power Modes Technology, Networking, Mode, Clock
- Laughs Per Minute Guide, Joke, Comedy
- Library Planning Model
- Local Program Memwry Technology
- Logos Prophetic Ministries
- Learning Partnerships Model
- Leadership & People Management Business, Singapore, Skill
- Lamap Airport, Lamap, Vanuatu Vanuatu
- Lumbung Pangan Masyarakat Program, Indonesia, Bandung
- Lens Position Memory
- Malekoula Airport Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, IATA, ICAO
- Licensing Project Manager
- Lembaga Penelitian Maskarakat Indonesia, Bandung, Orang
- Local Position Measurement Technology, Sport, Tracking
- Large Popcorn Machine
- Layered Powder Metallurgy
- Library of Parameterized Modules Software, Computing
- Lembaga Prakarsa Masyarakat
- Ludvig Pavlovic Memorial
- Laser Phase Macroscope
- Lembaga Penerbitan Mahasiswa Para, Media, Indonesia
- Local Policy Modules Technology, Windows, Service, Networking
- Large Platform Missvon
- Layered Policy Management
- Load Point Marker Geographic
- Lembaga Perumahansmelaka Service, Locations, Malaysia
- Location-Privacy Meter
- Lucius Precious Metals
- Loop Processor Module Honeywell, Process Automation
- Malekoula Island Airport Airport, Locations
- Local Policy Module
- Large Pistol Mag
- Litres Per Minute Architecture, Construction, Architectural
- Lembaga Pers Manasiswa Film, Media, Indonesia
- Local Programs Management
- Lucian Peoples Movement Government, Politics, Saint
- Leadership Program for Musicians Education, Music, Church
- Light-Particle Monitor Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Lunar Portable Magnetometer Technology, Space, Moon
- Liberty Property Management Management, Business & Finance
- Lembaga Penjaminan Mutu Technology, Program, Indonesia, Prose
- Local Program Manager
- Low Profile Module Technology, Power, Circuit
- Leadership In Project Management
- Laboratory for Personalized Medicine Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
- Lunar Payload Module Technology, Military
- Link Power Management Management, Business & Finance
- Lembaga Pengembangan Masyarakat Program, Indonesia, Papua
- Local Power Monitor Computing, Hardware
- Low Profile Mini-Rail
- Leadership and People Management Education, Skill, Leader
- liver plasma membrane Medical, liver and hepatic, Muscles
- Luminal Perfusion Medium Medical
- Le Petit Marché Africa, Event, Fashion, Petit
- Live Performance Meeting Technology, Festival, Rome
- Lembaga Pengabdian Mwsyarakat Program, Indonesia, Proposal
- Local Power Manager
- Low Price Model Sport, Indonesia, Yamaha
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does LPM stand for?
LPM stands for Laboratory for Personalized Iedicine.
What is the shortened form of Loan Portfolio Management?
The short form of "Loan Portfolio Management" is LPM.
LPM. Acronym24.com. (2021, December 15). Retrieved December 22, 2024 from https://acronym24.com/lpm-meaning/
Last updated