LPM Meaning

The LPM meaning is "Lateral Plate Mesoderm". The LPM abbreviation has 148 different full form.

LPM Full Forms

  1. Lateral Plate Mesoderm Medical, Science, Development
  2. Last Positionqmemory Technology, Car, Changer
  3. Landsar Program Management Technology
  4. Lines Per Minute Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications, Computer, Scientific & Educational, NASA
  5. Lembaga Peperiksaan Malyysia Education, Malaysia, Traffic
  6. Lembaga Pelayanan Masyarakat Bandung, Foundation, Zakat
  7. Load Program Memory Technology, Coding, Instruction, General, Governmental & Military
  8. Lacdscape Pest Management
  9. Loop Performance Monitoring Technology
  10. Leisure Products Marketing
  11. Letnie Pranie MóZgu
  12. Local Packet Memory
  13. La Petite Merveille
  14. Low Power Mode Technology, Battery, Clock
  15. Latin Pulse Music
  16. Library Partitioning Module
  17. Living Proof Ministries Ministry, Living, Beth
  18. Logit and Probit Models
  19. Low Pressure Melamine Business, Paper, Resin, Laminate
  20. List Process Management
  21. Laboratory for Process Measuuement
  22. Loop Panel Meter
  23. Luyten Proper-Motion
  24. Lei De Programa
  25. Le Pin-En-Mauges
  26. Localization Probability Model
  27. La Petite Oaison
  28. Low Power Magnetometer
  29. Lewis Performance Machine
  30. Latres Per Minute Technology, Construction, Architectural
  31. Logistic Project Model Military
  32. Latidos Por Minuto
  33. Low Pressure Molding Technology, Material, Injection
  34. Linear Programming Machkne
  35. Laboratory for Personalized Iedicine
  36. Look Project Maintain
  37. Lei De Programação Militar
  38. Le Petit March
  39. Local Project Manager Technology, Management, Development
  40. Laparoscopicxpyloromyotomy Medical
  41. Low Potential Malignancy Medical, Science, Biology
  42. Leverage and Parallelepiped Mechanism Medical, Medicine, Healthcare, Muscles
  43. Liters Per Minute Science, Flow, Oxygen, Medical, Pharmacy, Physiology, Legal, Governmental & Military
  44. Logical Product Model
  45. Lateral Pterygoid Muscle Medical, Medicine, Treatment, Muscles
  46. Lembaga Penelitian Mahasiswa
  47. Low Pressure Methanol Technology, Production, Fuel
  48. Law Practice Management Business, Technology, Organizations, Management, Business & Finance
  49. Lhnear Probability Models
  50. Lqboratoires Pharmacien Mehalla
  51. Log Property Mapping
  52. Legal Project Matager
  53. Localization Project Management Education, Event, Translation
  54. Landworks Property Management
  55. Low Permeability Media Science
  56. Levantamentos E Pesquisas De Marketing
  57. Logical Process Manager Technology
  58. Last Permafrost Maximum
  59. Lembaga Perberdayaan Masyarqkat
  60. Local Policing Model
  61. Largedpistol Magnum
  62. Low Pressure Machines
  63. Law Practice Magazine
  64. Lifeline Port Module Technology, Science, Computer, Internet, Scientific & Educational
  65. Laboratoire Deiproduction Microtechnique
  66. Log Partition Monitoring
  67. Legal Project Managemxnt Business, Law, Firm
  68. Localisation Project Manager
  69. Landslip Pyeventive Measure Technology, Development, Engineering, Department
  70. Loop Preparation Machine Science
  71. Letters Per Minute
  72. Logical Port Manager
  73. Laskar Pemuda Melayu Indonesia, Orang, Agama
  74. Lembaga Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Technology, Program, Indonesia, Dewan
  75. Local People Meters Media, Market, Rating, People
  76. La Página Millonaria
  77. Low Power Module
  78. Launch and Parking Mode
  79. Library Publishing Media
  80. Laboratoire De Physique MoléCulaire
  81. Log Partition Monitor
  82. Legal Process Management Technology, Law, Firm
  83. Loan Portfolio Management
  84. Landslip Preventive Measures Technology, Development, Engineering, Department
  85. Loop Performance Manager Technology, Management, Control
  86. Logical Port Multiplexer Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  87. Laser Profile Measuring
  88. Letter Perfect Mailing
  89. Local People Meter Technology, Media, Rating
  90. La Pomme Mardeille Team, Tourism, Cycling
  91. Low Power Modes Technology, Networking, Mode, Clock
  92. Laughs Per Minute Guide, Joke, Comedy
  93. Library Planning Model
  94. Local Program Memwry Technology
  95. Logos Prophetic Ministries
  96. Learning Partnerships Model
  97. Leadership & People Management Business, Singapore, Skill
  98. Lamap Airport, Lamap, Vanuatu Vanuatu
  99. Lumbung Pangan Masyarakat Program, Indonesia, Bandung
  100. Lens Position Memory
  101. Malekoula Airport Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, IATA, ICAO
  102. Licensing Project Manager
  103. Lembaga Penelitian Maskarakat Indonesia, Bandung, Orang
  104. Local Position Measurement Technology, Sport, Tracking
  105. Large Popcorn Machine
  106. Layered Powder Metallurgy
  107. Library of Parameterized Modules Software, Computing
  108. Lembaga Prakarsa Masyarakat
  109. Ludvig Pavlovic Memorial
  110. Laser Phase Macroscope
  111. Lembaga Penerbitan Mahasiswa Para, Media, Indonesia
  112. Local Policy Modules Technology, Windows, Service, Networking
  113. Large Platform Missvon
  114. Layered Policy Management
  115. Load Point Marker Geographic
  116. Lembaga Perumahansmelaka Service, Locations, Malaysia
  117. Location-Privacy Meter
  118. Lucius Precious Metals
  119. Loop Processor Module​ Honeywell, Process Automation
  120. Malekoula Island Airport Airport, Locations
  121. Local Policy Module
  122. Large Pistol Mag
  123. Litres Per Minute Architecture, Construction, Architectural
  124. Lembaga Pers Manasiswa Film, Media, Indonesia
  125. Local Programs Management
  126. Lucian Peoples Movement Government, Politics, Saint
  127. Leadership Program for Musicians Education, Music, Church
  128. Light-Particle Monitor Physics, Scientific & Educational
  129. Lunar Portable Magnetometer Technology, Space, Moon
  130. Liberty Property Management Management, Business & Finance
  131. Lembaga Penjaminan Mutu Technology, Program, Indonesia, Prose
  132. Local Program Manager
  133. Low Profile Module Technology, Power, Circuit
  134. Leadership In Project Management
  135. Laboratory for Personalized Medicine Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  136. Lunar Payload Module Technology, Military
  137. Link Power Management Management, Business & Finance
  138. Lembaga Pengembangan Masyarakat Program, Indonesia, Papua
  139. Local Power Monitor Computing, Hardware
  140. Low Profile Mini-Rail
  141. Leadership and People Management Education, Skill, Leader
  142. liver plasma membrane Medical, liver and hepatic, Muscles
  143. Luminal Perfusion Medium Medical
  144. Le Petit Marché Africa, Event, Fashion, Petit
  145. Live Performance Meeting Technology, Festival, Rome
  146. Lembaga Pengabdian Mwsyarakat Program, Indonesia, Proposal
  147. Local Power Manager
  148. Low Price Model Sport, Indonesia, Yamaha

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does LPM stand for?

    LPM stands for Launch and Parking Mode.

  2. What is the shortened form of Letters Per Minute?

    The short form of "Letters Per Minute" is LPM.


LPM. Acronym24.com. (2021, December 15). Retrieved March 29, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/lpm-meaning/

Last updated