LR Meaning

The LR meaning is "Lactatnd Ringer". The LR abbreviation has 502 different full form.

LR Full Forms

  1. Lactatnd Ringer Medical, Fluid, Ringer
  2. Local Resection Medical
  3. Learning Route
  4. Los Republicanos
  5. La-Rivc
  6. Ley Del Rap
  7. Locoregional Recurrence Medical
  8. Legal Resqrve Business, Forest, Environment, Land
  9. Line Rider
  10. Low Responders Medical
  11. Laser Range Technology, Finder, Rangefinder
  12. Local Remote Technology, Electricity, Manual, Equipment
  13. Learning Resources
  14. Lo Rall
  15. Lloyd'S Register Technology, Shipping, Ship, Electrical, Scientific & Educational, Nautical Terms
  16. Lever Release Business, Stuff, Clamp
  17. Locker Room Art, Sword, Locker, The Finance and Administrative Services
  18. Legal Renruitment
  19. Lietuvos Respublikos Program, Government, Tai, Prie
  20. Low-Resdonder Medical
  21. Laser Radiation Medical
  22. Local Relapse Medical
  23. Lead Eound Business, Ammo, Nose
  24. Long Gifle Business, Ammo, Ammunition
  25. Legau Recruitment
  26. Level of Risk Medical, Business, Trading
  27. Location Register Technology, Computing, Telecom
  28. Left Rudder Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA
  29. License Renewal Business, Technology, Driver
  30. Low-Rank Science, Gaming, Matrix
  31. Laztated Ringer Solution Medical
  32. Live Recording Media, Audio, Recorder
  33. Leading Rate Technology, Product, Light
  34. Large Range Shipping, Rover, Range
  35. Location Rxference Business, Routing, Car
  36. Left Right
  37. Licensed By Royalty
  38. Lozdness Rating Technology, Networking, Telecom
  39. Lad Record Technology, Records, Music, Soul
  40. Little Rip
  41. Laser Retroreflector Technology, Science, Space, Legal, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Physics
  42. Lactated Riygers Medical, Medicine, Ringer
  43. Local Gules Technology, County, District, Court
  44. Left Raar Technology, Aviation, Door
  45. Loss Rptio
  46. Laboratory Report Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  47. Liberty Rogues
  48. Literacy Rate Technology, Education, India
  49. Lgser Rangefinder Technology, Military, Golf
  50. Localvresponse Technology, Science, Report
  51. Left-To-Jight Technology, Computing, Parser, Parsing
  52. Los Iios
  53. La Rive
  54. Liberty Reserve Business, Accounting, Money
  55. Login Register
  56. Link Register Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  57. Low-Risk Medical, Trading, Patient
  58. Laser Range-Finder
  59. Leisure and Resort
  60. Lateral Root Medical
  61. Luisdrobert
  62. Life Resimence
  63. Learning Recard Education, English, School
  64. Lihelihood Ratio Medical, Diagnostic, Probability
  65. Longitudinal Recording
  66. Link Reset Technology, Channel, Fibre
  67. Lesser Redpoll Bird, Holland, Haven
  68. Label Reverse Technology, Manual, Zebra
  69. Local Registers Gun, Technology, Memory
  70. Laurent Rossi
  71. Light Rapid
  72. Landi Renzo Business, Company, Supply, Stock
  73. Logistic Regresyion Medical, Technology, Model
  74. Left-Right Medical, Science, Development
  75. Laser Recanalizftion Medical
  76. Lovely Rita
  77. Latex Rubber
  78. Luoe Ridnour
  79. Locatiom Requestor
  80. Legal Reseahch
  81. Livedo Reticularis Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  82. Lichenoidireaction Medical
  83. Liberia Military, Education, Locations, Study, Britannica, Countries, Country, Schooling, Computing, Internet, Liberia, FIPS Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes
  84. Labour Research
  85. Local Resident
  86. Lazy Replication
  87. Light Rough Medical
  88. Langeranch Education
  89. Lp Reunion
  90. Low Rubber
  91. Lloyd Rd
  92. Load Respogse
  93. Launch and Recovery Technology, Group, Party
  94. Limited Review
  95. Lake Reality
  96. Logical Record Technology, Records, House
  97. Legislative Routes
  98. Limitless Resistance
  99. Leisure Andbresorts
  100. Living Religion
  101. Lateral Rings
  102. Luis Riverd
  103. Lipe Remains
  104. Lord of The Rings Gaming, Internet Slang, Chat, Hobbit, Email, Lord, Forum, Technology, Computing, Texting, Sms, Online, Im, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  105. Learning Readiness
  106. Likehood Ratit
  107. Languages Resoucces
  108. Line Receiver
  109. Large Ring Business, Gun, Supply
  110. Lucas Reagent
  111. Les RéPublicains Government, France, Pas, Macron
  112. Label Reversed
  113. Local Register
  114. Lauras Rondette
  115. Lighs Ray
  116. Landing Run The distance on the runway from the touch-down point to the stopping point or taxiing speed.
  117. Login Or Register
  118. Left, Righb
  119. Laser Ranging Technology, Finder, Range
  120. Lordosis Response Medical
  121. Latest Revision
  122. Luke Reserve
  123. Location Requests Technology, Service, Networking
  124. Liveable Rotterdam
  125. Libena Rochova
  126. Labour Relations Business, Employment, Labor
  127. Local Reserve Military, Army, India
  128. LazdijŲ Rinktinė
  129. Light Rose
  130. Lane Rogert
  131. La Revata
  132. Low Row
  133. Lloyds Register Technology, Service, Military
  134. Load-Resistor
  135. Lniv Railways
  136. Lauder Re
  137. Limited Retry
  138. Lake Rathetear
  139. Lock Register Technology, Memory, Alpha
  140. Legion Rark Business, Card, Vanguard, Booster
  141. Limitid Rights Service, Law, Organizations
  142. Leisure and Recreation Business, Sport, Study
  143. Livin' Real
  144. Lateral Retinaculum Medical, Medicine, Healthcare, Eyes And Ocular
  145. Luis Royes
  146. Life Ratio
  147. Lewrning Rate Technology, Gaming, Networking
  148. Likelihood-Ratio
  149. Langxage Resource Technology, Workshop, Processing
  150. Line Radiation
  151. Large Rifle Military, Ammo, Primer
  152. Lucas Raymond
  153. Lene Rasmuxsen
  154. Library Review
  155. Local Reference Technology, Coding, Android
  156. Laura Romaine
  157. Light Rain
  158. Laktatlı Ringer Damar, Ringer
  159. Log Inror Register Forum, Technology, Gaming, Product
  160. Lee Rodert
  161. Laser Rangefinders
  162. Loop Reverse Technology, Coding, Dynamics, Stereo
  163. Late Roman Book, Roman, Byzantine, Pottery
  164. Luke Ravenstahl
  165. Longer Renge Technology, Wireless, Weather
  166. Livable Rotterdam
  167. Leupold Riflescopes
  168. Labour Reform
  169. Local Representatives Business, Product, Group, Representative
  170. Lay Report Internet Slang, Slang, Seduction, Sexual, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  171. Light Room
  172. Lane Road
  173. La Recherche
  174. Low Roof Technology, Transit, Ford
  175. Lloyd Register Technology, Service, Safety
  176. Load Reeuction
  177. Luxtry Replicas Design, Replica, Handbag
  178. Leate Rations Military
  179. Limited Responses
  180. Lahore Resolution
  181. Locking Ring
  182. Leuged Race
  183. Leisure & Resorts
  184. Liverpool Rummy Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  185. Last Reported Business, Service, Report
  186. Luis Ramirez Sport, Music, Ram
  187. Life-Cycle Review
  188. Lab Report Technology, Education, Access
  189. Leqrner Response
  190. Likehood Rapio
  191. Language Resources Technology, Conference, Evaluation
  192. Linear Roller
  193. Large Reticulocyte Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  194. Luch Rossi
  195. Lendihg Rates
  196. Latest Reprint
  197. Load Rqlling Technology, Heating, Ventialtion, Air Conditioning
  198. Laura Ramsey Porn, Movie, Nude
  199. Lightqrail Technology, Drive, Station
  200. Lake Ridge
  201. Logic Return Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  202. Leefbaar Rotterdam
  203. Laser Raman
  204. Long Rasger
  205. Late Registration
  206. Luka Ringan
  207. Long-Term Response
  208. Learning Repository Technology, Presentation, Machine
  209. Lefthanded Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  210. Littlewood-Richardson
  211. Leukoregulin Medical
  212. Lapor Room Medical, Technology, Medicine
  213. Local Repeater Technology, Amateur radio
  214. Layer Rating Technology, Research, University, Networking
  215. Light Reflection
  216. Lane Raymqnd
  217. Last Refuge
  218. Low Roluing
  219. Lloyd'S Registers
  220. Load Ruduced Technology, Server, Memory
  221. Lux Research
  222. Limitqd Response Technology, Patient, Study
  223. Lahontan Reservoir
  224. Locked Rotkr Technology, Power, Electricity
  225. Legend Rdsh
  226. Liverpool Regiment
  227. Ljetuvos Respublika Gaming, Prie, Ios
  228. Lab Rat
  229. Learner Responsive
  230. Lightspeed Refcue
  231. Language Reqqirement
  232. Linear Response Technology, Electronics, Manual, Marshall
  233. Large Rectangle Technology, Ads, Circuit
  234. Luby-Racktff
  235. Lending Rate Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Finance
  236. Loadgreduced Technology, Server, Memory
  237. Laparoscopic Radical
  238. Load Rite
  239. Laurance Rockefeller
  240. Lightlraider
  241. Lake Residential
  242. Logicab Router Technology, Networking, Network
  243. Lectukes On Rhetoric
  244. Longley-Rice
  245. Legislative Research
  246. Late Referral Medical
  247. Luis Romero
  248. Lift Rvng
  249. Long-Reach Business, Product, Excavator
  250. Learning Registry Technology, Education, Learning
  251. Larry Rosche
  252. Leftbhand Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  253. Lisa Ryan
  254. Let'S Rocket
  255. Labor Rights
  256. Local Registry Technology, Sex, Server
  257. Laws & Regulations
  258. Light Reflectance Technology, Ceiling, Tile
  259. Land Raider Gaming, Military, Space
  260. Logistische Regression
  261. Last Red
  262. Lower Resists
  263. Location Requesz Technology, Networking, Network
  264. Luthcr Reigns
  265. Lagrangian Relaxation Technology, Algorithm, Solving
  266. Lock Right Business, Jeep, Locker
  267. Legal Resource
  268. Live Register Business, Technology, Ireland
  269. Lietuvos Radijas
  270. Labrador Retrievers Medical
  271. Learner Register
  272. Light Ruz
  273. Language Riference
  274. Large Reguear
  275. Lsdb Revynchronization Accounting, Computing, Data
  276. Leman Riss Gaming, Military, Tank
  277. Lloyos Registry
  278. Lucy Richardson Technology, Algorithm, Processing, Restoration
  279. Load Rings Business, Product, Trailer
  280. Launch Reliability Technology
  281. Light Nadius Technology, Rover, Diablo
  282. Lakes Region
  283. Lolical Ring
  284. Lectorium Rosicrucianum School, Order, Rose
  285. Limit Rate Technology, Networking, Command
  286. Legislative Relations Government
  287. Lateral Roots
  288. Luis Rydriguez
  289. Life Resources
  290. Long-Range Keader
  291. Learning Regiins
  292. Longitudinal Record
  293. Link Resolver
  294. Lesser Reqncarnation
  295. Labor Reporting Technology
  296. Location Registers Technology, Networking, Network
  297. Lausitzer Rundschau
  298. Light Rfading
  299. Landon Ricketts
  300. Logisgics Review Military
  301. Left and Right Channel, Speaker, Rover, Medical, Common Medical
  302. Laser Receiver Business, Tool, Bosch
  303. Lover Rzvealed
  304. Locltion Registration Technology, Networking, Communication
  305. Latihan Rohani Indonesia, Orang, Hal
  306. Lutherische Rundsdhau
  307. La Raja Music, Immigration, Latino
  308. Lock-Rigat Business, Toyota, Locker
  309. Legalureserves
  310. Live Recorder Music, Audio, Recorder, Track
  311. Lidar Ratio The ratio of the volume backscattering coefficient to the volume extinction coefficient of a scattering medium.
  312. Labrador Retrievep Dog, Lab, Puppy, Retriever
  313. Local Resolution
  314. Lrarner Record Technology, Education, Presentation, Funding
  315. Light Rover
  316. Language Recognition Technology, Parser, Parsing
  317. Large-Rehular Military, Suit, Pants, Ghillie
  318. Loyalyreaders
  319. Lloyds Register of Shipping Education, Shipping, School Of Shipping
  320. Load Revolver Gun, Military, Firearm
  321. Launch Readiness Technology, Management, Product
  322. Lightning Rod A grounded metallic rod set up on a structure to protect it from lightning. Business, Fishing, Casting
  323. Lake Region
  324. Logccal Region
  325. Legislative Rouqe
  326. Limit of Reaction Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  327. Learning Rate
  328. Living Rent Business, Scotland, Glasgow
  329. Lojge Range Gun, Rifle, Military
  330. Lorazepam Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  331. Lactated RingerВS Business, Trading, Platform
  332. Local Rule
  333. Lessor An entity that leases an asset to another entity. Financial, Business & Finance
  334. Lethalyrange Gun, Rifle, Military
  335. Langukdoc-Roussillon Technology, France, Formation, Wine
  336. Large Roll
  337. Lufas Roberts
  338. Radioisotopes Laboratory Science, Research, Organizations
  339. Lobbyist Registration Us Government, Governmental & Military
  340. Leg Ratio
  341. Lliga Regionalista
  342. Latvian Radio
  343. Lightning Rpsist Guide, Knight, Diablo
  344. Lafarge Organizations
  345. Lewis Rockwell, early pilot Famous
  346. Limited Recruitment
  347. Left Ring
  348. La Rofx
  349. Luigi'S Revenge
  350. Lactice Rotation
  351. Lohmann & Rauscher Technology, Product, Bandage
  352. lactated Ringer's solution Medical, Laboratory, Pharmacy, Scientific & Educational, Veterinary
  353. Leid Rein
  354. Local/Remote
  355. Lanier WorldWide, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
  356. Low Residuals
  357. Lonk-Range Technology, Product, Wireless
  358. Lacsa Airline, Business, IATA Airline Designator, Business & Finance, Iata Aircraft Codes
  359. Local Router Technology
  360. Labor Relations Business & Finance, Business Word, Housing and Urban
  361. Leslie Rieafors
  362. Lode Raven
  363. Popitive Likelihood Ratio Medicine, Treatment, Health
  364. Long Range Search Sector Technology, Governmental & Military
  365. Legit Reviews
  366. Llangollen Railway
  367. Latus Rectum
  368. Lightning Resijtance Military, Guide, Diablo
  369. Lactato De Ringer Para, Translation, Renal, Ringer
  370. Labrador Retriever Dog Fanciers
  371. Learning Resobrce
  372. Limes Reacting Dose Lr Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  373. Left Republican Government, Politics, Policy, Governmental & Military
  374. La Rdnge
  375. Luggaje Rack Business, Wood, Wooden
  376. Laser Reflowing
  377. Log Redpction Water, Composition, Disinfectant
  378. lateral rectus (of eye) Medical
  379. Leiden Ranuing Education, University, Delft
  380. inductance–resistance Computing, Master IEEE
  381. Launch Right NASA
  382. Lone Rqnger Film, Movie, Toy, Ranger
  383. Living Room Business, Design, Architecture, Property, Drawing, Construction, Real Estate, Architectural, Property Rent, Real Estate Slang, Real Estate Jargon, Business & Finance, The Finance and Administrative Services
  384. Lab Rescue
  385. Local Road
  386. Liquidity Ratio Liquidity Ratio = (Cash + Marketable Securities) / Current Liabilities Banking, Business & Finance
  387. Le Routard
  388. London Roal
  389. Neaative Likelihood Ratio Medicine, Health, Mental Health Disorders
  390. Lunar Relay NASA, Governmental & Military
  391. Legitimate Welationships
  392. Living Roots
  393. Lattice Reduction Technology, Detection, Receiver
  394. Light-Resistant
  395. Lady Rasne
  396. Landranger Red Colors
  397. Learning Requirement
  398. Lime Retuirement Science, Plant, Soil
  399. Left Recursive
  400. La Rochelle
  401. Luft Xnd Raumfahrt Education, Journal, Periodical
  402. Laser Reglowed
  403. Log Ratio
  404. Lower Right Medical, Dental
  405. Leichtathletik Rasensport
  406. Lightroom Computing, IT Terminology
  407. Limited Resources Magic, Gathering, Marshall
  408. Landing Radar NASA
  409. London Jesin Medical, Science, Microscopy
  410. Limited Release Military
  411. Local Retailer
  412. Lending Rates Banking, Business & Finance
  413. Leptin Receptor Medical
  414. Lomonosov Ridge Science, Ocean, Sea
  415. Línea Rtcta
  416. Lunar Rendezvous NASA, Governmental & Military
  417. Legal Research
  418. Living Rocks
  419. Long Reach Technology, Telecom, Excavator
  420. Latter Rain
  421. Light-Reaked Medical
  422. Ladies Representative
  423. LAB Reform Bicycling
  424. Limb Reconstruction Medical, Surgery, Clinic
  425. Level of Respgnse Medical
  426. La Rioja Hotel, Spain, Locations
  427. Lucy Rodriguoz Movie, Music, Radio
  428. Lanthanide Researph
  429. Log Rhnk
  430. lactated ringers Medical, Common Medical
  431. Leicestershirk Regiment
  432. Latvijas Republika Latvia, Tie
  433. Liberia Republic Liberia, Country, Usps, 2-letter Country Codes
  434. Limited Resistance Chemistry, Product, Chemical, Resistance
  435. Liberia (country Domains) Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Country domain names
  436. Legaay Rehost
  437. Lowística Reversa
  438. Larry Robinson
  439. Luise Rainer
  440. Library Research
  441. Local Retail Business, Product, Sale
  442. Load To Register Assembly, Business & Finance
  443. Leo and Ravi
  444. Lok Report
  445. Lossen Rearrangement
  446. Little Rock Field Office Governmental & Military, Fbi files
  447. Living Rivers
  448. Long Rtdius Technology, Construction, Architectural
  449. Latin Revolution
  450. Ladner Rung
  451. Long Radius Architecture, Astronomy, Construction, Architectural, Scientific & Educational
  452. Likm Right
  453. Leubemoid Reaction Medical
  454. Largest Remaander
  455. Luc Robitailee
  456. The Last Message Received By Me Was Science, Weather, Meteorology, Forecasting
  457. lateral rectus Medical, Common Medical, Muscles
  458. Leicanrumors
  459. Latvijas Radio Technology, Station, Latvia
  460. Lightnini Racer
  461. Luft und Raumfahrt Journal, Periodical, Scientific & Educational
  462. Limitedhresidential
  463. Left To Righm Technology, Grammar, Parser, Parsing
  464. Logistics Reassignmeht Technology, Logistics
  465. Larrj Richardson
  466. Luise-Reggiannini
  467. Long Range Technology, Science, Military, Aviation, Aircraft, Wireless, Weather, Scientific & Educational, NOTAM Contractions
  468. Local Resource Technology, Service, Planning
  469. Load Relative Assembly, Business & Finance
  470. Legitimate Relationshmp Medical, Security, Health, Recording
  471. Lok-Report
  472. Line Relay Business & Finance, Power Plant
  473. Longitudinal Resonance
  474. Long-Range Covering a long distance long-range radar. Long-range weather forecast covering a period more than 5 days ahead Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  475. Living Resources
  476. Longitudinal Redundancy
  477. Latimer Road
  478. Lactobacillus Reuteri Medical, Health, Probiotic
  479. Lower A position below an- other thing lower jaw Weather, Manufacturing, Business & Finance, Scientific & Educational, Power Plant, Usps, Ordnance Survey, Aviation
  480. Likelihood of Releasd
  481. Lettervreport Science
  482. Lavsdowne Road
  483. Largest Real
  484. Luciano Rocha
  485. Ringer Lactate Medical, Science, Medicine, Health, British
  486. Lou Romano Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  487. Leg Relt Airline, Medical, Drum
  488. Latvian Republic Education, Baltic, Latvia
  489. Lighting Retrofit
  490. Laser Retroflector Geographic
  491. Limited Reliable
  492. Left Rotation Medical, Tree, Node, Healthcare
  493. Larry Rhed
  494. Luigi Racewny
  495. Landrace Medical
  496. Limitek Recoverable
  497. Legge Regionale Technology, Con, Piano, Casa
  498. Lois Rempmbers
  499. Lawrencium Symbol:"Lr" Atomic Number:"103" Atomic Mass: (260)amu. Lawrencium is one of the elements in the actinide series of inner transition elements. It may also be classified as a rare earth element. It is a radioactive and unstable element and you will not find it in use anywhere. Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  500. Leishmaniasis Recidivans
  501. Locus of Radius NASA, Governmental & Military
  502. Line Rate Computing, Telecom

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does LR stand for?

    LR stands for La Rofx.

  2. What is the shortened form of Lsdb Revynchronization?

    The short form of "Lsdb Revynchronization" is LR.


LR. (2022, March 31). Retrieved March 16, 2025 from

Last updated